Congratulation Anarchists!
Well, it seems that the Anarchists and Alinskyite fellow travelers are on the verge of achieving their goal. America is on the verge of anarchy!
How did this happen over night?
Well, it didn't. This has been a long time coming. It got a toe hold back in the days of Joe McCarthy, who has become the personification of evil, thanks to the media and our "higher" education system. (While his tactics may have been overboard, it turns out he was right in many instances.) While McCarthy and his compatriots outed many communists in American society and government, many more were left in place.
The Vietnam War became the next opportunity for the Anarchists and Alinskyites to make headway, with the help of a willing media. They attacked the government and sowed the seeds of discontent. They preached disrespect for any and all authority. Colleges and Universities where the epicenter of this push. It is not a coincidence that Colleges and Universities are where many of the McCarty era Anarchists and Alinskyites had found a safe haven earlier.
In their safe haven of "intellectual freedom" they were allowed to spread their ideas to youth who were prone to antiestablishment thoughts as they try to establish themselves but are faced with those who came before and already were established. They were able to push these young people into creating such organizations as the SDS and the Black Panthers. Organizations bent on destroying American society as it existed. Spawning such "luminaries" as Abby Hoffman, Jane Fonda, Bernadette Dorn, Malcom X, Bill Ayers, and on and on.
These individuals and all their fellow travelers in the Universities and Media have, for the past 50 years, been preaching about how people are oppressed by this that and the other. That it is unfair for someone to have worked harder and been smarter and thus to have accumulated more. That's not "fair" that they should have the nice things, while their under achieving asses were relegated to store brands and knock offs. God forbid they should avail themselves of the opportunities that this country places before all of us.
It has now reached a point where a large portion of the populace believes they are "owed" $15 an hour, though they have no skills that can justify such a wage. They believe that hey are "owed" health care, though they have done nothing to earn it, never mind that for them to have "free" ANYTHING it must first be taken from somebody who earned it or somebody who DID develop their skills. Somebody who must be forced to provide these services without just recompense. To the best of my recollection we fought a civil war to end such forced labor scenarios.
And yet our Universities and now even public schools are indoctrinating the youth of our nation that they "deserve" or are "owed" things they have done nothing to earn. They should be able to merely take what they want. And any one or any group that would keep them from having whatever they desire is to be hated and destroyed. Most visible among these groups are Law Enforcement.
People have been taught that LE is not to be trusted. They are your enemy because they keep you from taking other's stuff. Don't be a snitch. Don't work with LE. Laws are for chumps.
And that brings us to our current situation. I believe this is a major underlying factor in what we see today in Baltimore, Furguson, Chicago, etc. etc. etc.
So a big round of applause to the Alinskyites and the Anarchists for having the patience to play the long con! They did it to a T. They have their fellow travelers in the highest seats of power. And the entire time they have had the major media outlets supporting them, Dan Rather, Jim Lehrer, etc. giving them the patina of objectivity when in fact they have been sculpting the messages we hear for the past 75 years.
Or so it would seem to an old farm boy!
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