Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Muslim Rosa Parks

I now have a new hero (dare I say heroine?)! Her name is Sila Sahin. Sila is a Muslim actress in Germany. She is a star in a German Soap Opera “Good Times – Bad Times”. She was raised in Germany by her conservative Turkish parents.
To me, and I say this knowing I will receive howls of outrage from some hyphenated Americans who see everything through racially colored glasses, Sila Sahin may be the Muslim Rosa Parks. Sila is on the cover of the latest addition of the German Playboy magazine and the focus of at 12 page spread inside the covers.( ) I’m sure you are saying to yourself, “What is the farmboy smoking? An actress/playboy model and Rosa Parks can’t possibly have anything in common.”
Well I say they do. Rosa Parks, by refusing to sit at the back of the bus stood up against a society’s repressive expectations. She refused to be cowed by societal expectations for a person of her ethnicity. She, with her actions, said these segregationist policies and beliefs are wrong and I will not submit to them. Rosa Parks did this in the face of a nation where she stood to be severely sanctioned, to the point where she faced death threats and other possible violence’s being visited upon her.
Sila Sahin, by posing in Playboy, is making a stand against the repressive norms of the increasingly tyrannical Muslim religion. One where women may not be seen in public without a man who is either their husband or a relative. A religious society that says a woman must dress in a manner that would expose no more than possibly their hands and their eyes, and not even that in some circles. A society that approves of “honor” killings of women who do not toe the proverbial Islamic line. Such as dressing in a non-Islamic manner, or dating outside of their religion, or acting to western.
Sila Sahin has already received multiple death threats. Her mother, who has lived under these repressive codes her entire life, has cut Sila off from the family. Yet she maintains. As she says, she is saying to Muslim girls, “We don’t have to live according to the rules imposed upon us.”
If that isn’t Rosa Parker like, I don’t know what is. Women’s groups and Human Rights groups should be coming out to support Sila in droves. And yet, I’ll wager you dollars to donuts that few if any will. Why, because she’s in Playboy, and god forbid they should support any woman who would “prostitute” themselves and be “exploited” by showing their body. Never mind the fact that she has done this of her own free will. But let’s face it, in their own way, the Women’s and Human Rights groups can be every bit as judgmental as the Islamists.
Well, I for one salute you Sila Sahin. I believe you are a brave an honorable woman. I’m sure you will have to put up with people saying you are just doing this for publicity and other vile things, but I support you. As the old Brits would say, “Bully for you!”

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The New Teflon President

And they used to call Ronald Regan the Teflon President because they said nothing would stick to him. WOW! He’s nothing compared to the current occupier of the Oval Office. He’s making Ronnie look like a cast iron skillet instead of a Teflon coated frying pan.
Just take a look around. Gas prices through the roof, but does Obiwan get any of the blame. Of course not! He’s even taken a page from a Todd Snider song where he insightfully quips, “cause if you’re the one pointing the finger, no one looks at you!” Our ‘Let’s Make Jimmy Carter Look Like Not Such A Bad President After All’ President has called for an investigation of the Oil Companies and the speculators. Thus hoping that no one will shine a light into the black hole that is our current administration.
His EPA will not issue air quality permits to Shell Oil so they can drill off shore in Alaska. He has issued a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (of course that hasn’t kept China or Cuba from drilling there). They throw up every roadblock they can think of to obstruct oil development in the oil sands and oil shale in the western US. All of which would increase the supply and reduce our dependence on foreign oil and thus reduce the speculators reasons for guessing the supply will be jeopardized and driving up the price.
And yet the compliant sycophantic mainstream media obligingly continues to focus the public’s attention on Big Bad Oil and the oil speculators. I sometimes wonder if he isn’t looking to have a government takeover of the oil industry like Hugo, Mao and Stalin before him.
Then there is the deafening silence from the Anti-War left. It seemed that we couldn’t turn on the TV when GW was president without having to listen to some screed about the terrible imperialistic Americans imposing their will on the world. Now we still are fighting in all the same places plus the non-stick one has inserted us into Libya (without congressional approval, which GW got), GITMO is alive and well, we are preparing to sanction Syria, and we don’t hear a peep nor a sound from the Anti-War leftists to say nothing of the MSM.
The country is teetering on the brink of financial ruin, thanks in large part to his disastrous fiscal policies to “stimulate” the economy (with money we have had to borrow from China). Couple this with the terrible negative effect of Obama Care, which is such a deleterious influence that they have already been forced to issue more than a thousand waivers to companies, most of which are run by Obama backers. The housing market is a mess, in large part because they won’t let the market correct itself. But do we hear anything about these, of course not, unless you look into alternate sources for your news.
This list could go on indefinitely. They seem to be working harder and faster to dismantle this once great nation than one can report on. But does the blame land anywhere near the epicenter of this $hit storm that is the Obama Presidency? Not unless you look at the real “independent” media, the internet or Fox News.
Thank heavens the public seems to be starting to realize that the media is anything BUT independent. They are merely the propaganda organ of the left. Willing accomplices in the attempt to pull the liberal wool over the predominantly conservative countries eyes.
The alarm clock is ringing, let’s see how many folks wake up and take responsibility for themselves and what happens with this country. Another chance to show you are awake and attentive is coming up in November, 2012.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Peaceful Religion My A$$!!!!!

Well I'll be damned if the religion of peace isn't at it once again!

We've all read about the horrible school shooting in Rio. The reports vary from 11 to 13 school children killed, execution style. Stood against a wall and shot in the head! Another 20+ students injured.

I can't imagine the anguish and grief the parents must be going through. No parent should ever have to bury their child, but to have to do so under these circumstances is beyond my ability to comprehend.

Now while you have certainly heard about the shooting, have you heard about the shooter's "religious" connections? Unless you are a regular visitor to the "Drudge Report" or Fox News, probably not. I speak, of course about the "peaceful" religion of islam. I do not capitalize its name on purpose. I find it to be neither a religion nor peaceful. The majority of it's practitioners may claim to not agree with the vile acts that many of their fellow believers perpetrate, but only a precious few speak out against their acts.

If islam were truly the peaceful religion they claim it to be, millions upon millions would not only speak out against these vicious animals, but they would be taking steps to prevent them from further acts. They would not only report their plots, they would work to stop them. They would rail against such violent mid-evil teachers/religious leaders as the blind cleric Omar Abdel-Rahman and Anwar al-Awlaki. They would cast them out and shun them. They should loudly and forcefully preach against such behavior, if they were as they claim, a peaceful religion.

But do we hear such condemnation? NO! We hear nothing of the sort.

It is for this reason that I do not accept islam as a religion! Until it starts forcefully advocating humane behavior between all people, no matter what their religious bent may be, islam will remain a barbaric cult in my opinion! It's "holy" sits and artifacts equivalent to Auschwitz and Nazi artifacts. It's practitioners should be given the same reverence you would give any full blown Nazi.

As long as world "leaders" continue the fiction of it being a "religion of peace" they will be de facto supporters of these mid-evil thugs!

It's time to call a spade a spade and start acting accordingly.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is The United States Of America Still A Sovereign Nation?

Is the United States of America still a sovereign state? I know on the surface this seems to be a silly question. But let me ask you to take a minute to think about this question. Before you start though I’d like you to consider a couple of things:

First, here’s what Wikipedia has to say about “sovereign states”:
The United Nations currently only requires that a sovereign state has an effective and independent government within a defined territory. According to current international law norms, states are only required to have an effective and independent system of government pursuant to a community within a defined territory.

For centuries past, the idea that a state could be sovereign was always connected to its ability to guarantee the best interests of its own citizens. Thus, if a state could not act in the best interests of its own citizens, it could not be thought of as a “sovereign” state. [emphasis added]

Next, what then is providing for the best interests of its citizens? As a Libertarian, I’d have to say (and you’ve heard me say this before) the job of government is to protect its citizens’ life, property and fortune from seizure by force or fraud. If a government does this, they’ve done a good days work and can cease any further actions. This would then allow the citizens to develop their own methods for meeting any other perceived needs.

Having staked out these two points, I ask you again, is the United States of America still a sovereign state?


That’s enough time.

I would have to say that the answer is “NO”. Any sovereign nation, including the under developed ones, protects their citizens from extra-territorial incursions by non-citizens who would then take from the citizens. The Greeks defended their citizens from the Persians, the Romans protected their citizens from the Goths, the Brits defended their citizens from the Nazis, etc., etc. Yet our government, whether run by Democrats or Republicans, has refused to secure our borders and has allowed a full scale invasion by illegals. This invasion has cost many lives which have been taken through violent crimes and/or acts such as drunk driving. It has enabled these illegals to take our citizens property through criminal force. It has allowed our citizens fortunes to be taken due to the diminution of property values because of crime perpetrated by illegals.

By failing to secure our borders, the government is also putting the citizenry at risk from attack by the islamic radicals who wish to destroy us. They have left the door open for easy access by enemy combatants. They, like the drug cartels, have nearly unimpeded access to our country. All because our “government” will not secure the border.

Why neither side will secure the border is open to debate. Maybe it’s because some businesses want access to cheap labor. Maybe it’s because some political parties want to increase a base that will be beholding to them. Maybe it’s something else altogether. From where I stand, it doesn’t make any difference.

In my opinion, our government is failing the citizenry of this country in the most basic of ways. It’s failing to protect our lives, property and fortune. It’s time we as citizens stop being lazy and investigate those who seek to become part of our state and federal
governments and vote only for those who truly wish to make us a sovereign nation once again.
Don’t listen to what they say they will do, political advertisements are NOT your friend! Look at what they have done in the past. The best predictor of future behavior is past performance.
Take responsibility for yourself! Get educated! Vote!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Don't Blame The Snake

Well, it’s started. Radical Islamists are starting the inevitable creep many of us believed would happen in Egypt, and will surely follow in all of these other countries currently experiencing Islamic unrest. Just this week the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has advocated “modesty police” ( You remember those humanitarian groups. I believe it was a Saudi Arabian variant of the modesty police that wouldn’t let the young girls flee a burning dorm building because they were not fully covered, and thus were forced to burn to death.
This is all taking place after we supported the protests calling for Mubarak to leave, when we had no idea who was behind the uprising. Just like we are now doing in Libya. We’re lending support to rebels who are thoroughly infected with, if not completely organized and directed by, Islamic radicals.
Yes I know Mubarak was as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, but we were able to work with him to thwart groups like al-qaeda and the muslim brotherhood. Plus he also signed and kept a peace treaty with our only true friends in the middle east, Israel. Moammar Gadhafi is an evil SOB who has been a thorn in our side for decades, but we had, prior to our current administration taking office, cowed him into giving up his nuclear ambitions and sort of minding his own business. Now we’ve got Anwar Al-Awlaki crowing about the upsurge in Islamic fighters in Egypt and Libya. (You all remember Al-Awlaki, he’s the guy who had 9-11 guys in his mosque in the DC area. He had a relationship with the Ft. Hood shooter. He had some relationship to the Christmas Day bvd bomber.) You know that if Al-Awlaki is happy about what’s going on, it’s not in our best interest.
And yet, there we are, continuing to insert ourselves on the wrong side of these uprisings. (The truth be told, in many of these situations, there is NO right side to be on. We should just sit on our hands until things are sorted out, then go in and deal with the victor in whatever way is appropriate.)
But no, we get involved without knowing what is really involved and we get situations like what is going on in Egypt. Where one muslim brotherhood weird beard told the concerned Christian community “If the Christians want safety they should submit to the rule of God and be confident that the Islamic sharia will protect them.” Now if I was a Christian in Egypt I’d be shaking in my sandals at the thought of counting on sharia to protect me. I believe we all remember how some Islamic radicals interpreted sharia when it came to how Daniel Pearl should be treated. Why should they expect any better treatment?
As a matter of fact, Nagib Gibrail, a Coptic Christian attorney says “There are areas in Egypt where Christian girls can’t walk outside after 8:00 in the evening for fear of being kidnapped.”
WE, and by we I mean our current ill prepared and incompetent president and his far left administration, are partially to blame for this happening.
Remember folks, actions have consequences. When you vote for an inexperienced leader who showed he had radical leftist ties and NO experience in anything other than corrupt Chicago and Illinois politics, don’t blame him for what he does. It’s YOUR fault! To blame our current president for doing what he’s done is like taking a snake to bed with you and then blaming him for biting you. He’s just doing what he does. The signs were there. You should have paid better attention.
The only possible saving grace is there’s another election in 1 ½ years. You can take steps to correct your, or your neighbor’s error. As the Democrats say, “Vote early and vote often!”

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Intrusive Feds Are Increasing Consumer Food Costs ..... Again

The Feds are at it again. New regulations will require chain fast food restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, coffee shops, etc. to list the calories in their offerings. The Nanny State is “looking out for” us. I guess they feel that we are not capable of making any decisions without their help.
They seem to feel that if we just knew how many calories were in that cheeseburger we would choose to eat a salad instead. So they will force all of these various retailers to list the calories of their various offerings. Of course these listings don’t just happen. Someone has to calculate the calories of all these various things then signs have to be designed and printed and put up. None of these things happen for free. Each and every one of them costs money. And guess what. These companies will pass the cost on to you. So when you have to pay that extra nickel for your french fries, you can thank your Obama led pack of do-gooders. Ninety percent of which have never had anything to do with actually running a business, and thus don’t understand that when they make their various intrusive rulings that they are impacting the end users as much as the “evil” companies they are trying to punish.
They also seem to think that giving us this knowledge will change our behavior, as if we didn’t realize that a salad was less likely to make us fat than a cheeseburger and fries. How effing STUPID can these meddling government a$$holes be? Of course we knew the cheeseburger was less healthy than the salad! WE DIDN’T CARE! Your forcing the stores to put signs on them is going to do nothing but increase the cost to us and create more useless government jobs for more people to go out and check to make sure that companies are following these overbearing and intrusive rules.
Attention Big Government: Get Out Of My Personal LIfe, Get Out Of My Wallet, And Do What A Government Should Be Doing!
Protect My Life, My Property And My Wealth From Being Taken From Me
By Force Or Fraud! 
That’s pretty much it for what the government should be doing. It is not their place to socially engineer what happens in the society. 
As adults we should make our own decisions and live with the consequences of our actions. If I make a stupid decision, eat to much, get fat and die of a heart attack, to bad, so sad for me. The government need not be involved. If I make good decisions and earn lots of money, good for me, I get to enjoy the fruits of my good decision making. The government need not be involved. PERIOD END!