Friday, September 24, 2010

What Are We Coming To?

Who, in their right mind invites an apparent WASP comedian to testify before congress about immigration? This is a serious subject being considered by a supposedly serious body. But then again, this is the same body that allowed another comedian to continue manufacturing votes until he finally won, then quickly ratified the election and seated him.

While I disagree with a full 80% of the positions taken by Stephen Colbert, he is able to do some very clever takes on what is happening in the world. My problem with this is, by having him testify before congress it reinforces the misconception held by many of the left's supporters, that his comedy is factual news. Yes there are nuggets of fact that he builds his comic stances around, but he is NOT dispensing factual news. It is not even dressed up in the guise of commentary. And yet, so many of the warm and fuzzy "it's not FAIR" crowd treat his and John Stewart's comedy as fact. So much so that I believe Stewart is actually starting to believe it himself.

An educated public is a thing of beauty. One that is not easily duped into things that clearly are not in their best interest. An intentionally mis-educated public can be easily led down a primrose path to their own demise.

By propping up a clearly partisan popular comedic figure as some type of authority seems to be a clear and blatant attempt to mislead that segment of the public. I believe this is being done so they will support a position that will not be to the betterment of the nation in the long run.

But then again, what do I know? I'm just an old farm boy. I'm no more (or less) an authority than Colbert.

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