And they used to call Ronald Regan the Teflon President because they said nothing would stick to him. WOW! He’s nothing compared to the current occupier of the Oval Office. He’s making Ronnie look like a cast iron skillet instead of a Teflon coated frying pan.
Just take a look around. Gas prices through the roof, but does Obiwan get any of the blame. Of course not! He’s even taken a page from a Todd Snider song where he insightfully quips, “cause if you’re the one pointing the finger, no one looks at you!” Our ‘Let’s Make Jimmy Carter Look Like Not Such A Bad President After All’ President has called for an investigation of the Oil Companies and the speculators. Thus hoping that no one will shine a light into the black hole that is our current administration.
His EPA will not issue air quality permits to Shell Oil so they can drill off shore in Alaska. He has issued a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (of course that hasn’t kept China or Cuba from drilling there). They throw up every roadblock they can think of to obstruct oil development in the oil sands and oil shale in the western US. All of which would increase the supply and reduce our dependence on foreign oil and thus reduce the speculators reasons for guessing the supply will be jeopardized and driving up the price.
And yet the compliant sycophantic mainstream media obligingly continues to focus the public’s attention on Big Bad Oil and the oil speculators. I sometimes wonder if he isn’t looking to have a government takeover of the oil industry like Hugo, Mao and Stalin before him.
Then there is the deafening silence from the Anti-War left. It seemed that we couldn’t turn on the TV when GW was president without having to listen to some screed about the terrible imperialistic Americans imposing their will on the world. Now we still are fighting in all the same places plus the non-stick one has inserted us into Libya (without congressional approval, which GW got), GITMO is alive and well, we are preparing to sanction Syria, and we don’t hear a peep nor a sound from the Anti-War leftists to say nothing of the MSM.
The country is teetering on the brink of financial ruin, thanks in large part to his disastrous fiscal policies to “stimulate” the economy (with money we have had to borrow from China). Couple this with the terrible negative effect of Obama Care, which is such a deleterious influence that they have already been forced to issue more than a thousand waivers to companies, most of which are run by Obama backers. The housing market is a mess, in large part because they won’t let the market correct itself. But do we hear anything about these, of course not, unless you look into alternate sources for your news.
This list could go on indefinitely. They seem to be working harder and faster to dismantle this once great nation than one can report on. But does the blame land anywhere near the epicenter of this $hit storm that is the Obama Presidency? Not unless you look at the real “independent” media, the internet or Fox News.
Thank heavens the public seems to be starting to realize that the media is anything BUT independent. They are merely the propaganda organ of the left. Willing accomplices in the attempt to pull the liberal wool over the predominantly conservative countries eyes.
The alarm clock is ringing, let’s see how many folks wake up and take responsibility for themselves and what happens with this country. Another chance to show you are awake and attentive is coming up in November, 2012.
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