Thursday, January 26, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Could Use A Dictionary

I’m so confused! I can’t seem to listen to the Hollywood leftists without getting turned around as I try to follow their logic. For it to make sense I have to take everything I know to be factual and reverse it. Up must become down. Cold must become hot. Increasing must become decreasing.

Lets take the so called actor Shai LaBeouf. Some place called the Museum of Moving Images in New York City (of course its in NYC, no place but liberal bastions like there or La La Land would give him the time of day) has allowed him to create (? not sure that is the proper word here, regurgitate maybe?) what he calls an art project. It is titled “He Will Not Divide Us”. By “He” I can only assume he means President Trump, since he was just arrested for assaulting a Trump supporting passerby.

According to what I’ve read, he has placed a live streaming camera on the side of the Museum of Moving Images and people are to stop in front of the camera and utter something anti Trump, or anti conservative, or just say “He will not divide us” and it will be streamed to the internet. This is supposed to run live until the next inauguration. (I guess he is assuming that President Trump will only be a one term president, because no right thinking person could possibly want the country to have defined and defended borders or be allowed to make their own decisions concerning their health care, or want better jobs, etc. etc.) I can’t think of a bigger waste of band width.

Now Mr. LaBeouf has launched a 4 year project (I’ll bet you money it won’t actually run that long.) to try and stop the lawfully elected President from following through with his stated goals of making America a better place for all Americans to live. Mr. LaBeouf has titled this effort “He Will Not Divide Us”.

Now either Mr. LaBeouf has a different definition of “divide” than I do, or his “us” is not the American people as a whole, as his entire project seems to be aimed at doing just that. Dividing the American people even further than they already are.

But then again, that appears to be the entire strategy of the left. To get the populace to not think of us as “One People” but rather to create as many sub groups as they possibly can and have each sub group obsess on their personal grievances. Blacks, Women, Gays, Latinos, Asian, Jews, Trans, Lesbians, Environmentalists, Pro thisists, Anti thatists, you name it and they can find a group with a grievance for it.

I feel fairly certain that if JFK were alive today and made his “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You” speech, he would be summarily drummed out of the Democratic party and vilified as some sort of right wing John Bircher. The left seems to have moved 180 degrees from this position. They want to have themselves viewed as Santa Claus bring gifts to the aggrieved and Shia LaBeouf is one more wack job pushing the leftist agenda. If he hadn’t gained a modicum of fame for acting in a series of movies based on a kid’s toy, nobody would even give this kook the time of day.

Or so it would seem to an old farm boy.

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