Saturday, January 1, 2011

Recess Appointment

President Obama has named Robert Ford as Syrian Ambassador in a recess appointment. This appointment is fully within his rights as President and I full support his  being able to do so. This was an appointment that couldn’t be made when congress was in session due to the questionable decision to reinstate an ambassador to Syria.
President Bush appointed John Bolton as the UN Ambassador in a recess appointment. This had to be done because Bolton is a staunch conservative and liberals controlled congress at the time. In my opinion, Bolton was an excellent choice for the position and it was a good move by President Bush.
The difference here being in Bolton’s case, the liberals were opposed to him because he was a conservative, they held the House and the Senate and thus held up the nomination. Bolton was merely filling an existing ambassadorial slot to the UN. It was making a conservative political statement, but it was one that supported conservative ideals such as opposition to terrorism, and individual countries rights.
Ford’s appointment is qualitatively different. Obama couldn’t get him appointed while liberals held near complete control of both the House and the Senate. That says something all by itself. Why was the Pres so determined to put this man in place when even his own party clearly didn’t think it was a good idea?
Was it because even a good number of liberal democrats knew that reinstating an ambassador to Syria was sending a message that Obama was a weak in the fight against islamic terrorists and not a supporter of Israel? Many democrats realize that we can’t forsake our friends, the Israelis. The one country outside of Great Britain and Australia that has stuck with us through thick and thin. The country that offered the PLO a homeland of their own, only to have them reject the plan and continue to rain terror attacks down on them. 
But the Pres has chosen to “engage” a country that we have already declared a state sponsor of terrorism! Here he is, again, showing support for a regime that has nothing but ill will for us and wishes total destruction of our good and strong ally Israel.
It just goes to show, when an election is won because folks vote for someone with NO real world experience, someone who’s only influences have been radical left wing university types and socialist organizers such as Saul Alinsky, we will have a President who works against the best interests of the nation. 
So, do I support the President’s right to make recess appointments? My answer is an unqualified “YES”. My problem is when we have an incompetent in the role of President. A man who’s allegiances to the United States of America are somewhat questionable, when viewed through the lens of his actions to date.
Elections have consequences! I hope we’ve learned our lesson and correct it before irreparable damage is done.

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