Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Maybe Pepe’s Really A Democrat

For some time now I’ve been trying to work through the way I see the relationship between the Democratic Party and their various constituent groups. While not perfect, I think the “Frog and Scorpion” certainly has some relevance.

You all know the story, right? The jist of the story is a scorpion needs a ride across a body of water and after some time convinces a frog to ferry him across. Half way there the scorpion stings the frog and they both die. (For the complete story here’s the link:

This seems to me to be closely analogous to the situation the democrats/progressives currently find themselves, with the party playing the role of the frog. Where the analogy breaks down is, in this case, the frog (Democratic Party) talks the scorpion (think democratic grievance mongering subgroups such as antifa, 3rd wave feminists, #MeToo, black lives matter, etc, etc) into getting on its back, instead of vice versa.

These subgroups have started to turn on their host. 

The illegal immigrants are upset with them because they didn’t, in their opinion, fight for their amnesty on the recent continuing resolution partial government shutdown. The feminists think they’ve been let down on a myriad of perceived slights, and on and on the grievance groups go. Never mind the fact that the CR was just that, a continuation of government funding that most of these groups are dependent upon and NOT specific legislation pertaining to their particular hobby horse.

It seems to me that the Democratic Party has built itself as if it were a coalition to govern in the Knesset. Groups that don’t really have much holding themselves together as a cohesive entity other than visceral opposition to conservatism. This puts them into conflict with each other as they attempt to push for their particular receipt of fruitcake. And as one group starts to get some traction, the other grievance groups see the spotlight moving away from them and the receipt not being to their liking. So they ramp up their hysterical efforts to draw the attention back to them. All the while demonstrating that they don’t REALLY like the United States and the Republic for which it stands. 

This is plainly visible as you watch the protests/riots they have. Read the signs. Look at the flags. How many signs do you see advocating socialism and communism? How many Anarchy symbols do you see? How many flags from other countries do you see? Do they really think waving a flag of a different country is helping their case for amnesty to become a citizen of this country? If you truthfully wanted to be a citizen of the US, wouldn’t you be waving the Stars and Stripes, not the Mexican or USSR flag.

All of these grievance group hysterics are damaging the overall Democratic Party brand and the average patriotic American is getting real tired of this “mememe” of the lefts various entitlement whores. They are wondering what ever happened to the Democratic Party of JFK? What ever happened to the mentality of “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what can I do for my country?”

So it looks as if the frog (the Democratic Party) is being repeatedly stung by the scorpion that they actively courted to get on their back. 

Or so it would seem to an old country boy.

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