As I look over the headlines this morning, I'm reminded of rats abandoning a sinking ship. Every headline coming out of DC is about Democrats trying to create distance between themselves and the PotUS. Every one of the Dems who is not 100% secure is running as hard and as fast as they can away from the positions they took a year ago as they stole our freedoms and rammed bigger government down our throats.
Even Bob Woodward,famous/infamous lefty jurno/author, seems to be dissing the PotUS. As I read his blurbs, he is describing a man who is in over his head and floundering to find a way to get what he wants despite the will of the nation. But as he flounders he keeps heading for deeper waters. He refuses to turn to shore, that is, a more traditionally American position. One that emphasizes the individual and their rights. Instead he continues to flounder towards European socialist positions. Positions that even many Europeans are turning away from.
Elections have consequences. We are paying a heavy price for so many Americans voting their emotions over good sense in '08. We can start to turn the ship around in November if we have enough people with the gumption to do so.
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