Monday, January 10, 2011

You Just Knew It Was Gonna Happen

You just knew it was going to happen! After Saturday’s tragedy where the Congresswoman from Arizona was shot, 6 others were killed and a total of 20 were injured the left is out howling about the “violent rhetoric of the right”. Yet again they are pushing for gun control if not the outright abolition of private gun ownership.
We are already hearing Sarah Palin being pilloried for her “targeting” of Democratic districts. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others are being called purveyors of “hate”. 
Here we see the Left’s fervent belief in “never letting a good crisis go to waste” swing into action as they try to limit or ban guns and muzzle talk radio. Their problem is there are several flies in their ointment.
The first, and to me the biggest, is the Left’s whole argument against weapons and large capacity magazines. The one you hear the most is “you don’t need handguns or large capacity magazines to go hunting”. Well, they are correct about the large capacity magazines and hunting. They are un-necessary….for hunting. Handguns, on the other hand are quite useful on a hunting trip; snakes, varmints, close range coup de grace to put an animal out misery, etc. But they are missing the point of the 2nd Amendment, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” 
The Constitution and the first 10 Amendments was written shortly after we had overthrown the British Crown here in America. The framers of the Constitution recognized the peoples need to be armed so that they could defend themselves from an overbearing government. They felt so strongly about this that they included it in the foundational papers of our government. 
Pro Big Government Lefties realize that an armed citizenry is much harder to control and thus they try to limit our ability to resist at every turn! Any time you hear someone try to frame the argument against private gun ownership and/or the ability to bear arms in terms of “you don’t really need”, you can be sure of one of two things. They either don’t understand the Constitution and what it’s about, or they do understand it but disagree with the concept of limited government and individual rights and freedoms.
The next fly would be their immediate assumption that the shooter was incited to his acts by “Right Wing Talk Radio”. I listened to the heroic woman who helped subdue the shooter and she was throwing blame on Right Wing Rhetoric. I have read where several Democratic politicians have come out blaming Limbaugh, Beck, etc. Their problem is, it appears that the shooter was a far left individual. 
It is reported in the Phoenix New Times that a HS and college classmate who was also in a band with the shooter claims he was a “Left-wing pothead”. Oops! But ya know, I doubt much of that will ever make it to the MSM.
Despite the fact that this guy is quite likely a radical leftist, we can expect an all out assault on conservative talk radio. This will be done while totally overlooking the radical incitement of the far left. Such sources as, The Daily Kos, Ed Shultz, etc. will never be brought up as they vilify the right. Neither will they bring up dangerous radicals such as The Weathermen, the killer of James Pouillon, or the New Black Panthers, all of whom advocate, or have used violence to further their leftist agendas.
I feel great sorrow for the six slain and 20 wounded individuals and their families in Tucson, to say nothing of Congresswoman Gifford and her family. That being said, don’t let the left get away with using these folks’ personal tragedy for their political gain.

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