I recently saw a sign for an "organizing meeting" to "occupy" Chapel Hill. For those of you who do not know Chapel Hill, NC, it is kind of a toned down Berkley CA. It is the place that Jesse Helms, among others, referred to as "hippie hill" and suggested they build a fence around it.
So when I read the sign, my first reaction was, "Occupy it from who?" The left wing loons already control the entire Chapel Hill/Carrboro/Southern Orange County region. Carrboro is so out of step with America they call themselves "The Paris of the Piedmont!"
As an example of what im talking about, in the Chapel Hill / Carrboro area, the public transportation system charges no fee for ridership. It is supported from the general funds, which means property taxes. I don't have the facts to back this up, but I'd bet you an Outback Steakhouse dinner that less than 5% and probably less than 3% of the ridership has ever paid a penny it property tax in Chapel Hill or Carrboro.
The politburos, I mean the city councils of both towns have done their level best to stifle business growth in the area. When Wally World wanted to build in the area, neither would allow them in. So they were forced to go just across the county line and build a nice big shopping mall. That mall then served to be an attractant to two more shopping malls in the same area of Durham county. The taxes from all of these businesses have gone into Durham county's coffers, not Orange county's and Chapel Hill or Carrboro's. Taxes that could have limited the need for the exorbitant taxes that property owners in the area are saddled with.
I know, I know, if I'm so displeased with the taxes, why don't I move? Fair question.
The truth of the matter is, my work keeps me in the area. My kids kept me in the school district (supposedly one of the best in the state and nation, thought I think the scores they base it on are accounted for more by the SES of the parents than the quality of the instruction). And now the housing market is less than optimal for changing residences. The final, and possibly the biggest anchors keeping me in CH are I like my house and neighborhood and I'm just too damned lazy to move.
But I seem to have strayed from my original question. Just who is it these folks intend on "occupying" Chapel Hill from? Virtually everything in the area is already tilted against all the things that made it possible for the country to develop to the point that these Utopian eyed socialists can exist without producing anything of real value to the society. And if they get what they claim they want, the country will degenerate to the point it will no longer be able to support such parasites. They will then be forced to develop skills that will be desired by others, that they will then be able to barter for their subsistence. Won't that be a shock to their delicate sensibilities!
I can only assume that these folks are intending to do this in an effort to get themselves on the evening news. Showing once again how sensitive and caring they are while displaying their total lack of understanding of how the world works. Yet another counterproductive effort from the unproductive class.