And you were just saying to yourself, “Jeez, that Obama Administration hasn’t given any thought to how much I’m going to have to pay for my mandated health insurance!”
Well you couldn’t be any further from the truth, you uncaring money grubber you.
Why just the other day, President Obama’s Solicitor General, Neal Kumar Katyal, while responding to a Fourth Circuit Court judge’s query about what people who were concerned about how much they were going to have to pay, said if they didn’t like what they had to pay they could “just earn less”.
This was his actual response! You can just earn less!
And people wonder why this crowd can’t get our economy back on track.
But Hey, according to Gallup, 71% of Democrats are in favor of redistributing wealth. And as we all know, wealth is a zero sum game. For one person to gain in wealth, another must lose it. So if you just earn less, somebody else will get more. Right?..... No, wait a minute. That doesn’t seem right.
Wealth is created. Just because I make a dollar more doesn’t mean 100 people must make a penny less. The whole concept of limited wealth and one person’s collection of wealth keeps another from acquiring wealth is fallacious. And yet those who manipulate the masses through pandering to wealth envy continually sell that soap to those who are unwilling to accept the consequences of their choices and actions.
Our current administration has operated from that position from day one. They have pandered to their 71% and have tried to put more people into a position where they will envy those who are not believers in wealth redistribution. That they will want to take from those who have made the right decisions, who have chosen the correct path, who have been willing to risk the wealth they have in an effort to create more.
So Neal Katyal’s suggestion of “just earn less” is completely consistent with the belief system of those who wish to “level” the playing field. Code language for stealing from those who produce in order to reward those who don’t. “Just earn less” and we will reward you by taking care of that pesky insurance for you. Thus making you even more dependent on Big Brother.
These are the same people who want to raise the taxes on the producers. Not because they think it will raise more money, during the Obama campaign he even admitted that he knew it wouldn’t raise more money, but because it would allow for the leveling of income.
The real trouble with that whole concept seems to be that when you take the incentive from the producers (by taxing them into submission), everyone is hurt. Why, because it’s the producers who create the jobs for others to fill, thus creating wealth for more people. When they don’t have the incentive to create more wealth because it’s just going to be taken from them anyway, they stop. Then all those down stream from them are negatively affected. Those who work for them no longer have jobs, those who supply them no longer have a customer, those who sell their product no longer have a product to sell, those who would like to buy what they sell have to go elsewhere. And in our global economy, that usually means going to an off shore supplier, which then takes even more money out of the system.
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