When the majority of a society decides it is better to back away from evil rather than to confront it, that is the moment the society has found the precipice and decided to jump. When a capable society such as ours decides to ignore evil rather than engage it to make positive change, that society is lost. France didn’t just lose its backbone when the Germans invaded and they set up the government of collaborators called the Vichy French. That loss started long before.
I’m not a master historian, but I would posit that France crested in 1831 when the Foreign Legion was established. It was at that point the French decided that it was better to spill foreigner’s blood in France’s name rather than their own. This is not unique to the French. The old Roman Empire, in its later stages, opted to use mercenaries rather than spill Roman blood. We know how well that worked out.
The Vichy French represented the logical extension of a society that was not willing to spill French blood. It was better to submit to a foreign power than to fight, thus not losing any life. Instead, they lost so much more…dignity, self respect, and the right to self determination. All gone because of the belief that not to fight is peace and peace is the penultimate.
I see Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Sheehan, Boxer, et. al., as preemptive American Vichy. They are not the cause, but the extension of the belief that anything is better than war. The belief that not one drop of American blood should ever be shed to support US interests.
This movement seems to be the outgrowth of, I hate to say, my generation’s anti-war movement during the 60’s. Many of us were “useful idiots” of the world-wide socialist movement. We were sold a bill of goods about the war being an “unjust” war, when in fact, those doing the selling were supporters of our enemies. By getting us to undermine the resolve of the country, they had us supporting our enemies. They were having us destroy our nation, not with a giant stroke, but with millions of tiny cuts. The cuts continue to this day.
Many of these 60’s socialists grew older without growing up. They found refuge in protected environments like universities, community activist organizations, etc. and continued their activities and beliefs. They spent their time pushing ideas like “social justice” and “graduated taxes”, which were merely restatements of Marx’s “from each according to his ability to each according to his need”.
When we were attacked on September 11, 2001, they burst forth again under the guise of Code Pink, ANSWER, The World Can’t Wait, and other such organizations. All citing the US as the problem, as if we were the attackers instead of the attacked.
The American Vichy want us to “talk” with those who want to kill us and destroy our way of life. Believing that a nice discussion will show them the error of their thinking, and they will abandon beliefs they have held for over a thousand years. Muhammad himself said that those who do not believe in Allah must be converted, subjugated and taxed, or killed.
The Israelis have tried this. They’ve tried land for peace. It doesn’t work! It only encourages more aggression.
The only possible out come of appeasement is the same now as it has always been. To appease an aggressor places you in an even less defensible position in the future. And make no mistake about it, there will be a future where the bully demands even more.
The actions of the American Vichy are only going to make it harder, at best, or impossible to maintain our nation.
We need to decide if we are going to continue as a nation that revels in our independence and the right of self determination, or one that falls to submission to the will of others, and slowly cease to be the nation our forefathers fought and died for.
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