Sunday, June 12, 2016

Response To Most Recent Shooting Shows Progressive Inconsistency

Here we go again. Another tragic shooting by a suspected radical islamist. This time in a gay club in Florida.

The injured victims aren't even all treated and the gun control loons are already squawking for guns to be outlawed.

Now if these folks making all of the noise were consistent I could have a little respect for them. They would still be wrong, but I would respect their opinion. But of course they are not.

If they were consistent they would ask that all doctors be outlawed because in 2014, in the US approximately 2668 lives per day were ended by a few abortion doctors. They would also want all those of islamic faith to be removed from the country due to the fact that the majority of mass killings recently have been committed by them.

So if these folks truly are interested in saving lives, their purported reason for wanting guns banned, wouldn't they be out there demanding all the abortion clinics be banned? They really would be saving thousands of lives every day if they did that. Wouldn't they be marching in the streets to have ALL muslims be rounded up and something be done with them? Destroyed maybe? That's what they want to be done with all guns when only a limited number of folks actually use guns to maliciously harm others.

But no, we can't blame all muslims for what a few do........Yet they are more than happy to blame all gun owners for what a few do.

So if I'm reading this correctly, liberals/progressives don't really give a shit about who gets killed. Or even how many. They just have issues with a particular means of someone's demise. "Oh, it's a shame that those people were killed by that knife wielding muslim lunatic in Oklahoma and that poor woman was beheaded." Not a word about licensing knives. The young couple who were bludgeoned to death in Tennessee was it? Nobody out looking to make bats illegal. Islamists blow up how many people at the Boston Marathon, nobody wants pressure cookers regulated. But let some folks get shot, their bodies aren't even cool and the gun control crowd is out there demanded action be taken against guns!

Wouldn't it make more sense to look for and eliminate the individuals who use the tools for malicious reasons than trying to ban the tools?

Inconsistency thy name is "progressive"!

Or so it seems to an old farm boy.

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