Monday, July 4, 2016

sHrillary's Big Fix


I just read in the New York Times that if sHrillary wins she wants to keep Lynch on as the Attorney General! Isn't that tantamount to jury tampering? That certainly seems like an inducement being offered to the AG not to indict her. "You don't indict me and you will get to keep your job when I'm elected."

In case you thought the fix wasn't in before, what with the POTUS endorsing her and saying she is the most qualified candidate ever, how could you possibly think it's not now! Add to that, "I never had sex with that woman" Bill's attempted secret chat with her on her plane last week and it would appear to me to be an open and shut case.

And yet she claims to be open and transparent. Simply unbelievable. Just take her 'voluntary' interview with the FBI. Voluntary my ass! If you are the subject of an FBI investigation, there ain't nothing voluntary about your questioning. If you didn't come in when they asked, you would be brought in in manacles. To claim it was her idea is just one more obfuscation.

Yet, her supporters blithely continue on as if she were Mother Teresa! Many will vote for here simply because she has a vagina and/or she offers more big government so that her acolytes don't have to think or produce. Totally ignoring the fact that you can only take from the producers for so long until the whole system collapses. (See Venezuela) But hey, that's the next generations problem. Why should they worry about it. Right?

If sHrillary isn't indicted, I and many, many more will have lost ALL faith in the justice system. It will be exhibit #1 that America has completed the two level justice system. The political elite vs the rest of us and I'm afraid that bad things will follow.

So to an old farm boy, it sure looks like the fix is in for sHrillary and the rest of us can just drop trough and bend over 'cause we all know what's coming next. (Kinda funny to think that the bull that's gonna be mounting us is actually a female, but in this new transgendered world, it only seems appropriate!)

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