Wednesday, May 25, 2016

When Liberals Meet Facts

I just finished watching the debacle that took place in Chicago on May the 24th at DePaul University. An institute of "higher learning". A place where students are supposed to be taught about critical thinking and to consider alternate positions.

Well that certainly wasn't the case that night!

The DePaul University Young Republicans brought in Milo Yiannopoulos as a speaker. (For those of you who do not know Milo, he is a flamboyant gay white conservative male who routinely destroys 3rd wave feminism, social justice warriors and liberals in general through humor and fact.) This was a voluntary event so no special snowflakes were forced to endure Milo's unique brand of offensive (to the reality challenged) truths.

So what happened shortly after the event started?

A group of BLM protesters took over the stage, loudly blowing a whistle to interrupt the speakers and make it impossible to continue. They then forcibly took a microphone from the student who was interviewing Milo and ranted at the audience. One of the comments from the disrupters was, and here I paraphrase, 'stop the hate you racist bastard!' Without a hint of the irony in the screed.

Understand that in the last few days before Milo was to appear, DU demanded that the Young Republicans pay several thousand dollars for increased security before they would be allowed to hold their event. (who is Milo's employer) actually kicked in $1000 to help them defray the cost.

So what did security do as this unaffiliated group took over and refused to let the program go forward? ..... Absolutely NOTHING!!!

Neither DU, nor Chicago PD security personnel did one damn thing to protect the rights of several hundred folks who showed up to this event to here ideas that aren't approved by the liberal elites that hold sway at most modern universities. A job that the Young Republicans were forced to pay them thousands of dollars to do because DU expected that special snowflakes would take issue with Milo.

Now isn't that just doubly distressing. The fact that a university, a place that should be totally about experiencing different ideas, would allow a group to take over an event to keep ideas from being heard, coupled with their obstructionist attempts to keep the event from happening by forcing the YRs to pay an exorbitant fee for a non service. I seriously doubt that DU would require BLM to pay extra security if they were to hold an event and bring in an Angela Davis type of speaker. (To say nothing of the fact that if folks tried to disrupt the event, I would bet significant sums of money that they would not be treated with near the civility these folks were. The only violent acts, or threats of such, came from the disrupters.)

Once again, liberal factions turned to the only tactic they can, since fact and logic are against them. They try to stop the message from getting out. Here it was BLM, at Trump events its Bernie and far left activists who try and keep folks from the events or disrupt the events.

If their case were valid, they could hold a counter event and give their side, but they neither have the facts nor the faith in their position to let it stand on its own merits. They are afraid of the facts. It's like sunlight to fungus.

Sunday night I saw Alan Dershowitz, not exactly a conservative ... LoL, say how college campuses are one of the LEAST diverse places in America. It is near impossible to find conservative thought anywhere on a college campus these days.

Isn't it about time for there to be quotas for conservatives in every department on college campuses? The American population is nearly evenly split between liberal and conservative, shouldn't each department be near that also?

(I don't really advocate this but wouldn't it be fun to watch those who fought so hard for quotas turn themselves inside out as they were then forced to advocate against it?)

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