Julian Assange is a hypocritical assbag!
Julian Assange claims he has no political agenda. He is not out to destroy or even damage the US. His only desire is to have the TRUTH be available to everyone. He wants every little embarrassing morsel of information he can find about the US put out there.
Now maybe he has put out embarrassing info from Russia and/or China, but I sure haven’t heard about it. Nor have I heard of anything about Cuba, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Syria or any of the myriad of other despicable nations out there. They claim their focus is in these areas but I’ve never seen any big splashes concerning any other country.
No, he chooses to target the US. One of the only nations to ever have willingly shed its citizens blood in order to protect and free another’s. We are not and never really have been an empire builder outside our own borders once the contiguous 48 were in place. Yet Assange has targeted the US for his loving ministrations, while claiming no political agenda.
It appears clear to me that he DOES have an agenda. He seems to be an Anarchist of the first order. Someone who believes there should be no governments at all. To take a look at how things would operate if anarchists were to get their way, just look at how they behave when ever the G8 get together and they riot, loot and pillage the cities where the meeting is taking place.
You may be saying to your self, “Yes Farmboy, this may all be true but why do you say he is a hypocritical assbag?”
I say this because for all of his bluster about openness and everyone needs to know everything, when it comes to him......well, not so much.
When he was receiving his bail to get out of jail, he asked the judge to not make his address public in order to protect his privacy! OMG, can it possibly get any more hypocritical than that? Then it was reported yesterday, that while a reporter was asking him about the charges against him, he didn’t like the direction of the questions and walked out on the interview calling the ABC reporter a “tabloid schmuck”.
So if I understand Mr. Assange’s actions correctly, exposing every little wart and pimple about the US equals good. Exposing a few warts and pimples about him equals bad.
Not sure about you, but in my book, that puts Julian Assange right at the top of the Hypocritical Assbag list, qualifying him for a prominent place on Dennis Miller’s shun list.
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