Once again the headlines raise my "Boy ain't that ironic!" quotient. The first read "Teacher in oval office when Obama signed the educational stimulus bill.....laid off." the second read "CT Blue Cross/Blue Shield to raise rates up to 47%."
Now if these two headlines don't point out the ineptitude of the current PotUS to those who voted for him, nothing ever will!
PresBO spends millions and billions of dollars he had to borrow from China to "stimulate" the economy. This a patently bad plan on two fronts. First, government is not the engine that drives the economy. The economy is driven when consumers want products and have the resources to purchase them. This then encourages producers to increase their efforts employing more people, who then have more income to spend and so on and so on. Government throwing out one time buckets of cash does not affect this equation in the long run, it only makes a one time blip in the purchasing, not a sustained demand.
The second disastrous effect is that it puts us in debt which not only must we pay off, but it will be putting a drain on the economy for generations to come. And to make matters worse, we are indebted to one of our biggest enemies.
The second headline points to the true effects of government injecting itself into private business. PresBO, Pelosi, et. al. Told us how wonderful government mandated health care was going to be and how we were entering the golden age of high quality low cost health care for all. They assured us we would be able to keep our doctors and it would cost less. Now we are seeing the first stages of this wonderful universal health care. Doctors are leaving the business or refusing to see MediCare patients because of the low reimbursement rates and the high cost of non-patient time required to get the reimbursement. Insurance companies have to charge higher rates to stay in business now that they have to pay for things that were not accounted for in their actuarial tables. Companies are not hiring because of the high costs associated with having employees if the employee count goes to 50 or above.
This is what happens when you put somebody in charge who has never run so much as an lemonade stand in his entire life.
Socialism sounds real nice in theory. It's when it runs into reality that it all goes to you know where in a hand basket. Yet two years ago, with a large contingent of non-productive (college students, professors, professional welfare recipients, etc.) people with no experience at actually making anything work, put PresBO in charge.
Should anyone really be surprised at how that's worked out?
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