Saturday, October 9, 2010

Now The Republicans Hate The Middle Class

I just finished listening to a clip of VP Joe Biden. He was campaigning for the person running for his old seat in the Senate. In his talk he seemed to be saying that Republicans don’t hate just the poor people anymore. Now they hate the middle class also. Who knew?
He says if the Democrats lose the election “we will play hell keeping it (the middle class) from evaporating.” Apparently Republicans want everybody to be either poor or million and billionaires. 
Now help me out following Joe’s logic here. He says the Republicans want the middle class to disappear. I can only assume that he is saying he wants them to become poor, although I guess they could disappear by becoming rich also. He doesn’t really make it clear, but the implication is that they are to become poor. By extension, he also wants the rich to stay rich and become richer.
Now the majority of rich Americans become and stay rich through business. Nearly every business I can think of requires other businesses to supply them with goods and/or services to produce what they make. They require other businesses to get their products to still other businesses to sell their products. The majority of these businesses in this chain are small to mid-sized businesses. Nearly all of which are owned and operated by middle class folks.
Not only do these evil rich require all these small business to produce and deliver their products to market. They depend on a moderately well off population to be able to afford these products they are producing, because for them to remain rich they have to have someone buy their products. To merely produce them and send them off to a nonexistent market, it would be like starting up a buggy whip business today. Not having a market for your product is a  certain receipt for economic disaster. 
So the more folks there are in the middle class who earn enough money to have a modicum of disposable income to spend on these products and services equals more potential customers for these businesses. The more customers there are, the more they can sell and the more money they can make.
Just what part of this equation would suggest to you that the rich wants a small or shrinking middle class? Where is it in their best interest to not have a robust and growing middle class? Just who is it that seems to be taxing the middle class into the poor house and who seems to be trying to reduce the tax burden on all so as to stimulate the free flowing economy?
No, Joe! It’s not the Republicans who will destroy the middle class. It’s big government liberals who will handle that quite nicely without any help from free market conservatives.

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