John Kerry accuses the Republicans of ushering in an era of know nothingism. He claims that folks like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are confusing the electorate making them think Dems are responsible for our current condition. This makes me scratch my head in total wonderment.
The Dems have been in charge of both the house and the senate since 06. They have been in control of all legislation that got passed. They controlled all of the sub-committees and thus in control of everything that would come up for a vote. Since 08 they have had the house, senate and the White House. Their numbers were so large that they were filibuster proof. There was nothing the Repubs could do against them!
Now this moron is claiming that our condition is not their fault???
Take a look at the states where they have been in charge for years. California, New York, Ohio, Illinois, all of them are in trouble because the Democratically controlled state governments were developing European style social democratic systems. Systems that punished success with higher and higher taxes so they could reinforce those who are not productive. All of these states are now on the financial shoals as they are having fewer and fewer folks they can rob in in order to support their socialistic schemes.
Now after 4 years of Dems being in total control of the entire country and them trying to implement the same policies for the entire country, we see ourselves headed down the same path. What is it they say? "The definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing expecting a different result."
Now this fraudulent Purple Heart, lying Viet Nam vet, opportunistic marrying slug accuses us of being know nothings because we believe the Dems are to be held accountable! I would postulate that the exact opposite is true.
The Dems are not in trouble because the public is uninformed. The Dems are in trouble because we are aware. For the first time since Clinton in '94 or possibly since the Carter era, the public has been forced to wake up and say "Whoaa! WTF are you clowns doing? This not what this country is about. We didn't become a great country through the efforts of government. We became a great country through the efforts of individuals!"
Americans are poised to tell the Dems to get the hell out of the way and let us do what we do!
The electorate is going to tell the Dems like Kurt Russell told Ike Clanton in "Tombstone", "You tell 'em I'm coming and Hell is coming with me!"
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