UPDATE: Once again the MSM has shown themselves to be political shills for the hard left. http://www.dailywire.com/news/16977/report-wapo-blows-it-again-kushner-did-not-request-john-nolte
It may well be a classic case of "the boy who cried wolf". https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/russian-ambassador-told-moscow-that-kushner-wanted-secret-communications-channel-with-kremlin/2017/05/26/520a14b4-422d-11e7-9869-bac8b446820a_story.html?utm_term=.510471cb7bf8
I don't know if this is a true story or not, but the radical left media has told me so many half truths and outright lies that I now question anything they say of a negative nature as it relates to Trump or republicans. If this is true as they are reporting, Jared Kushner ought to do jail time. If on the the other hand, it's another one of their bullshite hit pieces with only a passing acquaintance with the truth, the "reporter" who wrote it and the editor who approved it to run ought to both be fired, publicly shamed and be permanently banned from ever holding a position of public trust. (So I guess that would leave them to being ditch diggers, used car salesmen or politicians.)
But what are we, the American public, to do? When the major sources of information to the general public are biased and not honest brokers of information we are left to flounder.
I personally have been turning to alternative sites such as "SOFREP", "Louder with Crowder", "The Daily Wire" and "The Drudge Report" to name a few, for my news and opinions. Especially so since the Murdock boys have decided they want to be invited to the "in crowd" events in Washington and New York and thus initiated the neutering of Fox News. But I realize my sources are probably as biased to the right as MSNBC, CNN, ABC, Washington Post, New York Times, etc., etc. are to the left. (But at least my sources don't piss me off and make me yell at the TV or the computer.)
I guess I don't really have any cogent points, I'm just frustrated that our media sources have so prostituted themselves to their chosen political positions that we the consumers are left woefully ill informed as we try to make decisions about our future. A cynical person might even think that this was being done by design so that the REAL powers could continue to operate in the shadows while we flailed about in our designed ignorance.
Or so it might seem to an old farm boy.