I see where the UN climate change (note the change from "global warming" as much of Europe is freezing it's collective ass off) folks are at it again in Cancun, Mexico.
They opened their meeting with a call to the Mayan Moon Goddess for guidance in "weaving a tapestry" with reason and creativity to form a climate change policy.
Where oh where do you start with something like this. I'm not even sure which is more offensive about this. Their statement or the news media reporting on it as if it were real news instead of as the unintended joke it is.
Let's start with the calling on the Moon Goddess. I actually don't have a major problem with the actual prayer. I'm more flabbergasted by the lack of protest on the part of folks like the ACLU and their ilk. Can you imagine the fuss that would have been raised if there had been a prayer to Jesus asking for guidance? We'd have been hearing about that for weeks. It would have been ridiculed by every university in the land and the MSM would have made jokes about it ad nausium. They would ridicule anything coming from the group like it had come from the flat earth society. But because it wasn't Christian centric, they would never THINK of belittling someone else's belief system.
Again, let me say, I don't really have a problem with the calling on Ixchel for guidance. I just don't believe that my God would have received the same reverence!
Let's move on to the "weaving of reason and creativity". Isn't this what exposed this whole global warming scam for the hoax that it is? The fact that they got "creative" in their playing with the facts and the way they chose what facts to use to best make their desired point. And when it became clear that they were playing fast and lose with the facts in order to justify their position, people started turning away from them in droves.
If they hadn't over sold their case and had tried a more subtle and measured approach, they might well have accomplished their goals. The majority of us would have been like the frog in the pan of water that they slowly raised the temp to boiling. We'd have sat there and not really noticed until it was to late.
And here they are, flat out telling us they are going to be "creative" with their reason. Isn't that kind of like the 3 card monte guy daring you to catch him as he cheats you?
And last, but definitely not least, why in the world would a legitimate news organization give this group of hucksters anymore attention than they would a gathering of gypsies? Hell, you'd stand a better chance of getting a straight answer from a group of gypsies than you would these clowns. And yet, there they are, hanging on every word, as if coming straight from the Oracle of Delphi herself.
The only reasonable explanation I can deduce is that they are in league with these charlatans. Both groups have the same political motivations. They want to see the US brought low. The only reason they could see the US being prosperous is so they could then take it from us and give it to others in the name of fairness. Well I for one call "Bullshit" on that. Fairness is when the person who uses their brains, brawn and capital to create something of value and then trades it for MORE capital. If alls they do is break even, they are doing something wrong. If others take from them unjustly, so they merely break even or worse yet lose ground, there is no incentive to continue to create.
Taking from those who earned their wealth to give to those who have failed to use their brains, brawn and capital wisely is not fairness! It is State sponsored theft! No more, no less.
There is nothing wrong with envying those who have more, so long as it motivates you to work smarter and harder. If on the other hand, all you do with that envy is try to get the government to give you someone else's, that's theft!
Clearly, many of those in the media have very socialistic leanings and thus hope that groups like this UN bunch of grifters is successful in stunting our progress.
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