Thursday, September 30, 2010

When A Plan Comes Together

Well, we’ve been seeing Obamacare’s effects on the health care industry playing out just as many commentators predicted and just as the liberals planned. By forcing insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions, the cost of insurance had to go up. It had to. There was no mathematical way it could not.

Insurance companies derive their rates from actuarial tables assuming a health population to begin with. Then the odds and occurrence rates of various conditions occurring within the original healthy population are calculated. The cost for treating X number of cases of the various types predicted are factored in and then divided among the subscribers. An overhead rate is determined and added to the cost and then a percentage profit for the investors is added and thus the insurance cost is determined. When the equation is changed by the forced addition of people with pre-existing conditions, the burden for the “extra” cost is shared among all subscribers and thus increased insurance rates.

You wouldn’t expect to not have paid auto insurance and wreck your car then be able to go to an auto insurance company and buy insurance to pay for the wreck you’ve already had. Why would you expect to be able to do that very same thing with health insurance? Yet that is exactly what Obamacare demands of insurance companies. So to cover this added cost, of course their premiums go up.

As premiums predictably go up, fewer and fewer people and companies can afford to participate in private health insurance, thus forcing more and more folks into the government provided healthcare system. Which I believe was the end game of the liberals from the get go.

A headline I read today proves my point. McDonalds is thinking of dropping healthcare for their employees. Unless the government makes concessions to the plan they foisted upon us, it will not be financially wise for McDonalds, employer of over 30,000, to continue to supply healthcare to their employees. The per person fine for not offering health care will be less than the cost of paying for health care. What would you do if it was your money? I’m willing to bet you would pay the fine and let folks be part of the government system. Exactly what the liberals had in mind to begin with.

The PotUS, Pelosi, Reed, told us “they” weren’t going to force anyone into the government system, and if you parse words like a former D PotUS, technically “they” the government won’t. They have just rigged the game so that the employer will do their dirty work for them. And for a certain significant portion of the population, that’s exactly how they will see it. The company will be the black hat, but thank heavens for big government, here it comes to “save” us. Never mind the fact that they set it up to happen in the first place.


And before I go, do you know how employer supplied healthcare came to be? It was a recruiting tool devised in the 1940’s as companies competed for employees. It wasn’t the business’ duty to supply health care, that’s an individual’s responsibility. It was just one company trying to get an edge to draw the best employees. Now it has been around so long without people realizing its true origins that they have come to view it as a “right” when in reality it’s a privilege to get.

Just FYI.

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