Thursday, July 14, 2016

Unholy Alliance Between Neocons And Progressives

I've been thinking a lot about our border and why it has been so unregulated. I've come to the conclusion that it's "globalists" who are pulling the strings. Folks who don't really believe in countries anymore. Folks who want no borders to interfere with their plans.

So what are we talking about here?

I think there are 3 groups of globalists out there. The first, and most dangerous, are the neocons. These folks want the borders gone so they can do their business deals more efficiently. These are the business people who don't want a secure border so they can take advantage of the cheap labor flowing in illegally and keep their costs down and their profits up. They also want to be able to move manufacturing to places where labor is cheap and then be able to dump these cheaply produced goods on us without any hassles bringing the products to us. The folks who need the cheap products because they have manipulated the system to keep our wages low. These neocons are probably best identified by their connections to "Never Trump". Ben Sass and Mitt Romney immediately spring to mind.

The second group, which may be as dangerous but definitely is more insidious, are the progressives. Not your everyday, ordinary, lives next to you and irritates the bajebbers out of you with their social justice warrior crap progressives, but the politically powerful progressives. The Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi kinda progressive. The kinda folks who believe they are smarter than the rest if us and we should just turn over all decision making to them. The folks who read Animal Farm and 1984 and saw them as primers and not as the cautionary tales that they were meant to be. And so, they believe there should be a One World Government ruling us all.

It seems to me, that it was this group that was behind the now defunct League of Nations and now the United Nations. I believe it was this same group that pushed for the European Union.

One could easily argue that these are all planned precursors designed to condition us to accept some all powerful amorphous governing body. One that would chose what type of car we drive and whether we could have a 20oz. soda or if we could eat trans-fats. One that would tell us what, if any, religion we could believe in outside of the government itself.

Such a group would need to insure a meek and compliant population in order to insure its success. It could be said that they have been working to accomplish this in the western world through the government education of the masses. The teaching of our youth to be dependent on the government and that the individual and his rights are inconsequential when weighed against the overall societal good.

In order for them to be able to pull this off, they need to have a populace that is unable to resist. So they have been pushing to disarm Americans. Their most recent efforts have been centered around encouraging internal strife so they can then argue that we need to be disarmed, again to protect us from our own poor judgements. To stop all these violent incidents. I have already heard some of these globalists cum progressives call for Australian like gun confiscation. For our own good, of course. And if they are successful in this, they can move forward with any of their unconstitutional acts they like without fear of reprisal.

Then there is the 3rd group. As Lenin and Stalin would say, "useful idiots".

These are the social justice warriors and black lives matter fools who are being manipulated by those in group 2 like George Soros and the Clinton Foundation. They are causing the disruptions that group 2 is hoping will lead to people giving up their freedoms for "security". And once that can figure out the rest.

If I'm correct, this whole border crisis has been manufactured by a coalition of groups 1 and 2 and abetted unwittingly by group 3. (Then again, most things done by group 3 are done so unwittingly!)

Or so it would seem to an old farm boy!

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