To those lonely few of you who read me on a regular basis, I apologize for the lag in posts this past week. It’s been a little hectic lately.
Looking over the headlines this morning I see where the President is starting on a campaign to strengthen the UN. Well isn’t that just like him.
The UN being one of the most Anti US organizations around and our President, who is sworn to protect the US, wants to strengthen it. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
Clearly another move toward weakening the US in order to move closer to a one world government. Why else would the sworn top defender of the US propose strengthening an organization that takes our money and supplies, repackages them to say it’s coming from the UN, then distributes it while belittling the US and working to undermine us at every turn? This is the same organization that puts countries like Iran and Libya on women’s and humans rights councils. This is the organization that sends “peace keeping” troupes into war torn countries and then turns a blind eye as they rape women and children. This is the organization that has been shown to have been in collusion with Saddam Hussain in defrauding and misappropriating the resources meant to assist the Iraqi people in the oil for food program.
What could possibly go wrong from the US perspective by strengthening such an organization?
And how does the top defender of the US plan to sell us this bill of goods? He’s going to say that we need to build up the UN because if we starve it out of existence, people will look to us to be the arbiter in all these world situations. Well the truth be told, folks who really are looking for a fair shake in these troubled areas will still look to the US, knowing full well that nothing good will come from the UN being involved.
Personally, I think we ought to kick the UN out of the US. Maybe take an old aircraft carrier, strip all the military stuff out of it and then give it to the UN for their new headquarters. From that point on we would withdraw from the organization and they can do what ever they want. They could float around where ever they want, the reps could fly out to it, and they could do and say what ever they want with all the funds (or lack there of) they get from their members.
If we felt the need for some organization that really operated for the good of the world, we could help sponsor a new organization that wasn’t out for our destruction or diminution. Then when folks were really in need you would see who they turned to, the UN with it’s socialistic leanings and anti democratic agenda, or to a real organization dedicated to the betterment of the world.
Just a thought.
Oh, bingo.