Monday, September 27, 2010

One Leads To Two

Well, I read two side by side headlines this morning. The first read “Obama new low in RealClear Poll Average”, the second read “President to hold biggest political rally since 2008 on Wednesday”. I had to look deeper.

The Real Clear Politics Average takes several of the various national polls and averages them to come up with a composite score. The most recent of which has the President at his lowest level to date. 44.7% of Americans approve of the job he is doing vs. 51.1% who disapprove leaving 4.2% undecided. This is 23.3% below his high water mark of 68% approval during the first days of his administration.

This 68% approval rating came before he was able to do anything as President. Since he has begun “ruling” (members of his administrations term, not mine) our country and the American public has gotten a chance to look past the “hopey, changey” façade to his real agenda, his numbers have steadily declined.

To use a car analogy, many Americans bought a car off of the advertisements. They didn’t do the research to look past the Madison Avenue glitz to see how little there was there. And what was there was distinctly European Social Democratic at best. Once we finally got behind the wheel, reality didn’t approach the advertising and our satisfaction with the purchase has been dropping like a Yugo owners.

Next we see PresBO is holding a 2008 style rally in an attempt to recapture lightning in a bottle. I have to give him points on his choice of location. The University of Wisconsin at Madison is about as inviting a location as he could find outside of UC Berkley, Hollywood, or the now defunct Antioch College.

His audience will be filled with altruistic college students who don’t know the difference between “come here” and “sic’um” about the way the world works, and a bunch of graying  60’s radicals. The perfect audience for our PotUS, who wants nothing more than to transform the US into a European style social democratic nation. One where big government plans and controls everything, from the trans-fat in our diets to the light bulbs in our lamps.

This setting will give him the large adoring crowd that the MSM can use to start ginning up another Madison Ave blitz they hope will fool us again.

Hopefully those who voted for him the first time will fall back on the old adage “Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice....."

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