Well, here we are, one day before the official day set aside for choosing the next POTUS.
What a cluster fuck!
We are presented with 4 options in most states. Jill Stein of the Green Party (whose true candidate should have been Bernie Sanders) is the statistically least likely to win. She is an avowed socialist/communist as are most members of the Green Party, as this has been the go to location for the admittedly far far left since the downfall of the USSR.
Next we have Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party. Understand, this is my natural home Party and that I am a registered Libertarian, but as nice a guy as Gary is, he's a flake. This should have been the LPs year to make a move up the ladder and challenge the big 2 and turn this country into a viable 3 Party system or maybe even replace one of the big 2. But alas and a lack, it was not to be. The LP chose Gary to be their standard barer and he proved to be woefully lacking in foreign policy and his stance on national sovereignty is disgraceful to a red blooded American. By nominating Gary I'm afraid the LP has doomed themselves to be, as the British might say, back benchers for the foreseeable future and I find that a shame when the 2 major parties put forth such flawed candidates. This is clearly an opportunity missed by the LP.
Then there is Donald Trump of the Republican Party. Donald is a loud mouthed, narcissistic billionaire with no background in politics. Much like H Ross Perot was back when he ran in '92. (Which by the way is the sole reason we have the whole foul legacy of the Clintons. Without Perot, GHW Bush would have easily defeated Clinton and they would have remained an Arkansas problem and not a national disgrace.) Donald has been the all powerful leader of an international corporation and a TV personality for decades. While he has only the passing knowledge of government that one gains from having to grease the wheels of government in order to do business, he doesn't have the relationships in government that those who have been there their entire adult lives.
So how in the hell did he become a major parties nominee?
Well, it's the establishment Republicans own fault that he is there. They were given the opportunity to fulfill the promises they made to the electorate when they were given the House and later the Senate and told to stop the country from falling off the cliff into socialism. But they failed to do so even though they had promised they would. Instead, once they got to DC they continued the cozy relationships between legislators and lobbyists and metaphorically said "screw you" to those who sent them there to do a job.
So this time round the work a day Republicans gave the establishment the one finger salute and chose a man who espoused a supportive position and at least had no history of turning on them. (When in fact he had no history at all.) Figuring he couldn't be any worse than the snakes who had betrayed them so many times before and he just MIGHT do what he said, and wouldn't that be a novel experience!
Then there is Hillary Rodham clinton the Democratic Party candidate. (Yes I meant to have the c in Clinton be lower case. Some of you may remember that she went by Hillary Rodham until Bill ran for president and it quickly became clear the US population didn't take to her feminist stance and she started using Clinton purely for political purposes.)
This woman is clearly the most corrupt person to run for POTUS in my lifetime and quite possibly ever. She has exposed US secrets through willfully setting up an email server contrary to directives and government regulations. She has sold the rights to something like 20% of US uranium to Russia after receiving financial benefits through the "Clinton Foundation". She was responsible for the overthrowing of the Libyan government so she would have something to point to as a foreign policy action (word is Obama was not really in favor of this action but went along to try and bolster her resume for the future White House run) then failed to provide adequate protection for our personnel serving in the lawless state left behind leading to the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three others. She then fabricated and disseminated the hoax about the video being the cause of the attack and followed that up by lying to the relatives of those who died. She and her husband sold access to the presidency while Bill was POTUS by renting out the Lincoln bedroom and then continued their pay to play antics through the Clinton Foundation in the years since Bill left office. Their "charitable" foundation has been run as a slush fund for their personal use with less than 10% of funds taken in actually going to charitable giving. And to top it all off, she, in cahoots with the DNC, rigged the Democratic primary and was still barely able to beat self proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders.
So there are our 4 choices.
The first 2 are not truly viable candidates. The next 2, well, as a friend of mine said, with them you are playing Russian roulette. The difference is Hillary is a semi automatic, you know you're getting a bullet to the head, Donald is a revolver, there is an honest chance the cylinder will come up empty.
Chose wisely grasshopper.
Or so it seems to an old farm boy.
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