Come on Treynor, you’re better than this. I grew up with Treynor residents as friends and I hate to see you drawing national attention for something soooo stupid. I mean really, in this day and age, white supremacists are the best you could do for a make believe terrorist group to role play against? When was the last time white supremacists were in the news for a violent crime?
Now are there any other groups that pop to mind before you think of white supremacists? Oh, yeah, there are those Islamic fellows aren’t there. They’ve been involved in a few things recently haven’t they? Let’s recount just a few:
- 9/11
- The DC sniper
- The Arkansas recruiting station shooting
- The Fort Hood shooting
- The attempted bombing of Times Square
- The attempted bombing of NY subways
These are just to name a few that come to the top of my head, and yet you choose to make white supremacists the centerpiece of your terror response exercise?
This is one more case of political correctness run amok. It’s like our government’s unwillingness to call our fight a war on Islamic radicalism, and calling it a war on “terror”. That makes as much sense as saying we are going to have a war on tanks, or a war on flanking actions.
Terrorism is a tactic. A way of fighting. It makes NO sense to have a war on a tactic. We are not at war against a tactic. We are at war with radical islam which employees this tactic, but our government has been so kowtowed by the liberals that they don’t have enough gumption to even properly name our enemy. Radical islam!
How in the hell can we expect to defeat our enemy if we can’t even bring ourselves to properly name them?
The Treynor planners were worried about offending the muslims when they chose to make white supremacists the bad guys, figuring that white guys are the one group that you can still go ahead and defame without fear of retribution. Well I say “Shame On You!” exercise planners. You and all the others like you are the reason that America has become a laughing stock around the world.
It’s time we stop pussyfooting around and start calling a spade a spade and acting accordingly. When the mafia was a big problem, we looked at the Italian community because that’s where they were. When we have problems with biker gangs we investigate biker gang gathering places. We don’t stop every person riding a motorcycle because we are worried about offending, or looking like we are “profiling”.
What a crock! Profiling is what you do when you are trying to catch bad guys. Hell, profiling is what you do when you are searching for any type of person. When you want to hire a truck driver you don’t advertise on Public Radio, you advertise on a Country radio station. Because that’s what a lot of truck drivers listen to.
So come on Treynor, quite trying to be politically correct and use a more believable group of bad guys for your scenario. Make it Islamic Terrorists. Make it South American Narco-Terrorists. Make it something believable.
The sooner we stop worrying about bruising some group’s delicate feelings and start correctly naming our problems, the sooner we will be able to solve them.
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