Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Muslim Rosa Parks

I now have a new hero (dare I say heroine?)! Her name is Sila Sahin. Sila is a Muslim actress in Germany. She is a star in a German Soap Opera “Good Times – Bad Times”. She was raised in Germany by her conservative Turkish parents.
To me, and I say this knowing I will receive howls of outrage from some hyphenated Americans who see everything through racially colored glasses, Sila Sahin may be the Muslim Rosa Parks. Sila is on the cover of the latest addition of the German Playboy magazine and the focus of at 12 page spread inside the covers.( ) I’m sure you are saying to yourself, “What is the farmboy smoking? An actress/playboy model and Rosa Parks can’t possibly have anything in common.”
Well I say they do. Rosa Parks, by refusing to sit at the back of the bus stood up against a society’s repressive expectations. She refused to be cowed by societal expectations for a person of her ethnicity. She, with her actions, said these segregationist policies and beliefs are wrong and I will not submit to them. Rosa Parks did this in the face of a nation where she stood to be severely sanctioned, to the point where she faced death threats and other possible violence’s being visited upon her.
Sila Sahin, by posing in Playboy, is making a stand against the repressive norms of the increasingly tyrannical Muslim religion. One where women may not be seen in public without a man who is either their husband or a relative. A religious society that says a woman must dress in a manner that would expose no more than possibly their hands and their eyes, and not even that in some circles. A society that approves of “honor” killings of women who do not toe the proverbial Islamic line. Such as dressing in a non-Islamic manner, or dating outside of their religion, or acting to western.
Sila Sahin has already received multiple death threats. Her mother, who has lived under these repressive codes her entire life, has cut Sila off from the family. Yet she maintains. As she says, she is saying to Muslim girls, “We don’t have to live according to the rules imposed upon us.”
If that isn’t Rosa Parker like, I don’t know what is. Women’s groups and Human Rights groups should be coming out to support Sila in droves. And yet, I’ll wager you dollars to donuts that few if any will. Why, because she’s in Playboy, and god forbid they should support any woman who would “prostitute” themselves and be “exploited” by showing their body. Never mind the fact that she has done this of her own free will. But let’s face it, in their own way, the Women’s and Human Rights groups can be every bit as judgmental as the Islamists.
Well, I for one salute you Sila Sahin. I believe you are a brave an honorable woman. I’m sure you will have to put up with people saying you are just doing this for publicity and other vile things, but I support you. As the old Brits would say, “Bully for you!”

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