Monday, March 28, 2011

Dateline Treynor, IA…..WTF????

Come on Treynor, you’re better than this. I grew up with Treynor residents as friends and I hate to see you drawing national attention for something soooo stupid. I mean really, in this day and age, white supremacists are the best you could do for a make believe terrorist group to role play against? When was the last time white supremacists were in the news for a violent crime? 
Now are there any other groups that pop to mind before you think of white supremacists? Oh, yeah, there are those Islamic fellows aren’t there. They’ve been involved in a few things recently haven’t they? Let’s recount just a few:
  • 9/11
  • The DC sniper
  • The Arkansas recruiting station shooting
  • The Fort Hood shooting
  • The attempted bombing of Times Square
  • The attempted bombing of NY subways
These are just to name a few that come to the top of my head, and yet you choose to make white supremacists the centerpiece of your terror response exercise? 
This is one more case of political correctness run amok. It’s like our government’s unwillingness to call our fight a war on Islamic radicalism, and calling it a war on “terror”. That makes as much sense as saying we are going to have a war on tanks, or a war on flanking actions. 
Terrorism is a tactic. A way of fighting. It makes NO sense to have a war on a tactic. We are not at war against a tactic. We are at war with radical islam which employees this tactic, but our government has been so kowtowed by the liberals that they don’t have enough gumption to even properly name our enemy. Radical islam!
How in the hell can we expect to defeat our enemy if we can’t even bring ourselves to properly name them? 
The Treynor planners were worried about offending the muslims when they chose to make white supremacists the bad guys, figuring that white guys are the one group that you can still go ahead and defame without fear of retribution. Well I say “Shame On You!” exercise planners. You and all the others like you are the reason that America has become a laughing stock around the world.
It’s time we stop pussyfooting around and start calling a spade a spade and acting accordingly. When the mafia was a big problem, we looked at the Italian community because that’s where they were. When we have problems with biker gangs we investigate biker gang gathering places. We don’t stop every person riding a motorcycle because we are worried about offending, or looking like we are “profiling”.
What a crock! Profiling is what you do when you are trying to catch bad guys. Hell, profiling is what you do when you are searching for any type of person. When you want to hire a truck driver you don’t advertise on Public Radio, you advertise on a Country radio station. Because that’s what a lot of truck drivers listen to. 
So come on Treynor, quite trying to be politically correct and use a more believable group of bad guys for your scenario. Make it Islamic Terrorists. Make it South American Narco-Terrorists. Make it something believable.
The sooner we stop worrying about bruising some group’s delicate feelings and start correctly naming our problems, the sooner we will be able to solve them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jim Jones vs islam

They keep telling us islam is a religion of peace, and yet we keep reading headlines like the one I read this morning.   Israeli family murdered in their sleep, mother, father and three children, one of which was a baby, stabbed to death. Once the news was made public, thousands of palestinians poured into the streets to celebrate.
Thousands of people celebrating the murder of 5 people in their sleep!,7340,L-4041106,00.html
These are not the acts of civilized people. It’s bad enough that a so called religion could produce individuals who could, through it’s rhetoric, justify the murder of five people in their sleep. But it also produced thousands of people who saw such a cowardly and dastardly deed as worthy of public celebration! 
In no other belief system calling itself a religion currently practiced in the world today could I find language justifying the wanton murder of others. Every other belief system calling itself a religion that has a million of more adherents, advocates for a morally higher standard of behavior from its followers. Peace, understanding, the betterment of the world and the condition of those living in it. Generally, these are the trademarks of a modern religion.
Islam does not meet this standard. A significant portion of its adherents advocate murder of those who do not believe as they do. Not only do they advocate murder for non believers, they also advocate it as a course of action for their own who do not strictly follow all of their tenants. Such as stoning a woman to death who has been brutally raped by one of their own “religious” faithful.
This is not a religion in my book. This is a system of subjugation. A means of allowing the males of a certain group to justify doing what ever they want to those who oppose them. A system for keeping their women as chattel. A system equivalent to medieval serfdom where the lord of the land could do what ever he choose to those under him and could kill any who opposed him without fear of retribution from the system itself. The difference being that it only seems to take a pair of testicles to be a lord in this system.
If islam wants to be considered a legitimate religion by the rest of the world, all these practitioners I keep hearing about who are supposedly peaceful will have to stand up and forcefully call “bullshit” on the radicals in their midst. They will have to ostracize them. They will have to point them out and help stamp them out.
Until that day happens, islam is worse than Jim Jones to me. At least he only killed his own followers. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Michael Moore And The Noodle Boy

Many people question President Obama’s birth country. Other folks believe they were born into the wrong time. Michael Moore has clearly been born into the wrong political environment. He should have been born in Cuba or Communist China or the old Soviet Republic. It’s evident that he was never properly educated about how the American system works.
I just read one of his rants about rich people and their money. He told GRITtv’s (I know, I never heard of it either) Laura Flanders: "They're sitting on the money, they're using it for their own -- they're putting it someplace else with no interest in helping you with your life, with that money. We've allowed them to take that. That's not theirs, that's a national resource, that's ours. We all have this -- we all benefit from this or we all suffer as a result of not having it." 
This sounds like the Wisconsin protester I heard yesterday. He was talking about needing to revolt because he worked at a noodle shop where the owner had the gall to tell them how they had to cook the noodles and when they had to come to work. He seems to think that because he is doing a job, he can do it anyway he wants and the owner should have no control over him or how he does it. As if the job would not exist without him.
What is wrong with these people? They act as if they owned the job. Noodle boy doesn’t seem to recognize that people come to the noodle shop knowing what the noodles will be like. They don’t come hoping to be surprised by some alternately prepared noodles. If noodle boy wants to make noodles a different way every day, he should start his own random noodle store. If people do go there and take random chance on whether the noodles are going to be edible then he will have a successful business of his own.
The point that neither Michael Moore nor noodle boy seem to understand is that without the owner, the job would not exist for them to complain about. Michael Moore seems to resent the real owner of the job making money. He wants to lay claim to the money generated by the job he created. But Michael Moore and his ilk were not there risking their money in the startup of the business that created the job that created the money. 
I would be bet you that if I took Michael Moore or noodle boy to Las Vegas and asked them to put their money in a slot machine and then told them they had to share their winnings with me, they would tell me to go eff off. I feel certain they would tell me it was their money and their risk putting the money in the slot machine and that I had no call on any monies they generated from that act. And yet they seem to think that the monies derived from a business should be shared equally by all. 
Somehow I don’t think either of our hero’s would be jumping to the front of the line to give the business owner their money if the business he started failed. And yet there they are laying claim to monies and jobs they had no part in creating. If the business owner let noodle boy cook noodles however he wanted and the business lost money, do you suppose noodle boy would kick in money from his own pocket to keep the business operating? I think we both know the answer to that question.
Without the reward part of the risk/reward paradigm, there is no incentive for the risk. But these mental midgets don’t seem to be able to think any further than the next guys bank account.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Unions & The Media vs The Citizenry

Have unions and the main stream media finally jumped the shark?
Wisconsin has brought the issue front and center so all Americans can see where the lines of interest are drawn. We have a state that is in financial trouble. The residents of the state elect a governor who had a plan for addressing this issue, a plan that he had outlined during the election process. Not only did the citizenry of the state elect the governor, they also elected enough likeminded legislators to institute the plan. This plan, as I understand it removes state unions ability to negotiate for benefits other than pay. It will also require them to contribute to their health benefits and retirement plans. Oh The Horror!
My Gawd!!! How could they possibly ask these employees to help pay for their health care and their retirement like normal people do? The injustice of it all!
Oh! Wait! This is still a free country isn’t it? 
If these folks think they are not getting a good deal, they are free to leave Wisconsin and go to someplace where they can get a better deal. 
They seem to have gotten the mistaken idea that they have some “right” to health care. I’m sorry, but employer supplied health care came about as an incentive to draw employees to a company. The employer must evaluate how much they can afford, above what they will pay in salary, and then put together an incentive they hope will draw the employees they are seeking.
The job does not belong to the employee. The job belongs to the employer. The employer determines the value of that job to them and then determines what part of their available finances they can target to getting that job done. In this case, the job belongs to the citizens of the state of Wisconsin. They have determined that the job they have is not worth the amount they are currently paying to have the job done. That is why they fired (elected other representatives) the folks who had decided to pay these amounts for the job. The citizenry realized the relationship between the Democrats and the unions was an incestuous one. They saw how the unions supported the Democrats, who gave the unions sweetheart deals, who then increased the amount of dues the unions could collect from their members and then could support the Democrats in their election campaigns. 
It was clear to the majority of the citizenry of Wisconsin that the Democrats were more interested in supporting the unions than in doing the right thing for the state of Wisconsin. This is why the Democrats were turned out in the last election. Even in a liberal state like Wisconsin.
And what do we find as we look at the majority of the coverage we see in the media? At least from what I’ve seen, the majority of it belittles the employer (elected officials of the state) for trying to be fiscally responsible and trying to do what is best for their stockholders (the citizens of the state). 
I’m wondering if maybe the unions and the media have finally overstepped their bounds. They have finally shown their colors, in that they are more interested in their socialist agendas than they are about the citizens of this country.
Only time will tell.