I know I’ve talked about this before, but the First Lady made a Freudian Slip the other day that reinforced what I and others have often said. That Liberals think they are the smartest kids in the room and the rest of us are to dumb to be left alone to make our own decisions.
The FL, while talking about the nutrition bill she was able to get signed into law, said that our children’s nutrition was “to important to leave it up to the parents.” While the statement it’s self is appalling enough on it’s own, you need to take a step back and look at it again.
At a time like this, the passing of her signature issue bill, the remarks she makes will not be left to off the cuff ad libs. She will have spent a considerable amount of time preparing her thoughts. Not only that, but in the rarified circles she operates in, I feel safe in assuming she has speech writers help her and poor over every word and phrase. A veritable army of people (all liberal) reviewed what she was to say before she said it, and nary a one said “Wait a minute, do realize how this makes us sound?”
Why do you suppose that is?
My hypothesis is that it didn’t set off any alarm bells because from their position, they saw nothing wrong. It was self evident. You can’t let those rubes out there make important decisions. Important decisions should be made by the “smart kids.” If you let people who didn’t go to Harvard or Yale make decisions they just won’t make the “right” ones, and by “right” they mean the decisions “they” would make.
Counter intuitive as it might seem, Liberals are not for freedom. Liberals are for an autocracy of the left. They are Fascists.
Fascism, according to “Dictionary.com” is a government system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc. and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
So, what part of that definition doesn’t fit our current Liberals’ desires? If you change “Dictator” to “Ruling Elite” the rest rings true until you get to the very end. If you change the concept of nationalism to a one world government, the only part that doesn’t ring true is racism.
Look at what they have tried to do. They want to control business and industry. You see it in the extensive use of Czars for this and that, that don’t answer to anyone but the president. They are trying to force individual citizens to make purchases they may not choose to. They are trying to control the flow of information as they push to shut down radio and by extension the internet if they espouse a view different from them. They are starting with an attack on Rush, but if they can take him down, what do you suppose the chances are that any of us would be able to escape their control?
Thank heavens this past November, the American people have started to wrest control away from these folks. The Tea Party is the antithesis of the Liberal elites. They are all about what this country was founded upon. They are for individual freedom and responsibility.
My general feeling is if somebody feels they are superior to you, they are anything but!
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