I was just writing about my feelings concerning how barbaric the strict islamic societies are and I stopped and deleted it. I just felt like I was being as judgmental and narrow sighted as they were. So I deleted the article.
But the more I think about it, the more I feel that I am justified in my feelings. At this point I really don’t care if someone says “oh you just don’t understand” or “you shouldn’t judge” or any of the other hogwash we’ve been feed about being “multicultural”. Being multicultural is fine if the other culture is willing to be multicultural towards you. When the other culture is a 5th century barbaric theocracy that advocates stoning as a form of capital punishment, and wants to see your culture eradicated from the face of the earth, I say “f^&k it!”
It doesn’t deserve to be given any considerations. It should be shunned by all civilized people throughout the world.
Yes I know that all practitioners of the muslim faith are not advocates of the barbaric behaviors demonstrated my millions of their fellow believers. However, until they take an active part in denouncing and subduing these virulent cretins, they should be viewed with a cautious eye.
I keep hearing how “the majority of muslims are peace loving and tolerant”. Well, as the saying goes, money talks and bullshit walks. It’s time for these moderates to start putting the clamps on their fanatical brethren. Failing to actively turn against such fanatics is tantamount to supporting them. By not turning on them and calling them out, it allows them to have safe havens, from which they are able to attempt their nefarious deeds. That is equal to support.
Until the majority of muslims start shining a bright light into the corners of their religion to run the cockroaches out where they can be exterminated, it only makes sense for everyone else to eye them with suspicion. To wonder, “what do they do when we are not looking?”
If we knew there was a strain of catholics who wanted to kill all protestants, we would be foolish not to profile catholics and view them carefully. Why should I give a group of people the benefit of the doubt when a significant portion of them would like to see me dead? That seems to be a foolish approach to the situation on my part. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I’m not prepared to be fooled twice.
When the majority of muslims actively show they are for peace and tolerance, then I will be happy to change my tune. Until then, for our own preservation, we need to keep a watchful eye.
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