Here I am watching a protest march against President Elect Donald Trump. The protesters are chanting "Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go". And across the front line leading the march are folks holding flags.
The two flags I was able to identify were Mexico and the now defunct USSR. (There was a 3rd flag I could not identify.)
My first thought was, these folks could really use a geography class! I mean REALLY!
What kind of a mental defect marches in one country behind the flag of another country chanting that the new duly elected leader of the country they are in has got to go?
Clearly THEY are confused. Why else would they be marching behind the banner of a country they were not in?
That being said, I do understand they are making a statement that they are not pleased with the outcome of the election. But do they honestly believe that they would be better off in Mexico or the old USSR?
I would love to have seen them try that crap in Khrushchev's or Stalin's USSR. They'd have been in a frozen gulag before the echoes of their chants died.
Or if they were to go to Mexico right now and try marching through the streets behind American flag chanting that the Mexican leader had to go and burning Mexican flags, I feel certain they would quickly be introduced to the joys of the Mexican penal system.
But no, here in America, these special little snowflakes are given a day off from their college classes to overcome their trauma. They are treated as if they actually were making some sort of worthwhile social statement. This as they vandalized property and disrupted commerce. All the while the leftist media gives them all the attention these little metrosexuals long for but have never done anything to merit.
And why does this male bovine feces take place? Because we have allowed the nation's college campuses to become festering cesspools of anti American thought. They push collectivist/globalist ideas to young skulls of mush and encourage them to be disruptive forces in society so they might have yet another swing at the piƱata. Since their collectivist dreams failed in the USSR, Cuba, China, North Korea, Venezuela (need I go on?) they believe they should be given another chance. They believe those places just didn't do it right so they want to try it again here. With the university types in charge this time, since they are so much smarter than the filthy masses outside the ivy walls.
But that's a topic for another rant on another day.
Or so it would appear to an old farm boy.
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