Thursday, May 12, 2011

Time To Put The Adults In Charge

Well, well, well…. The Community-Organizer-In-Chief is back at it again. Showing how he and his chosen staff really don’t have a clue as to what was a major trigger in our current financial meltdown. Just what it was that caused the banking and mortgage system to implode. Either that or they are more interested in “social justice” than in the health of the country.

They are back to pressuring banks to give “sub-prime” loans ( How crazy is that? This is the policy developed and pushed by the liberals to force lending institutions to give home loans in particular and loans in general to folks who didn’t really qualify. This is how come banks wound up with so much bad debt and why the whole banking industry has had to be put on life support. Liberals continue to try to socially engineer our great society. A society that became great because it was, for the most part, left to develop on its own without governmental interference. A society that rewarded hard work and innovation. A society that allowed anyone with the ability and the drive to raise their level within our society, and by the same token, allowed those who were unwilling to put forth the effort to maintain or increase their level to slide backwards. A truly just system.

Our economy is struggling to right itself. Fighting to overcome the massive debt that the liberals have saddled us with through such mind numbingly stupid programs: as private industry bailouts, socialized medicine, cash for clunkers, and on and on and on. And now they start right back in with more of the same.

Clearly they have never heard “a sign of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result”! By this definition, our liberal legislators are, without a doubt, INSANE!!!!! And this after the last election where America clearly told the liberals “Enough All Ready”!

Note here I do not say Democrat, but rather I specifically choose the word “liberal”, for there are non-conservative Republicans, just as there are Democrats. It’s about time the adults took over our legislative process and put this country back on a financially stable course. Adults who don’t spend what they don’t have. Adults who don’t see the people as a cash cow to fund every crazy boondoggle one of their members can dream up. Adults who are willing to ask themselves “is this really a better expenditure of these peoples’ money then they would spend it on themselves?”

When this country puts a majority of folks in government who are ready, willing and able to do these things, then and only then will we truly stop the current slide into the abyss. God Help Us All if the adults don’t take over soon.

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