All right, I know it’s been a loooonnnnggg time since I’ve posted, for the few of you out there who actually care, I’ll try to improve.
Now, I was just looking over the headlines on Drudge when one in particular got my goat, so to speak. It reads “MD moves against DC to ban rat trafficking”. Now at first blush, I would have thought that might be a headline, not out of Maryland, but one from some SE Asian exotic food story. But sadly no. It is a story about another case of the environmental wacko left running amuck.
Ya see, in Washington DC they have passed a law that forces pest control personnel, when dealing with a rat problem, NOT to kill the rats, but rather to capture them. And not only are they to capture the rats ALIVE, they are to attempt to capture the rat family so as not to break up the nuclear family unit. (I don’t believe they specify if that is just the momma, poppa, kids family unit or if it’s the extended family unit. You know, grandpa, grandma and all 11,000 aunts, uncles and cousins.) Heaven forbid we should traumatize baby rat, because poppa rat didn’t make the move along with the rest of the family.
I mean not just the loss that Junior would feel when poppa didn’t come with, but just imagine poppa rat coming home after a hard day on the job, crawling through sewer pipes and dumpsters to find that his family has been ratnapped! I can see the movie now. Liam Nesson will play poppa rat as he rages through DC looking for his family, accosting cats at every turn. It’ll be great!
Now not only does the law require that the pest control folks live capture the rats, but they must then be transported to another location and released. And thus the headline.
Now Maryland and Virginia are both expecting problems with DC area pest control folks driving over the boarder and just releasing the damn things. So they are taking steps to close the boarder to rat trafficing. This will undoubtedly lead to the rise of rat coyotes. I can see a whole underground arising, much like on the Arizona/California border with Mexico. Now instead of illegal immigrants coming to the US it will be undocumented rats being spirited across the border from DC into Maryland and Virginia. Imagine the movies that Hollywood can make here with the heroic coyotes, fighting against the evil government trying to keep the poor displaced rat families from being able to reach their potential in the paradises of Maryland and Virginia. Who will they choose for the lead role Peter Coyote? Danny Trejo?
(Wow, I just realized, this may not be wacko environmentalists at work, it might be part of President Obama’s job creation program! Not only will it create a whole new class of jobs, but will give plenty of fodder for his pals in Hollywood to make more liberal clap trap movies.)
All seriousness aside. What in the world were these people thinking when they wrote this law? Haven’t they ever heard of the Black Plague? Over population of rats is a major problem for everyone involved. They are insidious in their ability to get any and everywhere.
To write a law that forbids their extermination is bad enough, but to then release the problem on some other community is criminal!
If I were a legislator in a state bordering in DC, I would introduce a law stating that anyone caught transporting rats across state lines for any purpose other than to use them in laboratory research would be prosecuted as a terrorist. Additionally, I would have the law consider anyone inciting another to do so would also be considered a terrorist and arrest them on site within my states borders. (That would be the folks who lobbied for this stupid ass law, those who wrote it and those who voted in favor of it.)
Surely you are making this all up? This really made it into the law?