To quote a line from one of my favorite bands, Old Crow Medicine Show, "tell it to me, tell it to me, drink your corn liquor let the cocaine be" (the last part doesn't really apply but I like the line).
I'm confused and need someone to 'splain something to me.
Ya see, as an old farm boy, if I plant corn in a bottom and it gets flooded out every time I do it, it doesn't take me to many years to figure out maybe I ought a stop doing that. Or if I put cattle in a pasture and every tIme I do, they get through the fence, I can figure out that somethings wrong with the fence and I need to stop putting cattle in there till I get it fixed.
So here's my quandary. Why do minorities and "protected" groups keep supporting liberals?
My entire life, counting way to many decades now, these groups have listened to liberals/progressives tell them how they are being "discriminated"against. If only they put the liberals in office they will make everything right and rainbows and sunshine will come out their asses forever forward. And what has come of this when they do? I give you Detroit as example "A" and the list goes on and on from there. In virtually every case you can think of,things have demonstrably gotten worse, or stayed the same at best.
So why don't they try something different?
Yes, I know the left tells them if they elect conservatives they will be put in chains, or never get their wedding cake baked, or what ever other red herring the left can drag across their trail. But after chasing that laser dot for so long, even the dullest of dogs will eventually give it up as a lost cause.
So why do these folks keep doing it?
The left call conservatives racists, and homophobes and bigots every time a conservative suggests that we are all people and everyone should be treated the same, no special treatment. But isn't that just what the liberals want? For everyone to be treated equally?
To view the evidence it would appear not. They want certain groups to be treated with special care. They seem to want equal outcome, not equal opportunity. But isn't that the real bigoted position. Isn't saying there must be quotas, X percentage of blacks or women of gays or whatever saying to that group, "you're really not capable of competing on an equal footing so you must be treated specially", because you aren't capable. Or worse, they told me because some folks of Scothish descent couldn't do something I needed to be given special advantages, and thus my accomplishments would always be viewed as less because everyone knew I'd been given a head start. I would be totally offended if someone were to handicap me that way.
Now the left will come back and say things like, conservatives are just about the dollar and will never give women/blacks/gays/whoever a chance. Well that's illogical on the face of it. If conservatives are only interested in the dollar, then wouldn't they hire the best available in any circumstance? I mean that's how you get ahead, right? You put the best person in the job to get the best outcome.
Then the liberal will say, but this group or that can't compete so must be treated special. Again, the racism/bigotry of the left raises its head.
What happens if a sports team gets beat 55-0? The team isn't given special dispensation and spotted 56 points the next time. They are expected to get better if they want a better result. Having somebody on the sidelines to pat your hand and say "that's ok sweetie we will change the rules" doesn't help them get better, it makes the whole worse.
In my mind, if these groups the left keeps pandering to REALLY wanted to improve their situations, the first thing they would do is stop thinking of themselves as a separate group. Rather they would not think of themselves as a group but just another equal member of the society. They need to stop listening to those who offer them excuses and look to those who offer them a path forward.
I mean, really, how much worse could it get than where the liberals have taken them? Why not try something different than what you already know doesn't work?
Or so it would seem to an old farm boy.
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