I've been thinking about the current state of the country and in some ways, I get quite depressed. In particular, I'm depressed by the current trend in this country where the many are living under the tyranny of the few.
I understand this country was founded to protect the rights of the weak from the tyranny of the strong, but this whole principal seems to have been bastardized and turned on it's head. Now, the majority of Americans, on virtually any topic, tip toe around on egg shells in order to avoid hurting one group or another's sensibilities. This, while the minority groups are not only allowed, but encouraged to exhibit the most outlandish behaviors and the larger groups sensibilities be damned.
Well I'm hear to call "Bullshit" on this trend. This country was created and became great because it looked out for the little guy's rights to worship and behave generally as they like so long as they didn't interfere with someone else's rights to do the same. There was never meant to be any guarantee against someone being offended.
Somehow or another, this has been incorrectly morphed into "Thou shall not offend the smaller group!" They use concepts like the separation of church and state (which coincidentally is not in the Constitution) to bully us into not saying Merry Christmas or having In God We Trust on our money. This is a terrible perversion of the original intent when the founders said "We shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion".
This was never meant to keep religion or God out of government. It was there in order to say the government couldn't choose one religion over another.
Certain groups have used this morphed abomination to allow themselves, with their willing accomplices, liberal lawyers and judges, to cry foul when the majority of folks don't act exactly as they want them to.
This happens when organizations want to celebrate Christmas and they sue because they are atheists or because they are Druids. This happens when somebody or some group says "I don't like what President Obama has done to the economy." They will claim racism. (In reality, most of these folks can't even correctly define racism: the belief in the inherent superiority of one race over another.) This is what many liberals have done in an effort to discredit the Taxed Enough Already party, when they can't actually defeat them in the open arena of ideas.
This awful epidemic has spread it's way throughout our society to where it has infected every facet of life, from government, to schools, to business. It's time this country came to it's senses. Yes you have the right to believe what you want and the right to say virtually anything, no matter how bat $hit crazy it is, so long as you are not slandering another person. However, you need to recognize that the next guy has the same right as you do.
Just remember, the stuff someone is saying in your presence may offend you, but they have the right to say it. And did you ever stop to consider that the crap pouring out of your pie hole probably offends them every bit as much as you are are offended by what they say.
But I would guess the answer to that is a big fat NO! Because for the folks who are constantly playing the "offended victim" card, it's all about them and to Hell with everyone else who disagrees with them.
Or maybe I'm just having a bad decade. What do ya' think.
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