Yet again one of the nations “leading” universities (Columbia) has stepped forward and shown their commitment to fostering the open exchange of ideas in an accepting and safe environment. An environment where everyone can posit their ideas and have them accepted as valid points of view for civil discussion amongst all. That is, of course, so long as your thoughts and ideas don’t run contrary to those of the entrenched elitist left.
Currently there is an effort to bring ROTC back to Columbia’s campus. Open hearings are taking place where individuals are able to make their case either for or against its return. Of course, in an esteemed bastion of liberal thinking where all points are to receive their hearing in an open and unbiased atmosphere, you know you will be able to hear both the pro and the con in a civil setting. Right?
Yet again, the left is only interested in people being able to freely express their opinions in an unbiased setting so long as it is a liberal opinion. Case in point, I bring you Anthony Maschek, a 28 year old freshman who rose to speak. He was laughed at, jeered, heckled, and called a racist for supporting the return of ROTC to Columbia’s campus.
Now you really need to understand who Anthony Maschek is. He is an Iraq war veteran. He received the Purple Heart for wounds he received there. He spent two years in Walter Reed Army Hospital recovering from 11 gunshot wounds he received in a firefight. Both of his legs were broke as well as receiving injuries to his abdomen and chest. Anthony Maschek is a HERO, and these spineless little jellyfish have the temerity to heckle and jeer this man as he tries to make his point for the reintroduction of ROTC to Columbia’s campus.
He told the assembled audience "It doesn't matter how you feel about the war. It doesn't matter how you feel about fighting. There are bad men out there plotting to kill you."
In the city where 3000 of these whiney little ingrates fellow citizens were killed by just such bad men, they laughed at and jeered this man who risked his life and suffered bodily injury to protect them from just such men. And this is the way one of our exalted institutions of higher learning has taught them to value the exchange of ideas? Their parents should demand their money back and tell their little larvae to get their pampered butts out into the real world and see how life really is.
The professoriate should no longer be allowed to be an incestuous breeding ground for democratic hating 60’s hippie refugees and their intellectual offspring. I believe that we should institute a hiring rule that before someone can be hired into a college or university in a teaching position, they must first have spent a minimum of 10 years working in a nonacademic setting. I believe that if this were instituted there would be a drastic diminution of instructors advocating positions and ideas that run contrary to the American ethos.
No, I do not want their ideas banned from college campuses. I believe that all ideas deserve a free, fair and open hearing. I just hope for there to be a semi level playing field for this exchange to take place. Not the current climate where the left attempts to brow beat and intimidate the right into submission. One where a war hero who has risked his life and limb for the others freedom, has to put up with being called names and laughed at.
That would be my idea of a college or university that deserved to be called an “institution of higher learning”. One that truly encouraged the free exchange of thoughts and ideas, not the regimentation of thought down any one path.