I keep hearing liberals say "Christianity tortured and used 'conversion by the sword' so they are in no position to judge the radical Islamists for the outrages they are currently visiting upon the world.
This moral equivalency across time is a total fraud, foisted upon us by academica. For this to be true, you would have to ignore the fact people, cultures and religions are all capable of growth and development. These self same academics acknowledge that they themselves have/are advanced (a questionable supposition in itself) over those who came before. Yet they are judging Islam against a Christianity that was, not the Christianity that is. That is like telling a 20 year old that it's ok to pee in their pants because you used to pee in yours when you were 2. It's ludicrous!
The ONLY place where this could be seen as a sane argument would be in academia where logical thought viewed in a world perspective is considered to be "reactionary"! They use exclusionary and bombastic terms against those who say the Emperor has no clothes to keep them marginalized and as a way of inoculating their acolytes against those who disagree with their insanity. These ideas are then parroted by the media and others who want to be thought well of by the "cool kids" in academia and liberal think tanks.
Large segments of the population then think, "well if Brian Williams or Bill Moyer say I should believe this then it must be so". Circular logic that leads to such self-destructive thoughts and behaviors as "moral equivalency" and "cultural relativism". Both intellectually bankrupt ideas that if pursued will lead to societal suicide.
To claim that any culture is equal in value to any other culture is to claim that a cannibalistic culture is equal to modern. Ludicrous! If that were true, Bob's Burgers would have a completely different meaning.
Then they compound such philosophic flimflamary by trying to equate such relativism across time. It is the height of stupidity!
Christianity turned away from such barbarism long ago. Any "Christian" who espoused such barbarous acts, or even intolerance today would be roundly condemned and cast out. I give you the Westboro Baptist Church and its adherents as example number 1.
If anyone ever tries to sell you one of these moral/cultural equivalency pigs in a poke, cast them out as the charlatans they are!
Or so it seems to an old farm boy.