Friday, August 19, 2011

The Global Warming Boogieman Will Get You!

Surely the Anthropomorphic Global Warming crowd has finally jumped the shark even for their own supporters. I mean come on now. I just read where a group from Penn State (wasn’t that where one of the folks who was involved with the altering of data was from?) issued a report where they suggested that one of the outcomes of making contact with another race could lead to our being exterminated.

And why would this be? Well according to the authors, it would be because they would see how we were destroying our planet (according to them) and they would need to exterminate us before we infected any place else.

Since the 1950s we have been fed a diet of aliens coming to planet earth. In some instances they are good guys like in “The Day The Earth Stood Still” and “Star Man”, sometimes not so good like “Independence Day” or “Battlefield Earth”. Now the econuts want us to believe that the ETs we will encounter are “green”. They are worried about the environment.

I would venture to say that the odds are equally as high that any species that has developed technologically to the point that they are capable of interstellar travel, will have used their available planetary resources to their fullest. That they will have developed much as Darwin had outlined, and they won’t give a $hit about anything we have done or not done to our planet, but might well destroy us because they might see us as a competitor. Much like a cougar will run off or destroy another cougar they find in “their” territory.

It seems to me that as more and more folks question anthropomorphic global warming and the shakey science behind it, those who make their living off of it are becoming more hysterical. Al Gore is cursing non-believers out and calling for increasingly ridiculous actions. The more these people become marginalized, the more radical their hypothesizes become. The more outlandish their behavior becomes.

Now this!

Telling us that if we don’t change our ways and start doing what they want us to do, aliens will get us. The syllogistic equivalent of our parents telling us if we don't be quiet and go to sleep right now the boogieman will get us.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Government Is The Answer!

Once again President Barack Hussein Obama demonstrated his lack of understanding of the democratic free market process that made this country the greatest country and economic power the world has ever seen.

Yesterday in Cannon Falls MN he gave this message to America’s auto makers, “You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks. There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas prices keep on going up, you have got to understand the market. People are going to try to save money.”

How much further out of touch with the way the market works could BHO be? He is telling the auto makers what they should be making. Much like he has tried to do with energy, health care, etc., etc. He is trying to lead the American people where he wants them to go. In this case, smaller cars. Fortunately for the auto makers, they learned their lessons from the seventies when they didn’t make what the customers wanted and tried to force them to accept their low quality cars. We all know how that turned out. It opened the door for foreign auto makers to come in and supply the American consumer what they were looking for. A quality built affordable car. The American auto industry never fully recovered from that failure to listen to the market.

Now BHO is trying to get the auto makers to NOT listen to their consumers and NOT make the trucks and SUVs they want. Hopefully they won’t cave and start making vehicles there is no market for, just to chase some government carrot or to meet some social engineering regulation put in place by the progressive/liberal elite.

So far they have been able to skirt these types of onerous regulations in one fashion or another. Things like the cafĂ© standards where the government has set overall gas mileage that a manufacturer’s fleet must achieve. They make a few really efficient vehicles and make limited production runs, enough to meet the demand but no more, while producing large quantities of the trucks and SUVs the public is clamoring for. The overall fleet mpg meets the regulatory standard while still producing the vehicles the public wants.

If BHO and his minions force business to go in directions that are contrary to market demands we will get more scenarios like Evergreen Solar in MA. (One of BHO’s pet companies.) He referred to it often as he pushed “Green” jobs and “Green” companies.

Evergreen took millions in federal and state funds to develop this “Green” company that had no financially viable demand for its product. The company is now bankrupt and lists $485.6 million in debt.

More lost stimulus money.

When will liberals learn? Government doesn’t create jobs!!!

Private industry creates jobs. They do this when they fill a consumer need, not when they produce things there is no demand for. When government tries to alter the equation through regulation or tax code incentives we get boondoggles like Evergreen Solar.

The only way government can create jobs is to a) hire more government employees, or b) reduce impediments to business so they can develop their business to meet a consumer niche.

If the government tries A, they put an ever bigger burden on the private sector in order to be taxed enough to support the newly created government job. I would hazard a guess that it takes at least 6 new $50k workers to fund each new $50k government employee.

So “YES, Government is the answer!” so long as the question is “What’s the biggest drag on the economy?”

Monday, August 15, 2011

Funding Both Sides Of Terrorism

OK, let me see if I follow this correctly.

US Citizens pay taxes to our Federal Government. Some of those taxes are then given to other countries/organizations. One of those organizations is the Palestinian Authority. (In fact, according to , the PA receives cash from two main sources; 1) the US, and 2) European Union member nations.) The PA pays monthly salaries to those imprisoned by Israel. They pay those imprisoned for terrorist activities at a higher rate than they pay regular criminals. The longer the sentence, the larger the paycheck. In essence, the better you are at killing innocents, the more US tax dollars you will receive.

The US military budget for 2010 was $680 Billion dollars, the lion’s share of which is spent in fighting terrorism around the world. This does not count the money spent by the TSA, FBI, CIA, NSA and others. I would hazard a guess that we spend a $Trillion a year or more combatting terrorism each year.

It would appear that we, the tax payers, are funding both sides of this fight!

Which brings me back to the whole concept of foreign aid. I’ve spent 20 minutes surfing the net trying to find a dollar figure on how much we spend on Foreign Aid. The most recent figure I could come up with was 2007 where we seem to have spent nearly $20 Billion. I have to believe that it is not an accident that the government makes it hard to determine just how much money we are giving away each year, and to whom. In times like these where so much needs to be done here at home, we are pissing our financial futures away.

And for what?

A significant portion of that money goes to countries/governments/organizations that don’t like us! (See Palestinian Authority as a case in point!) Countries that are actively trying to destroy us and anyone like us. Countries and religions willing to do ANYTHING to destroy us.

We are borrowing Trillions of dollars from our enemy (China) to either fight terrorism and/or to fund it!

We are 14 Trillion dollars in debt and our wise and wonderful governmental officials just approved raising our debt ceiling so we can borrow more. And why do we need to borrow more? In large part to protect ourselves from crazy bastards in countries we just keep giving money to.

Does any part of this seem to be WRONG to anyone else besides me?

Maybe it’s time to only give money to those who are actually helping us in this fight for survival. Maybe we look at the voting record in the UN and if a country votes against our interests more than 25% of the time, we cut off their financial aid. Period. No Exceptions.

If they are not in our corner at least 75% of the time, let them find a sugar daddy that shares their own particular brand of bat shit crazy and see how well that works out for them.