Sitting here this morning thinking about how it's probably just as well that many, if not most, Americans are preparing to celebrate the 4th of July. Note I said 4th of July and NOT Independence Day.
240 years ago, our founding fathers risked their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for this country to be free from a tyrannical government. And here we are, a relatively short time later with a significant portion of our population rushing pellmell to give these self same freedoms back to another tyrannical government.
Many of these folks blindly holding their personal freedoms out to the government have never made the first sacrifice for these freedoms they are so quick to offer up to the government. They have listened to a group of liberal teachers and politicians extolling the virtues of big government their entire lives. So no wonder they believe that more government is the answer! Never mind the fact that most of their problems can be traced back to an intrusive government in the first place.
Their educations were warped so as to not teach them the facts that it was our forefathers independence and self reliance that built this great nation of ours. Instead they were taught that it was the evils of capitalism and independence that caused all the problems in the world. That if we had only had an all powerful government to reign in these awful people, everything would be sunshine and roses and rainbows would shoot out of our butts.
Never mind the fact that virtually every time government is ceded to much power, history has shown us it doesn't end well for those being governed. But thanks to our government run "education" system, this fact has been conveniently glossed over.
The fact that literally hundreds of thousands of Americans have given their blood and honor so that these imbeciles could be free to blithely hand over these hard won freedoms to their "political betters" turns my stomach.
How so many Americans, to adjust the old Tareyton commercial, "would rather switch than fight" is appalling. In fact, many have shown that they will actually fight in order to give up their personal freedoms. But what can we expect when we turned the education system over to leftists. First it was the colleges, but it has filtered down to the public schools now. Our kids don't have a chance if we haven't been actively trying to counter this leftist crap in our homes.
The irony of this country coming to a halt to celebrate the day we declared our independence from the tyranny of King George at the same time we have sHrillary Clinton leading the polls to become POTUS is inescapable.
I guess it's fitting that most people think of the holiday as the "4th of July" and not "Independence Day".
Or so it would seem to an old farm boy.
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