Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Now Global Warming Causes Prostitution?

Can I ask you to please help a poor old farm boy out? I’m just a little confused.

Al Gore is still pounding his drum about Global Warming and how it’s proven science and that “scientists are not in a conspiracy to lie to us.” ( At the same time the esteemed congress woman Barbara Lee of California has introduced a bill related to Global Warming in order to save women from being driven into “transactional sex”(, which I take it means prostitution, due to the effects of global warming.

Well, we certainly can’t have the world going to hell in a warm hand basket if it means the ice caps are going to melt and we are going to have droughts and people starving or having to sell themselves as sex slaves if they are to survive this disaster. Let’s jump right on these proposals by Al and Barbara. Who cares how badly it will affect the everyday citizen due to increased costs and lowered standards of living.

Oh, wait a minute.

Back before the earth cooled and there were no polar ice caps, what was the planet like? Humm, oh yeah, that was back in the time of the dinosaurs. These scientists that Al tells me to believe say the planet was basically one big jungle in the middle and near the top and bottom of the planet I seem to recall them saying it was fairly moderate. Both climates would be suitable for sustained agriculture, not death due to starvation or women having to sell themselves just to get a bite to eat.

So Al and Barbara, which story the scientists tell am I to believe? The planet is going to warm up, the ice caps are going to melt, deserts everywhere and helpless women having to sell their bodies to avoid starvation? Or, should I believe the scientists who tell me that when the planet has warmed in the past, that growth on the planet has exploded? Both flora and fauna expanding because conditions for growth have been so great now that temperatures have increased throughout the world and there is more water available as both water and water vapor due to the melted ice caps. Just as it did in the past.

I’m so confused Al and Barbara.

Now add to this the fact that this very week (the week of 4/29/13), Russian scientists (you remember them Al, the guys who are not in a conspiracy to lie to us) are saying that we are heading into an expected era of global cooling that will last between 200 and 250 years. (

Al, you tell me the science on global warming is settled ( It’s impossible to question because some scientists (who we have seen are not beyond fudging the data), have said it’s so. Never mind that following a course of action that you claim will slow this global warming, which you say is a settled question, will make you millions and millions of dollars. I feel certain you would never lie to us and that neither you nor your scientist opinions would ever be affected by the lure of the dollar.

I mean, we all know that scientists live on air and have no need of worldly possessions, so they would never promote a cause that would enrich themselves on a personal level. Everything scientists do is for the betterment of the universe as a whole. And Barbara and Al, neither of you are self-aggrandizing assholes who would do or say virtually anything to increase your wealth and/or power.  Right?

So that leaves this poor old farm boy dazed and confused. If the science is settled, and if scientists would never lie, and if Al and Barbara are just looking out for our welfare, how in the ever loving name of anything that’s holy can there be so much bovine produced fertilizer for these folks to be shoveling out?

Or so it would seem to an old farm boy.

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