Hooray for British Prime Minister Cameron. He has come out and said Britton in particular and Europe in general have been to hesitant and even fearful of addressing abhorrent ideas within their societies. Extremist views that run counter to that of their general societies.
By failing to address these groups who are preaching against the values and morays of the larger society, breeding grounds have been allowed to develop within their own borders for those who would overthrow them. This is foolish at best and suicidal in the extreme.
America used to think of itself as a melting pot. When people came to this country, they accepted it’s over arching philosophy. Everyone accepted this country as one of opportunity. If you came in and worked hard and made the best of your opportunities, you could change your station in life. If you came in and made the least of your opportunities, you could change your station in life in the opposite direction. It was up to you. Everyone, man/woman, black/white, yellow/brown, gay/straight, hindu/christian, it made no difference. If you came in and made the effort to become an American, and then took advantage of your opportunities, you could succeed. We were all the same as far as our ability to take advantages of the opportunities presented us.
Then something strange happened.
The analogy changed. I actually remember this happening. It went from a “melting pot” to a “tossed salad”. We didn’t realize it at the time. We thought we were being “sensitive” to the “many and wonderful cultures making up the mosaic that formed this country”.
In reality it was a shifting of the tectonic plates of our culture. It opened the door for the rise of hyphenated Americans. This shift from people seeing themselves as Americans to seeing them selves as hyphenated Americans has led to the loss of a unifying ethos. People see themselves as members of subgroups, not as part of the American culture as a whole. They hold more allegiance to the subgroup than they do to the larger culture. They see themselves as MUSLIM-Americans, or AFRICAN-Americans, or MEXICAN-Americans. They live their lives with their foremost allegiances going to the front half of the hyphenation instead of the back half.
This type of thinking is tearing the country apart. When subgroups, no matter the flavor, place more value on their little group than those of the country as a whole, we are placing the country on a toboggan headed down a step icy slope to oblivion. This must be stopped. If we are to remain a country, we must stamp out these abhorrent groups within our borders. The country must come first. We must defend it’s principles. Our Constitution. In this country you are free to be whom ever you want to be and do what ever you want to do, up and until, it infringes on the next person’s rights to the same. And you must be willing to fight to defend that other person’s rights to be different from you too have different beliefs from you, up and until their beliefs require you to believe and act like them. At which point they must be forcefully rejected, even up to the point of expulsion. Send them back to where ever their ideas emanate from.
If they are unwilling to accept our culture, they should leave or be expelled! Unlike some countries, if you don’t like it here, you are free to leave.
Choosing a country is much like choosing a spouse. Don’t marry someone expecting to change them and don’t choose a country expecting to change it. Marry someone for who they are and choose a country for what it is.
For these very reasons it is essential that we secure our borders. Not to keep people in but to control for those who would come in. Immigrants coming to this country must be willing to learn the language, culture and morays and accept them as the dominant culture. If they are unwilling to do this, they should be rejected. If they are already here and choose not to accept this, they should be given a one way ticket out.
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