Ok, college students demanding "free" this and "free" that has officially jumped the shark! I'm not kidding here. Students (female) are demanding "free" tampons! http://college.usatoday.com/2017/01/04/college-students-are-demanding-free-tampons-on-campus/
That's right, these little snowflakes were able to figure out how to pay tuition and fees for the 2016–2017 school year. According to the College Board, tuition on average was $33,480 at private colleges, $9,650 for state residents at public colleges, and $24,930 for out-of-state residents attending public universities, but these snowflakes are unable to afford tampons!?!
Additionally, they are displaying an appalling lack of understanding about how businesses work. These principals hold for colleges as well as businesses. And that is, for a business to continue to operate, its income must equal or surpass its outgo. Sooo, little snowflakes, if the cost of doing business goes up, it must charge more to cover the increased cost or go out of business.
A quick amazon search told me that tampons can be purchased at a cost of $0.13 to $0.24 per tampon. Now I'm sure the college will be able to recognize a considerable saving due to economy of scale, buttttt, that doesn't cover the cost of the purchasing officer who is paid to make the purchase, or the warehouse personnel who will unload, store and later dispense them to the university employee who will spend a significant portion of their salaried time filling the "free" dispensers. This also doesn't consider the cost of the warehouse space that must be used to store this large cache, nor does it account for the accountants who must keep track of these purchases and insure that finance pays for them, or the people who actually process the payment and send it to the supplier.
All of these hidden costs must be recouped in order for the college to break even and thus continue to provide the valuable service of teaching the snowflakes about gender studies or whatever other useless programs are being offered. All in order to provide employment for the overpaid dweebs teaching them. And these new costs will be recouped by raising tuition (which will be protested by the very snowflakes who demanded the "free" service that forces the increase).
Some one needs to tell the participation trophy generation to stop being disappointed with the results they aren't achieving through the efforts they aren't making! They need to understand that results are the outcome of input/effort. NOTHING is free! And NOBODY is or should have to pay for things they will not benefit from. The "free" tampons will raise the tuition for ALL students; male, post menopausal women, women who have undergone hysterectomies, transgendered former males, etc. etc. None of whom will have a need to avail themselves of this "free" benefit.
I can't help but to believe that these entitled women demanding this free benefit would be appalled if they were forced to pay for free viagra dispensers.
Or so it would appear to an old farm boy.
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