Sometimes you just read something and say to yourself, "Boy I wish I had written that!", and Monday's Gregologue by Greg Gutfeld was one of those. (
Greg's monologue titled "The Rally To Ignore Insanity" really struck home with me. He talks about his years in publishing where he was virtually the only conservative on staff and how all the libs felt about the rest of us. I have a very similar experience after spending 30 years in a college town where if you are not a raving left wing lunatic you are clearly to stupid to be left alone to make decisions on your own. (You see, in a college town, what would normally be considered to be the radical left is, in fact, the moderate center. In such an incestuous environment, some REALLY unusual logic can take root and grow!)
In his article, Greg points out the difference between the Tea Party rallies and the "Rally To Restore Sanity." He correctly points out that the Tea Partiers are reacting to real threats to this country's existence and supporting candidates who were willing to fight to change the course this country has been put on. The "Rally To Restore Sanity" on the other hand was more of the insipid attitude I've lived with for the past 30 years. It's very much a "ignore the man behind the curtain" attitude. Or maybe it's more of what the science fiction writers depend on for people to enter their created realities. I believe they call it the willing suspension of disbelief.
In order to hold the beliefs of the liberal left, one has to actively participate in denying the reality staring you in the face.
The liberal politician who argues against the conservative who is putting forth logical, common sense approaches to the problems we have been given reminds me of the Marx Brothers quote. "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"
That's pretty much a liberal's response to any situation where logic has been applied and they are left wanting. They count on people wanting to be in with the "cool kids" while considering themselves cool. Their problem at the moment would seem to be that the lie has been put to their position and people are seeing them for the poser geeks that they are.
Realism is the new Cool!
PS: Be sure and read "The Daily Gut", it's well worth your time.
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