Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Senator Farm Boy

OK. So I’ve been whining about our current crop of ‘Republican’ representatives in Washington not doing their jobs. So what, you might ask, would a Senator Farm Boy do differently?

Well, first off, I wouldn’t move into a house. I would stay in a hotel on a six year contract. I would do this because I would only serve ONE term. Even if requested, I would not return to for a second term, this because I a headache just driving into that damn city. One term is enough of a sacrifice of my sanity.

By committing to only serving one six year term (or two years if I were a House member) I would negate any power that special interest groups or lobbyists might normally have with the normal House or Senate members. This would free me to do the things that I felt were right for the country without worrying if it would affect my chances for re-election.

I would vote against any tax bill that didn’t eliminate the current IRS and implement the Fair Tax. For those of you who don’t know about the Fair Tax, it eliminates all federal taxes and replaces them with a final consumer sales tax. According to the creators of the Fair Tax it would be revenue neutral for the government but would eliminate the burdensome IRS. For those of you who would like to know more about the Fair Tax you can go here:

Before I would vote for any bill I would have to determine if the regulation would infringe on anyone’s life, liberty or property. If the bill did not infringe on these, I would then evaluate it for its constitutionality. Assuming it met constitutional muster, I would then need to be convinced that it would be better than not doing anything or that there were no better, simpler options that the free market couldn’t provide more efficiently and at a lower cost. If these conditions were met, I would then be able to support a bill. But my basic rule would be, the less government involvement the better.

I would be a strong supporter of our military and law enforcement but would not want to see us become entangled in foreign affairs that were not in our national interest. Regime change is not a legitimate activity for our government to be involved in. And while I don’t believe we should be involved with replacing governments, neither do I believe we should be bringing loads of refugees to our shores. Instead, I believe we should work with other countries in the conflict regions to create safe zones for the refugees so that they could easily be returned to their homelands as soon as the conflict scenarios have been resolved. This would keep scenarios where refugees refuse to assimilate like we see playing out in France, Sweden and Germany.

I would also support logical plans to secure the boarders, whether they be a physical wall or some other option. For a country to be a country it must have defined boarders and be aware of any and all persons entering and exiting the country. As far as illegals who are currently in the country are concerned, I would support the current efforts that are taking place. I would support offering the so called ‘Dreamers’ a path to citizenship that would require them to serve a term in the military and be honorably discharged. Otherwise, they would be subject to return to their countries of origin.

I would also oppose all regulations/bills that were designed for social engineering purposes. It is not the governments job to be charting the course of human development, nor should we be funding any agencies, such as universities, that are attempting to do so. Rather, we should be encouraging the open and free exchange of all ideas, not just those that are deemed appropriate by some self appointed social scolds.

At the conclusion of Senator Farm Boy’s term in office, I would happily pack my suit case and exit that cesspool of a city with as much haste as humanly possible.

Or so it would seem to an old farm boy.

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