Monday, December 15, 2014

Liberals Calling Conservatives Racist Is A Case Of The Kettle Calling The Snowflake Black

Liberals are constantly calling conservatives racist. Well, to quote Inigo Montoya of The Princess Bride, “I don’t think that means what you think that means.”

The term “racist” is arguably the most often misused term in modern American English. According to Google, a racist is a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another, or, having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another. When in fact, most of the individuals who call another person a racist, they actually mean that the individual is a bigot. Again, returning to Google, they define a bigot as “a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinons.”

The difference being they don’t think they are better they just don’t like who/what they are bigoted about.

You may well be saying to yourself, “Farmboy, so what? What difference does it make?”

Well, I posit to you that if you are to use the term, you need to understand it and realize who the real racists are.

So, follow me here. I submit to you that today’s Liberals are the true racists in today’s society. Here are my points to bolster my position.

Here in the United States of America, where we have as our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, everyone is created equal and endowed by their creators with inalienable rights.

So what then does that mean? It means that as legal citizens of this country, everyone has equal rights under the law.

If we are all equal under the law, than we should not create groups within our society to receive any special benefits or protections, for if we do, aren’t we then saying, “You, member of this specified group, are not capable of competing on an equal footing in this society.”

Isn’t that the very definition of being a racist? Saying to some group of individuals, you aren’t good enough to succeed in our society. So we, your superiors, will protect you and look out for you, so these individuals who ARE treating you as an equal and competing against you on an equal basis, won’t prevail over you.

I submit to you that it is in fact the modern Liberal who is the racist who has done the most harm to segmented groups by making them think of themselves as needing the help of their betters. This treatment of these groups has given them generations of thinking of themselves as not being able to  compete on an equal basis. So much so that many in these communities have stopped even trying to compete and have now sat back and decided to wait for their overlords to provide for them.

Who then is the real racist? The conservative who believes everyone should compete on an equal basis and not be given special treatment? Or the Liberal who wants to segregate groups and treat them as if they were simpletons, unable to fend for themselves? 

As for me, I’d rather compete on an equal basis and fail, than be thought incapable and given a hand out.

Or so it seems to an Old Farmboy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What About Fracking?

Let me start this off by saying I’m not a hydrologist. I don’t even play one on TV, so this may be totally wrong, but….

Can someone please explain this to me? The opponents of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) say that they don’t want you to pump something into the ground because they are worried about polluting the aquifer, ground water. Without giving that any real thought that makes sense.

But upon further reflection I have to ask a couple of questions.

First would be, isn’t oil, or even natural gas, considered to be a pollutant to water? Haven’t we been pumping oil out of the ground since Edwin Drake’s first purpose drilled oil well in 1858? Other than the oil that has been spilled when gushers came in, I don’t recall hearing of any water pollution from the drilling itself.

Secondly I must ask, if the oil is and has been down there all along without polluting the aquifer, and for 155 years we have been extracting it without major (or even minor that I’ve heard of) pollution of ground water, why is it a problem now?

And if in the fracking process I am pumping a liquid down to the level where the oil has been for eons, without polluting the water, and I then pump the oil back up past the water, as we have done safely for over 150 years, where is the danger?

My final question is, if Governor John Hickenlooper of Colorado would, could and did drink fracking fluid without any ill effects, what’s the big deal if some of it did, though there is no evidence that it ever would, make its way into the aquifer? Remember, the oil itself has been down there for millions of years without polluting the water.

Or so it would seem to an old farm boy.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Amnesty To Fill Jobs In The Throws Of Recession?

Is it just me or does there appear to be a disconnect here somewhere?

MARRIOTT CEO: We need immigration bill so we can staff our resorts...

AT&T CEO says more guest workers needed...

208 CEOs endorse call for amnesty, visas for 'lower-skilled workers'...

Report: Unemployment crisis for minority youths...

I just finished reading these four headlines and thought, “Wait a minute!”

On one hand we have CEOs saying we need to get all these illegals legalized and at the same time we are having a crisis of unemployment with our minority youth.

If we were to put our unemployed minority youth to work in the ‘lower-skilled workers’ positions the CEOs are crying for “amnesty” to legally fill, wouldn’t we be obviating the need for legalizing the illegals?

(Oh, did I offend some of the politically correct among you by using the word illegals? Well to effing bad! Somebody who enters a country, any country, illegally has broken the law. They are not “undocumented”, they are illegal! They are criminals. A person who robs a bank is not an “undocumented withdrawer” they are a criminal!)

So think of the positive affects this would have. We would have many of our unemployed young people put to work. This would remove them from any welfare rolls they may have been on (a savings to us all). They would be a contributing member of society who pays taxes and would thus understand what it is to actually be vested in the society from a contributor’s standpoint. Every active member of the workforce is then in a position to improve their lot through effort and education. Employed individuals are less likely to commit crimes, so the crime rate would decline, which would reduce pressure on the legal system and the prisons, allowing more time and resources to be spent on other law breakers. (See earlier parenthetical comment.)

So why are these jobs having to be filled by illegals? Why aren’t our businesses filling these vacancies with our unemployed?

I would posit that there are a myriad of reasons, but topping the list might well be that our governmental welfare system has created a culture where living off of the dole is not viewed as something to be looked down upon. That getting a job and being productive is viewed as a negative. Why work when I’m doing OK without working?

Intentionally or unintentionally, the do gooders in Washington have so successfully removed the stigma of living off the government that they have created an entire underclass that will be perpetually on the take. They have little to no incentive to get off the dole. The system has been set up were a high percentage of our perpetual poor have heat in the winter and AC in the summer. They have flat screen TVs and cell phones. They have computers and the internet. They have EBT cards so as not to harm their egos by having to use food stamps in front of the other folks in the store, singling them out as takers instead of contributors.

So what then do our business leaders and political class see as the answer? Why let’s just make all these law breakers legal with the stroke of a pen. Then we will have all of these “legal” workers at our finger tips to pay taxes and pay for the welfare.

Isn’t this a self-perpetuating downward spiral that will draw more folks into the country illegally and entice more people onto the dole, so we have to legalize the illegals to pay for those on the dole, that will then draw more illegals, and on and on and on……

Or so it would seem to an old farm boy.