So I see the Liberals (who are to afraid to use their real moniker and go by the stealth name of Progressive) tried a counter demonstration to the one Glenn Beck held a few weeks back. Now understand, I don't recall any professional groups getting involved with Beck's rally. Not the Republican party, not any business groups, nothing.
The Liberals' rally on the other hand had it estimated that 400 groups were involved. Unions hired buses and encouraged their members to attend. Gay and Lesbian groups rallied their supporters to attend. And as it was reported. They were able to get "thousands" to attend.
They didn't report tens of thousands, they reported thousands. But let's be generous. Let's say they got one hundred thousand folks there. That is still only a quarter of what was conservatively estimated to attend Glenn's rally.
When I think back to the scenes from Beck's rally, I see thousands of handmade signs being held by supports. Folks who cared enough to go out and buy the supplies themselves and make their own personal statement. At this event, I didn't see that many homemade signs. I saw lots of professionally designed and printed signs, but very few that showed people were invested enough to spend their own money and time to actually make a sign.
When the rally was over and the Capital grounds crew needed to clean up, what did they find. After the Beck rally, they found the mall in excellent condition. Very little trash scattered about. The majority of trash that was left was left in proper trash bins. When the liberals left, the Mall was a mess. Trash strewn everywhere. The pictures I've seen of the Mall after the two events couldn't be more different. And who is it that talks about how much they care for the environment and how they say the conservatives don't care about the environment? As my mother used to say, actions speak louder than words.
I guess this pretty much played out like the polls have been indicating for many years. True liberalism is only supported by 20 to 30% of the population of this country. If you are generous with the numbers of folks attending this weekends rally and conservative estimating the number of folks who attended the Beck rally, this weekend drew about 25% of what showed up before.
One has to ask, "How is it that Liberals EVER get elected?"
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