Let me start out apologizing right up front. Usually I know exactly where I'm heading as I start to write these little screeds, but today, there seems to be several topics wrapped up in my head. By the time you read this there will be a title and that should give you a clue. So let's just see where this goes.
Over the past week I've been watching the protests (riots) against Trump and Milo Yiannopoulos take place. In both cases it appears that the object is to keep them from speaking or those who wish to hear them from hearing. This would seem to be the hallmark of someone who recognizes their position is unable to stand on its own merits in the marketplace of ideas and thus must keep the alternate ideas from receiving a fair hearing.
If these folks truly believed their position was the best for the most and that Milo and Donald were offering only "hate", I would think they would want as many people to hear the hate as possible. Then their ideas could be seen as vile and unworthy of support.
Additionally, they should organize an event of their own so they could detail the merits of their position. Sunlight being the best disinfectant, the more folks who hear both positions should allow for the false one to be overcome by the light.
Secret societies like the KKK didn't become marginalized and irrelevant by staying hidden, but rather by folks learning how repellant their precepts were/are.
Since Milo and Donald seem to be the ones pushing to pull the shades back and let the light in, one on the bullying tactics of the far left and the other on the cesspool of career politics, it would appear it is they who have the faith in their positions. Not those who are seeking to have their ideas locked away so none can hear. Kind of reminds me of the position the church took in regards to Copernicus and others back in the day.
So just who are these folks out there trying to control the thought and speech of others? (Speech which just happens to be protected by our founding documents. Freedom of speech wasn't protected to keep someone's "feelings" from being ruffled. It was protected so all sides could be heard and judged one against the other.)
To look at the crowds and their actions, it would appear to me that they are made up of revolutionaries and anarchists. Folks who do not believe in America.
I believe they tell us that themselves. If they came to America to become Americans, would they wave Mexican flags and hold signs that literally say "make America Mexico"?
While the anarchists are there to cause chaos. Destroying public and private property. Accosting those who support America.
Neither of these groups are interested in what is best for America. And if you went to school like I did, back in the day, you were taught how it was the anarchists who lit the fuse to start World War I by killing Arch Duke Somebody or other in the Balkens. They seem perfectly happy to do that again.
The third group making up these protests are the Social Justice Warrior crowd. Again, a minority of thought police bullies who are out to try and control your thought and speech with the willing compliance of the mainstream media, Hollywood and the self anointed "elite" liberals. They look to do this by trying to publicly shame people for thinking or speaking in non approved ways.
These are the special snowflakes and pearl clutchers who can't abide hearing something that might offend their delicate sensibilities. And thus demand that adults who speak with reason and fact be silenced and that they be offered "safe spaces" where they can receive "counseling" to recover from the trauma of seeing a name chalked on a sidewalk, or hearing about someone with a different idea. (Note they themselves would NEVER go to actually hear what someone else had to say, but only to disrupt the speaker so others could not hear.)
These are the folks who support Hillary and Bernie. They want America to have no borders and want to take from the earners and give to the indolent, because they themselves ARE the indolent, and God forbid they actually become productive members of society instead of propagating their ridiculous 3rd wave feminism or BLM thought.
Or so it would seem to an old farm boy.
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