Jared Loughner, the man who shot and killed 6 people in Arizona, including a six year old girl, this past January, has been held incompetent to stand trial. The court held that he was incapable of understanding what the consequences of the trial were to him.
This ruling, at the very least, sets up his defense lawyers for an innocent by reason of insanity plea. A plea that I believe should be removed from our legal system. I believe it should be replaced with something like "Guilty But Insane".
Many of you may feel that I'm making a fine semantical point. "What difference will it make if you end up saying he's insane either way?"
Well, I think it will make a lot of difference on a couple of levels. The first would be for the victims and their relatives. Something is just wrong when you judge a person who is clearly responsible as "innocent". It's like you are saying to those who have been harmed, "Just pretend it didn't happen, 'cause you know, they didn't know what they were doing."
By using the word "Guilty" I think you give the victims and their relatives a feeling of justice being done. The person who has caused their loss and pain has been identified and publicly held accountable. That has to help the healing process.
Secondly, by using the word "guilty", it would seem to open up worlds of sentencing options that "not guilty" takes off the table. If John Hinckley had been judged "guilty and insane", even if he became "cured" he would not have to be released, but could just be moved into a regular prison instead of a psych institute. He would not be being let out on weekend passes. He wouldn't have the possibility of being a fee man without an attempted murder conviction tagging along after him. This would remove many shysters incentive for trying to get their clearly guilty clients classified insane.
This would also remove the possibility of yet again having some psychiatrist say some psycho is sane and turning them back out into society. Leaving society exposed to the possibility of having a relapse and a return to their evil ways. Or the alternate possibility that someone beat the shrinks and only played being crazy, and now get out to return to their ways.
So I say it's time for "innocent by reason of insanity" to be retired. Let's admit that it was put in play by a bunch of bleeding heart liberals who felt bad about holding somebody responsible for their acts if they were crazy. I say if you did it, you're guilty! Sane or insane, you're guilty. Being a whack job doesn't make your victim any less injured or dead!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Kudos To You Hillary
As I’m sure those of you who have followed my musings could easily extrapolate, I’m not a big Hillary Clinton supporter. Unlike the far left, I don’t see her as the “smartest woman in the world”. I would venture to say that her boss, the Socialist In Chief, isn’t really a big fan of hers either. I say without much fear of contradiction, Mr. Obama gave her the position of Sec. State, to keep her from actively working to set herself up for another run. I believe this is born out in the number of special envoys that he appointed to deal with the various hot spots while Hillary was left to deal with the already stable situations.
Having said that, I want to give Hillary props for her snubbing of that ass hat, Jimmy Carter. What a TOOL!
It’s hard to believe that a Naval Academy trained man could have turned out to be such a simp. He was, without a doubt, the worst president of the 20th Century. He was ineffectual in nearly everything he was involved with. His botched attempt to rescue the Tehran hostages turned out to be the centerpiece of his buffet of ineptitude. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Barack was elected in the 21st Century, so Jimmy will have to live on in infamy as the singularly worst president of his century, instead of having Barack as company.
Since Jimmy left office, he has proceeded to insert himself in situations around the globe where America would rather he not. He has been involved with certifying elections as valid in places like Venezuela, where they were grossly tainted. He has spoken out against Israel, one of our strongest and most loyal allies in the entire world. He has suborned our government’s efforts to control North Korea’s desires to develop and expand their nuclear weapons program. In short, he has continued to be an embarrassment to this country and has thwarted our efforts at every opportunity. He couldn’t just let it go that he was a total bust as a president. He had to continue to reduce America in the eyes of the world after he left office.
So when he and a group of other jelly livered ex-officials from around the world went to North Korea last month, Hillary refused to meet with them when they returned. Who’d a ‘thunk it? After Jimmy et.al. said such nice things about the US’s policy toward North Korea.
At a Seoul press conference on April 28 he said "to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related is really indeed a human rights violation." (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/05/17/state_department_snubs_the_elders)
The nerve of her! Refusing to see an ex-President of the country after he had just publicly accused us of committing a Human Rights Violation, how dare she?!?
I don’t say it often, but “GOOD ON YA’ HILLARY!”
Reportedly, when asked if she wanted to meet with Jimmy, she said “No” then paused a moment and came back with “HELL No!!!”
Now I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been proud of Hillary over the years, and this is one of them. Contrary to the way I normally feel about her actions, I fully support her position. Again I say “Good on ya’!” And the sooner Jimmy Carter ceases to be an embarrassment to this country, the better off we will all be.
Having said that, I want to give Hillary props for her snubbing of that ass hat, Jimmy Carter. What a TOOL!
It’s hard to believe that a Naval Academy trained man could have turned out to be such a simp. He was, without a doubt, the worst president of the 20th Century. He was ineffectual in nearly everything he was involved with. His botched attempt to rescue the Tehran hostages turned out to be the centerpiece of his buffet of ineptitude. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Barack was elected in the 21st Century, so Jimmy will have to live on in infamy as the singularly worst president of his century, instead of having Barack as company.
Since Jimmy left office, he has proceeded to insert himself in situations around the globe where America would rather he not. He has been involved with certifying elections as valid in places like Venezuela, where they were grossly tainted. He has spoken out against Israel, one of our strongest and most loyal allies in the entire world. He has suborned our government’s efforts to control North Korea’s desires to develop and expand their nuclear weapons program. In short, he has continued to be an embarrassment to this country and has thwarted our efforts at every opportunity. He couldn’t just let it go that he was a total bust as a president. He had to continue to reduce America in the eyes of the world after he left office.
So when he and a group of other jelly livered ex-officials from around the world went to North Korea last month, Hillary refused to meet with them when they returned. Who’d a ‘thunk it? After Jimmy et.al. said such nice things about the US’s policy toward North Korea.
At a Seoul press conference on April 28 he said "to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related is really indeed a human rights violation." (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/05/17/state_department_snubs_the_elders)
The nerve of her! Refusing to see an ex-President of the country after he had just publicly accused us of committing a Human Rights Violation, how dare she?!?
I don’t say it often, but “GOOD ON YA’ HILLARY!”
Reportedly, when asked if she wanted to meet with Jimmy, she said “No” then paused a moment and came back with “HELL No!!!”
Now I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been proud of Hillary over the years, and this is one of them. Contrary to the way I normally feel about her actions, I fully support her position. Again I say “Good on ya’!” And the sooner Jimmy Carter ceases to be an embarrassment to this country, the better off we will all be.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Watch What You Wish For
I’ve recently been reading where Christians in Egypt have been having real problems with radical Muslims. Over 50 churches have been closed. Christian businesses have been targeted for attacks. Christian women and girls have been attacked and raped. Yesterday, a Christian protest was attacked by a Muslim mob.
This would appear to be another case of “Watch What You Wish For Because You Just Might Get It”. I remember during the uprising to overthrow Mubarak, that the Christians were out there side by side with the Muslims and I thought to myself that this could easily come back to bite them on the butt. Knowing that the Muslim Brotherhood was one of the driving forces behind the uprising and that Iran was helping fan the flames, it was clear that this could easily go sideways for the Christians. And sure enough it has.
This is yet another example of how the enemy of my enemy isn’t necessarily my friend. We have been taught this lesson many times. The Soviets in WWII and the mujahidin when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan are two examples that quickly pop to mind.
In Egypt the Christians were duped into believing that this was a general uprising without an islamic factor being involved. When in reality, it was a completely islamic uprising to remove a politically moderate leader. The Iranian backed Muslim Brotherhood wanted Mubarak gone for several reasons. First and foremost, he had suppressed them, knowing full well that they were. Next, he was somewhat friendly with the US, the “great satin”. And finally, he recognized Israel’s right to exist and had signed and kept a peace agreement with them. Each reason by itself sufficient to draw radical islam’s ire, but a trifecta of all three gave the islamists a massive case of reflux. So of course, when the opportunity to remove him presented itself, they were quick to take advantage.
Please don’t mistake my comments above as meaning I think Mubarak was a good guy. He wasn’t! He was a brutal dictator in many ways. But he kept a lid on Egypt. He kept the radical islamic faction in check and allowed his country to move forward in relative tranquility.
Now what do they have? They have a bunch of Iranian backed radical islamists running rampant in the country. They are targeting Christians for subjugation or termination, and if given a free hand, that’s exactly what they will do. And to think that our administration, a Democratic one, didn’t learn the lesson from Iran when we helped Khomeini over throw the Shah (Jimmie Carter, another Democratic administration). Good ol’ Barak Hussein Obama and his Keystone Kops administration helped replace an administration that was friendly towards the US with one that will soon be violently against anything western. (Am I seeing a pattern???)
Once again, if you don’t learn from history, it will be happy to teach you the lesson again!
This would appear to be another case of “Watch What You Wish For Because You Just Might Get It”. I remember during the uprising to overthrow Mubarak, that the Christians were out there side by side with the Muslims and I thought to myself that this could easily come back to bite them on the butt. Knowing that the Muslim Brotherhood was one of the driving forces behind the uprising and that Iran was helping fan the flames, it was clear that this could easily go sideways for the Christians. And sure enough it has.
This is yet another example of how the enemy of my enemy isn’t necessarily my friend. We have been taught this lesson many times. The Soviets in WWII and the mujahidin when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan are two examples that quickly pop to mind.
In Egypt the Christians were duped into believing that this was a general uprising without an islamic factor being involved. When in reality, it was a completely islamic uprising to remove a politically moderate leader. The Iranian backed Muslim Brotherhood wanted Mubarak gone for several reasons. First and foremost, he had suppressed them, knowing full well that they were. Next, he was somewhat friendly with the US, the “great satin”. And finally, he recognized Israel’s right to exist and had signed and kept a peace agreement with them. Each reason by itself sufficient to draw radical islam’s ire, but a trifecta of all three gave the islamists a massive case of reflux. So of course, when the opportunity to remove him presented itself, they were quick to take advantage.
Please don’t mistake my comments above as meaning I think Mubarak was a good guy. He wasn’t! He was a brutal dictator in many ways. But he kept a lid on Egypt. He kept the radical islamic faction in check and allowed his country to move forward in relative tranquility.
Now what do they have? They have a bunch of Iranian backed radical islamists running rampant in the country. They are targeting Christians for subjugation or termination, and if given a free hand, that’s exactly what they will do. And to think that our administration, a Democratic one, didn’t learn the lesson from Iran when we helped Khomeini over throw the Shah (Jimmie Carter, another Democratic administration). Good ol’ Barak Hussein Obama and his Keystone Kops administration helped replace an administration that was friendly towards the US with one that will soon be violently against anything western. (Am I seeing a pattern???)
Once again, if you don’t learn from history, it will be happy to teach you the lesson again!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Time To Put The Adults In Charge
Well, well, well…. The Community-Organizer-In-Chief is back at it again. Showing how he and his chosen staff really don’t have a clue as to what was a major trigger in our current financial meltdown. Just what it was that caused the banking and mortgage system to implode. Either that or they are more interested in “social justice” than in the health of the country.
They are back to pressuring banks to give “sub-prime” loans (http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_20/b4228031594062.htm). How crazy is that? This is the policy developed and pushed by the liberals to force lending institutions to give home loans in particular and loans in general to folks who didn’t really qualify. This is how come banks wound up with so much bad debt and why the whole banking industry has had to be put on life support. Liberals continue to try to socially engineer our great society. A society that became great because it was, for the most part, left to develop on its own without governmental interference. A society that rewarded hard work and innovation. A society that allowed anyone with the ability and the drive to raise their level within our society, and by the same token, allowed those who were unwilling to put forth the effort to maintain or increase their level to slide backwards. A truly just system.
Our economy is struggling to right itself. Fighting to overcome the massive debt that the liberals have saddled us with through such mind numbingly stupid programs: as private industry bailouts, socialized medicine, cash for clunkers, and on and on and on. And now they start right back in with more of the same.
Clearly they have never heard “a sign of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result”! By this definition, our liberal legislators are, without a doubt, INSANE!!!!! And this after the last election where America clearly told the liberals “Enough All Ready”!
Note here I do not say Democrat, but rather I specifically choose the word “liberal”, for there are non-conservative Republicans, just as there are Democrats. It’s about time the adults took over our legislative process and put this country back on a financially stable course. Adults who don’t spend what they don’t have. Adults who don’t see the people as a cash cow to fund every crazy boondoggle one of their members can dream up. Adults who are willing to ask themselves “is this really a better expenditure of these peoples’ money then they would spend it on themselves?”
When this country puts a majority of folks in government who are ready, willing and able to do these things, then and only then will we truly stop the current slide into the abyss. God Help Us All if the adults don’t take over soon.
They are back to pressuring banks to give “sub-prime” loans (http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_20/b4228031594062.htm). How crazy is that? This is the policy developed and pushed by the liberals to force lending institutions to give home loans in particular and loans in general to folks who didn’t really qualify. This is how come banks wound up with so much bad debt and why the whole banking industry has had to be put on life support. Liberals continue to try to socially engineer our great society. A society that became great because it was, for the most part, left to develop on its own without governmental interference. A society that rewarded hard work and innovation. A society that allowed anyone with the ability and the drive to raise their level within our society, and by the same token, allowed those who were unwilling to put forth the effort to maintain or increase their level to slide backwards. A truly just system.
Our economy is struggling to right itself. Fighting to overcome the massive debt that the liberals have saddled us with through such mind numbingly stupid programs: as private industry bailouts, socialized medicine, cash for clunkers, and on and on and on. And now they start right back in with more of the same.
Clearly they have never heard “a sign of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result”! By this definition, our liberal legislators are, without a doubt, INSANE!!!!! And this after the last election where America clearly told the liberals “Enough All Ready”!
Note here I do not say Democrat, but rather I specifically choose the word “liberal”, for there are non-conservative Republicans, just as there are Democrats. It’s about time the adults took over our legislative process and put this country back on a financially stable course. Adults who don’t spend what they don’t have. Adults who don’t see the people as a cash cow to fund every crazy boondoggle one of their members can dream up. Adults who are willing to ask themselves “is this really a better expenditure of these peoples’ money then they would spend it on themselves?”
When this country puts a majority of folks in government who are ready, willing and able to do these things, then and only then will we truly stop the current slide into the abyss. God Help Us All if the adults don’t take over soon.
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