I recently saw a sign for an "organizing meeting" to "occupy" Chapel Hill. For those of you who do not know Chapel Hill, NC, it is kind of a toned down Berkley CA. It is the place that Jesse Helms, among others, referred to as "hippie hill" and suggested they build a fence around it.
So when I read the sign, my first reaction was, "Occupy it from who?" The left wing loons already control the entire Chapel Hill/Carrboro/Southern Orange County region. Carrboro is so out of step with America they call themselves "The Paris of the Piedmont!"
As an example of what im talking about, in the Chapel Hill / Carrboro area, the public transportation system charges no fee for ridership. It is supported from the general funds, which means property taxes. I don't have the facts to back this up, but I'd bet you an Outback Steakhouse dinner that less than 5% and probably less than 3% of the ridership has ever paid a penny it property tax in Chapel Hill or Carrboro.
The politburos, I mean the city councils of both towns have done their level best to stifle business growth in the area. When Wally World wanted to build in the area, neither would allow them in. So they were forced to go just across the county line and build a nice big shopping mall. That mall then served to be an attractant to two more shopping malls in the same area of Durham county. The taxes from all of these businesses have gone into Durham county's coffers, not Orange county's and Chapel Hill or Carrboro's. Taxes that could have limited the need for the exorbitant taxes that property owners in the area are saddled with.
I know, I know, if I'm so displeased with the taxes, why don't I move? Fair question.
The truth of the matter is, my work keeps me in the area. My kids kept me in the school district (supposedly one of the best in the state and nation, thought I think the scores they base it on are accounted for more by the SES of the parents than the quality of the instruction). And now the housing market is less than optimal for changing residences. The final, and possibly the biggest anchors keeping me in CH are I like my house and neighborhood and I'm just too damned lazy to move.
But I seem to have strayed from my original question. Just who is it these folks intend on "occupying" Chapel Hill from? Virtually everything in the area is already tilted against all the things that made it possible for the country to develop to the point that these Utopian eyed socialists can exist without producing anything of real value to the society. And if they get what they claim they want, the country will degenerate to the point it will no longer be able to support such parasites. They will then be forced to develop skills that will be desired by others, that they will then be able to barter for their subsistence. Won't that be a shock to their delicate sensibilities!
I can only assume that these folks are intending to do this in an effort to get themselves on the evening news. Showing once again how sensitive and caring they are while displaying their total lack of understanding of how the world works. Yet another counterproductive effort from the unproductive class.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Tyranny Of The Majority By The Liberal Minority
I've been thinking about the current state of the country and in some ways, I get quite depressed. In particular, I'm depressed by the current trend in this country where the many are living under the tyranny of the few.
I understand this country was founded to protect the rights of the weak from the tyranny of the strong, but this whole principal seems to have been bastardized and turned on it's head. Now, the majority of Americans, on virtually any topic, tip toe around on egg shells in order to avoid hurting one group or another's sensibilities. This, while the minority groups are not only allowed, but encouraged to exhibit the most outlandish behaviors and the larger groups sensibilities be damned.
Well I'm hear to call "Bullshit" on this trend. This country was created and became great because it looked out for the little guy's rights to worship and behave generally as they like so long as they didn't interfere with someone else's rights to do the same. There was never meant to be any guarantee against someone being offended.
Somehow or another, this has been incorrectly morphed into "Thou shall not offend the smaller group!" They use concepts like the separation of church and state (which coincidentally is not in the Constitution) to bully us into not saying Merry Christmas or having In God We Trust on our money. This is a terrible perversion of the original intent when the founders said "We shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion".
This was never meant to keep religion or God out of government. It was there in order to say the government couldn't choose one religion over another.
Certain groups have used this morphed abomination to allow themselves, with their willing accomplices, liberal lawyers and judges, to cry foul when the majority of folks don't act exactly as they want them to.
This happens when organizations want to celebrate Christmas and they sue because they are atheists or because they are Druids. This happens when somebody or some group says "I don't like what President Obama has done to the economy." They will claim racism. (In reality, most of these folks can't even correctly define racism: the belief in the inherent superiority of one race over another.) This is what many liberals have done in an effort to discredit the Taxed Enough Already party, when they can't actually defeat them in the open arena of ideas.
This awful epidemic has spread it's way throughout our society to where it has infected every facet of life, from government, to schools, to business. It's time this country came to it's senses. Yes you have the right to believe what you want and the right to say virtually anything, no matter how bat $hit crazy it is, so long as you are not slandering another person. However, you need to recognize that the next guy has the same right as you do.
Just remember, the stuff someone is saying in your presence may offend you, but they have the right to say it. And did you ever stop to consider that the crap pouring out of your pie hole probably offends them every bit as much as you are are offended by what they say.
But I would guess the answer to that is a big fat NO! Because for the folks who are constantly playing the "offended victim" card, it's all about them and to Hell with everyone else who disagrees with them.
Or maybe I'm just having a bad decade. What do ya' think.
I understand this country was founded to protect the rights of the weak from the tyranny of the strong, but this whole principal seems to have been bastardized and turned on it's head. Now, the majority of Americans, on virtually any topic, tip toe around on egg shells in order to avoid hurting one group or another's sensibilities. This, while the minority groups are not only allowed, but encouraged to exhibit the most outlandish behaviors and the larger groups sensibilities be damned.
Well I'm hear to call "Bullshit" on this trend. This country was created and became great because it looked out for the little guy's rights to worship and behave generally as they like so long as they didn't interfere with someone else's rights to do the same. There was never meant to be any guarantee against someone being offended.
Somehow or another, this has been incorrectly morphed into "Thou shall not offend the smaller group!" They use concepts like the separation of church and state (which coincidentally is not in the Constitution) to bully us into not saying Merry Christmas or having In God We Trust on our money. This is a terrible perversion of the original intent when the founders said "We shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion".
This was never meant to keep religion or God out of government. It was there in order to say the government couldn't choose one religion over another.
Certain groups have used this morphed abomination to allow themselves, with their willing accomplices, liberal lawyers and judges, to cry foul when the majority of folks don't act exactly as they want them to.
This happens when organizations want to celebrate Christmas and they sue because they are atheists or because they are Druids. This happens when somebody or some group says "I don't like what President Obama has done to the economy." They will claim racism. (In reality, most of these folks can't even correctly define racism: the belief in the inherent superiority of one race over another.) This is what many liberals have done in an effort to discredit the Taxed Enough Already party, when they can't actually defeat them in the open arena of ideas.
This awful epidemic has spread it's way throughout our society to where it has infected every facet of life, from government, to schools, to business. It's time this country came to it's senses. Yes you have the right to believe what you want and the right to say virtually anything, no matter how bat $hit crazy it is, so long as you are not slandering another person. However, you need to recognize that the next guy has the same right as you do.
Just remember, the stuff someone is saying in your presence may offend you, but they have the right to say it. And did you ever stop to consider that the crap pouring out of your pie hole probably offends them every bit as much as you are are offended by what they say.
But I would guess the answer to that is a big fat NO! Because for the folks who are constantly playing the "offended victim" card, it's all about them and to Hell with everyone else who disagrees with them.
Or maybe I'm just having a bad decade. What do ya' think.
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Global Warming Boogieman Will Get You!
Surely the Anthropomorphic Global Warming crowd has finally jumped the shark even for their own supporters. I mean come on now. I just read where a group from Penn State (wasn’t that where one of the folks who was involved with the altering of data was from?) issued a report where they suggested that one of the outcomes of making contact with another race could lead to our being exterminated. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2011/aug/18/aliens-destroy-humanity-protect-civilisations
And why would this be? Well according to the authors, it would be because they would see how we were destroying our planet (according to them) and they would need to exterminate us before we infected any place else.
Since the 1950s we have been fed a diet of aliens coming to planet earth. In some instances they are good guys like in “The Day The Earth Stood Still” and “Star Man”, sometimes not so good like “Independence Day” or “Battlefield Earth”. Now the econuts want us to believe that the ETs we will encounter are “green”. They are worried about the environment.
I would venture to say that the odds are equally as high that any species that has developed technologically to the point that they are capable of interstellar travel, will have used their available planetary resources to their fullest. That they will have developed much as Darwin had outlined, and they won’t give a $hit about anything we have done or not done to our planet, but might well destroy us because they might see us as a competitor. Much like a cougar will run off or destroy another cougar they find in “their” territory.
It seems to me that as more and more folks question anthropomorphic global warming and the shakey science behind it, those who make their living off of it are becoming more hysterical. Al Gore is cursing non-believers out and calling for increasingly ridiculous actions. The more these people become marginalized, the more radical their hypothesizes become. The more outlandish their behavior becomes.
Now this!
Telling us that if we don’t change our ways and start doing what they want us to do, aliens will get us. The syllogistic equivalent of our parents telling us if we don't be quiet and go to sleep right now the boogieman will get us.
And why would this be? Well according to the authors, it would be because they would see how we were destroying our planet (according to them) and they would need to exterminate us before we infected any place else.
Since the 1950s we have been fed a diet of aliens coming to planet earth. In some instances they are good guys like in “The Day The Earth Stood Still” and “Star Man”, sometimes not so good like “Independence Day” or “Battlefield Earth”. Now the econuts want us to believe that the ETs we will encounter are “green”. They are worried about the environment.
I would venture to say that the odds are equally as high that any species that has developed technologically to the point that they are capable of interstellar travel, will have used their available planetary resources to their fullest. That they will have developed much as Darwin had outlined, and they won’t give a $hit about anything we have done or not done to our planet, but might well destroy us because they might see us as a competitor. Much like a cougar will run off or destroy another cougar they find in “their” territory.
It seems to me that as more and more folks question anthropomorphic global warming and the shakey science behind it, those who make their living off of it are becoming more hysterical. Al Gore is cursing non-believers out and calling for increasingly ridiculous actions. The more these people become marginalized, the more radical their hypothesizes become. The more outlandish their behavior becomes.
Now this!
Telling us that if we don’t change our ways and start doing what they want us to do, aliens will get us. The syllogistic equivalent of our parents telling us if we don't be quiet and go to sleep right now the boogieman will get us.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Government Is The Answer!
Once again President Barack Hussein Obama demonstrated his lack of understanding of the democratic free market process that made this country the greatest country and economic power the world has ever seen.
Yesterday in Cannon Falls MN he gave this message to America’s auto makers, “You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks. There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas prices keep on going up, you have got to understand the market. People are going to try to save money.”
How much further out of touch with the way the market works could BHO be? He is telling the auto makers what they should be making. Much like he has tried to do with energy, health care, etc., etc. He is trying to lead the American people where he wants them to go. In this case, smaller cars. Fortunately for the auto makers, they learned their lessons from the seventies when they didn’t make what the customers wanted and tried to force them to accept their low quality cars. We all know how that turned out. It opened the door for foreign auto makers to come in and supply the American consumer what they were looking for. A quality built affordable car. The American auto industry never fully recovered from that failure to listen to the market.
Now BHO is trying to get the auto makers to NOT listen to their consumers and NOT make the trucks and SUVs they want. Hopefully they won’t cave and start making vehicles there is no market for, just to chase some government carrot or to meet some social engineering regulation put in place by the progressive/liberal elite.
So far they have been able to skirt these types of onerous regulations in one fashion or another. Things like the cafĂ© standards where the government has set overall gas mileage that a manufacturer’s fleet must achieve. They make a few really efficient vehicles and make limited production runs, enough to meet the demand but no more, while producing large quantities of the trucks and SUVs the public is clamoring for. The overall fleet mpg meets the regulatory standard while still producing the vehicles the public wants.
If BHO and his minions force business to go in directions that are contrary to market demands we will get more scenarios like Evergreen Solar in MA. (One of BHO’s pet companies.) He referred to it often as he pushed “Green” jobs and “Green” companies.
Evergreen took millions in federal and state funds to develop this “Green” company that had no financially viable demand for its product. The company is now bankrupt and lists $485.6 million in debt.
More lost stimulus money.
When will liberals learn? Government doesn’t create jobs!!!
Private industry creates jobs. They do this when they fill a consumer need, not when they produce things there is no demand for. When government tries to alter the equation through regulation or tax code incentives we get boondoggles like Evergreen Solar.
The only way government can create jobs is to a) hire more government employees, or b) reduce impediments to business so they can develop their business to meet a consumer niche.
If the government tries A, they put an ever bigger burden on the private sector in order to be taxed enough to support the newly created government job. I would hazard a guess that it takes at least 6 new $50k workers to fund each new $50k government employee.
So “YES, Government is the answer!” so long as the question is “What’s the biggest drag on the economy?”
Yesterday in Cannon Falls MN he gave this message to America’s auto makers, “You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks. There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas prices keep on going up, you have got to understand the market. People are going to try to save money.”
How much further out of touch with the way the market works could BHO be? He is telling the auto makers what they should be making. Much like he has tried to do with energy, health care, etc., etc. He is trying to lead the American people where he wants them to go. In this case, smaller cars. Fortunately for the auto makers, they learned their lessons from the seventies when they didn’t make what the customers wanted and tried to force them to accept their low quality cars. We all know how that turned out. It opened the door for foreign auto makers to come in and supply the American consumer what they were looking for. A quality built affordable car. The American auto industry never fully recovered from that failure to listen to the market.
Now BHO is trying to get the auto makers to NOT listen to their consumers and NOT make the trucks and SUVs they want. Hopefully they won’t cave and start making vehicles there is no market for, just to chase some government carrot or to meet some social engineering regulation put in place by the progressive/liberal elite.
So far they have been able to skirt these types of onerous regulations in one fashion or another. Things like the cafĂ© standards where the government has set overall gas mileage that a manufacturer’s fleet must achieve. They make a few really efficient vehicles and make limited production runs, enough to meet the demand but no more, while producing large quantities of the trucks and SUVs the public is clamoring for. The overall fleet mpg meets the regulatory standard while still producing the vehicles the public wants.
If BHO and his minions force business to go in directions that are contrary to market demands we will get more scenarios like Evergreen Solar in MA. (One of BHO’s pet companies.) He referred to it often as he pushed “Green” jobs and “Green” companies.
Evergreen took millions in federal and state funds to develop this “Green” company that had no financially viable demand for its product. The company is now bankrupt and lists $485.6 million in debt.
More lost stimulus money.
When will liberals learn? Government doesn’t create jobs!!!
Private industry creates jobs. They do this when they fill a consumer need, not when they produce things there is no demand for. When government tries to alter the equation through regulation or tax code incentives we get boondoggles like Evergreen Solar.
The only way government can create jobs is to a) hire more government employees, or b) reduce impediments to business so they can develop their business to meet a consumer niche.
If the government tries A, they put an ever bigger burden on the private sector in order to be taxed enough to support the newly created government job. I would hazard a guess that it takes at least 6 new $50k workers to fund each new $50k government employee.
So “YES, Government is the answer!” so long as the question is “What’s the biggest drag on the economy?”
Monday, August 15, 2011
Funding Both Sides Of Terrorism
OK, let me see if I follow this correctly.
US Citizens pay taxes to our Federal Government. Some of those taxes are then given to other countries/organizations. One of those organizations is the Palestinian Authority. (In fact, according to www.IsraelNationalNews.com , the PA receives cash from two main sources; 1) the US, and 2) European Union member nations.) The PA pays monthly salaries to those imprisoned by Israel. They pay those imprisoned for terrorist activities at a higher rate than they pay regular criminals. The longer the sentence, the larger the paycheck. In essence, the better you are at killing innocents, the more US tax dollars you will receive.
The US military budget for 2010 was $680 Billion dollars, the lion’s share of which is spent in fighting terrorism around the world. This does not count the money spent by the TSA, FBI, CIA, NSA and others. I would hazard a guess that we spend a $Trillion a year or more combatting terrorism each year.
It would appear that we, the tax payers, are funding both sides of this fight!
Which brings me back to the whole concept of foreign aid. I’ve spent 20 minutes surfing the net trying to find a dollar figure on how much we spend on Foreign Aid. The most recent figure I could come up with was 2007 where we seem to have spent nearly $20 Billion. I have to believe that it is not an accident that the government makes it hard to determine just how much money we are giving away each year, and to whom. In times like these where so much needs to be done here at home, we are pissing our financial futures away.
And for what?
A significant portion of that money goes to countries/governments/organizations that don’t like us! (See Palestinian Authority as a case in point!) Countries that are actively trying to destroy us and anyone like us. Countries and religions willing to do ANYTHING to destroy us.
We are borrowing Trillions of dollars from our enemy (China) to either fight terrorism and/or to fund it!
We are 14 Trillion dollars in debt and our wise and wonderful governmental officials just approved raising our debt ceiling so we can borrow more. And why do we need to borrow more? In large part to protect ourselves from crazy bastards in countries we just keep giving money to.
Does any part of this seem to be WRONG to anyone else besides me?
Maybe it’s time to only give money to those who are actually helping us in this fight for survival. Maybe we look at the voting record in the UN and if a country votes against our interests more than 25% of the time, we cut off their financial aid. Period. No Exceptions.
If they are not in our corner at least 75% of the time, let them find a sugar daddy that shares their own particular brand of bat shit crazy and see how well that works out for them.
US Citizens pay taxes to our Federal Government. Some of those taxes are then given to other countries/organizations. One of those organizations is the Palestinian Authority. (In fact, according to www.IsraelNationalNews.com , the PA receives cash from two main sources; 1) the US, and 2) European Union member nations.) The PA pays monthly salaries to those imprisoned by Israel. They pay those imprisoned for terrorist activities at a higher rate than they pay regular criminals. The longer the sentence, the larger the paycheck. In essence, the better you are at killing innocents, the more US tax dollars you will receive.
The US military budget for 2010 was $680 Billion dollars, the lion’s share of which is spent in fighting terrorism around the world. This does not count the money spent by the TSA, FBI, CIA, NSA and others. I would hazard a guess that we spend a $Trillion a year or more combatting terrorism each year.
It would appear that we, the tax payers, are funding both sides of this fight!
Which brings me back to the whole concept of foreign aid. I’ve spent 20 minutes surfing the net trying to find a dollar figure on how much we spend on Foreign Aid. The most recent figure I could come up with was 2007 where we seem to have spent nearly $20 Billion. I have to believe that it is not an accident that the government makes it hard to determine just how much money we are giving away each year, and to whom. In times like these where so much needs to be done here at home, we are pissing our financial futures away.
And for what?
A significant portion of that money goes to countries/governments/organizations that don’t like us! (See Palestinian Authority as a case in point!) Countries that are actively trying to destroy us and anyone like us. Countries and religions willing to do ANYTHING to destroy us.
We are borrowing Trillions of dollars from our enemy (China) to either fight terrorism and/or to fund it!
We are 14 Trillion dollars in debt and our wise and wonderful governmental officials just approved raising our debt ceiling so we can borrow more. And why do we need to borrow more? In large part to protect ourselves from crazy bastards in countries we just keep giving money to.
Does any part of this seem to be WRONG to anyone else besides me?
Maybe it’s time to only give money to those who are actually helping us in this fight for survival. Maybe we look at the voting record in the UN and if a country votes against our interests more than 25% of the time, we cut off their financial aid. Period. No Exceptions.
If they are not in our corner at least 75% of the time, let them find a sugar daddy that shares their own particular brand of bat shit crazy and see how well that works out for them.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Another Look Inside The Liberal Mind
In a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Harvard professor Dr. David Ludwig proposed that the government should take obese children away from their parents. He co-wrote the article with lawyer/researcher Lindsey Murtagh of the Harvard School of Public Health.
OMG! Another example of liberals’ love of stateism, where liberals believe that the state can solve all problems great and small. That when faced with any problem, they believe the government will always make the best decision for everyone involved.
Clearly Dr. Ludwig and Mr./Ms. Murtagh believe that these awful parents should be relieved of their parental rights because they are allowing their children to become obese. Why that’s tantamount to burning them with cigarettes or shoving bamboo splinters under their fingernails! These people can’t be trusted with the raising of the next generation of government funders, oh, wait a minute, I mean citizens.
We have so many examples of where government intervention has worked out so well, like the government’s taking over of the social welfare system. Now we have gone from churches and other community groups working to assist individuals to get back on their feet to a government system where sloth is rewarded. A system where now we literally have multiple generations of families in the welfare system. Why? Because they are rewarded for not working! They receive housing, food stamps, utilities, etc., etc. so long as they remain unemployed. And how do they increase their income from the government? They increase the size of their brood, that is, so long as they are not married. Thanks to such thoughtful programs as ADC and the like, the more kids they have out of wedlock, the more money they receive from the all powerful state. And where does this money come from, why straight from the pockets of those who don’t count on the government for their living.
Now I’m not saying the thought behind the program was evil, but as often is the case, the law of unintended consequences has reared its ugly head. As the saying goes, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”
Most liberal programs are well intended enough. But when you try and impose an un-natural one size fits all solution to a problem, it predictably goes horribly wrong.
Let’s take another look at the government thinking they can solve all manner of problems. Let’s consider the Corps of Engineers (CoE) and their flood abatement programs.
Before the CoE got involved with the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, they would regularly flood. The waters would disperse over thousands or millions of acres. Normally not to any great depth, but flood they would. Those who would inhabit the areas would build their homes above the levels the rivers would rise to. Then along came the government and the CoE. They built damns and levies all along the rivers and told the folks they could control the flooding. And the silly people believed them.
So of course they built in the areas that had formerly flooded, because they were told that these areas were safe now. Then the inevitable happens, mother nature has a high snow winter, or a heavy rain spring. More so than the government and the CoE planned for. All of the water that would have spread out over millions of acres gets penned up behind damns and kept channeled in between levies. Since the water was not allowed to spread out like it was intended to, the levels rise higher and higher until it eventually and inevitably does, it breaks down the damns or levies and comes rushing over the land. Not with the slow gradual rise of water as nature had planned but in a torrent, destroying all of the stuff that the government had told the citizens was safe. Not to the depth of inches as it naturally would have done had it been allowed to spread out, but rather to the depth of feet and yards. All thanks to government knowing better.
And here we see it again. A couple of liberals believing that government knows best. That the government should take over the raising of these children because their parents have allowed them to eat too much or the wrong things, and quite probably, many of them have done so using the food stamps they got from the government in the first place.
Well, I say, “Get The Hell Out Of Our Lives And Get Back To Doing What Governments Should Be Doing!” And just what is that you may be asking. Well that’s just what the founding fathers laid out in the original documents. Protecting our Lives, our Liberties and our Property from loss due to force or fraud. That’s pretty much it. Period.
OMG! Another example of liberals’ love of stateism, where liberals believe that the state can solve all problems great and small. That when faced with any problem, they believe the government will always make the best decision for everyone involved.
Clearly Dr. Ludwig and Mr./Ms. Murtagh believe that these awful parents should be relieved of their parental rights because they are allowing their children to become obese. Why that’s tantamount to burning them with cigarettes or shoving bamboo splinters under their fingernails! These people can’t be trusted with the raising of the next generation of government funders, oh, wait a minute, I mean citizens.
We have so many examples of where government intervention has worked out so well, like the government’s taking over of the social welfare system. Now we have gone from churches and other community groups working to assist individuals to get back on their feet to a government system where sloth is rewarded. A system where now we literally have multiple generations of families in the welfare system. Why? Because they are rewarded for not working! They receive housing, food stamps, utilities, etc., etc. so long as they remain unemployed. And how do they increase their income from the government? They increase the size of their brood, that is, so long as they are not married. Thanks to such thoughtful programs as ADC and the like, the more kids they have out of wedlock, the more money they receive from the all powerful state. And where does this money come from, why straight from the pockets of those who don’t count on the government for their living.
Now I’m not saying the thought behind the program was evil, but as often is the case, the law of unintended consequences has reared its ugly head. As the saying goes, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”
Most liberal programs are well intended enough. But when you try and impose an un-natural one size fits all solution to a problem, it predictably goes horribly wrong.
Let’s take another look at the government thinking they can solve all manner of problems. Let’s consider the Corps of Engineers (CoE) and their flood abatement programs.
Before the CoE got involved with the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, they would regularly flood. The waters would disperse over thousands or millions of acres. Normally not to any great depth, but flood they would. Those who would inhabit the areas would build their homes above the levels the rivers would rise to. Then along came the government and the CoE. They built damns and levies all along the rivers and told the folks they could control the flooding. And the silly people believed them.
So of course they built in the areas that had formerly flooded, because they were told that these areas were safe now. Then the inevitable happens, mother nature has a high snow winter, or a heavy rain spring. More so than the government and the CoE planned for. All of the water that would have spread out over millions of acres gets penned up behind damns and kept channeled in between levies. Since the water was not allowed to spread out like it was intended to, the levels rise higher and higher until it eventually and inevitably does, it breaks down the damns or levies and comes rushing over the land. Not with the slow gradual rise of water as nature had planned but in a torrent, destroying all of the stuff that the government had told the citizens was safe. Not to the depth of inches as it naturally would have done had it been allowed to spread out, but rather to the depth of feet and yards. All thanks to government knowing better.
And here we see it again. A couple of liberals believing that government knows best. That the government should take over the raising of these children because their parents have allowed them to eat too much or the wrong things, and quite probably, many of them have done so using the food stamps they got from the government in the first place.
Well, I say, “Get The Hell Out Of Our Lives And Get Back To Doing What Governments Should Be Doing!” And just what is that you may be asking. Well that’s just what the founding fathers laid out in the original documents. Protecting our Lives, our Liberties and our Property from loss due to force or fraud. That’s pretty much it. Period.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Civic Minded Activist or Publicity Whore.....You Decide
Well now, here’s an interesting quandary. Women in Pittsburgh have apparently been faced with some hostility while breastfeeding in public settings. An art instructor at Carnegie Mellon University has decided upon a confrontational approach to dealing with this situation.
Ms. Jill Miller has decided to create an emergency response unit to come to a nursing mother’s aid when she is pressured while publicly nursing her child. This unit will consist of a refurbished ice cream truck with pictures of women nursing on the sides and a breast(s) on the roof. It will have an awning that will unfurl to offer shade as well as chairs that can be set out underneath as well as a comfortable interior if the mother would care for something a little more private. (This would seem a little oxymoronic since they had already been exposing their breast in public to start the whole cycle.)
The plan is, when a woman is harassed she would call for assistance and this garish truck would pull up outside of the establishment. Then a flash mob orchestrated through Twitter and/or Facebook would show up as well, in an attempt to make an even bigger scene. To quote Ms. Miller, “Thought the nursing mother created a spectacle? Meet ‘The Milk Truck’!”
The idea is, to make it more painful for the offending establishment to harass the nursing mother than it is to let her offend a few patrons and possibly the owners and staff.
In a way, I kind of like the idea.
Of course the business owners ought to have the right to control what goes on inside of their establishment. If they don’t want a woman exposing her breast, even if it is to feed her off spring, it ought to be the business’s right to ban such a practice. On the other hand they need to be aware that such actions might expose them to public protests which could lead to even larger embarrassments, such as ‘The Milk Truck’ setting up camp in front of their business.
My real question here is concerning Ms. Miller. When I first started reading this I thought, hey this is kind of a novel approach to addressing such a problem. As I read further I’ve come to consider the possibility that Ms. Miller may be motivated by a little more self-serving interest.
While she recounts that the ‘Milk Truck’ will provide the mother with a supportive place to nurse her child, it will coincidentally be part of an art exhibit at the Andy Warhol Museum. Additionally, it will be available for appearances at events (Lilith Fairs and the like, no doubt).
The more cynical side of me keeps whispering “She’s a self-promoting publicity whore who’s found a way to get her name in front of her target audience without any real cost to herself!”
I don’t know a single thing about Ms. Miller other than she teaches at a university and her area is art. But I would be willing to bet you dollars to donuts that she is a strident feminist socialist.
She is currently in the process of raising money from OTHER people that she can use to further a feminist agenda while elevating her status as a champion of feminist/liberal causes AND getting a piece of her work and her name in the Andy Warhol Museum.
Had this idea come from someone who was not an “artist”, but rather a frustrated mother with no art background, someone who just wanted to do something. Had it not been scheduled to appear at an art museum, or available for public appearances, I would probably feel differently. But as it stands, I’m going to have to stand with my cynical side.
I could be wrong, at which point I would owe Ms. Miller an apology. But I seriously doubt that will be necessary.
Ms. Jill Miller has decided to create an emergency response unit to come to a nursing mother’s aid when she is pressured while publicly nursing her child. This unit will consist of a refurbished ice cream truck with pictures of women nursing on the sides and a breast(s) on the roof. It will have an awning that will unfurl to offer shade as well as chairs that can be set out underneath as well as a comfortable interior if the mother would care for something a little more private. (This would seem a little oxymoronic since they had already been exposing their breast in public to start the whole cycle.)
The plan is, when a woman is harassed she would call for assistance and this garish truck would pull up outside of the establishment. Then a flash mob orchestrated through Twitter and/or Facebook would show up as well, in an attempt to make an even bigger scene. To quote Ms. Miller, “Thought the nursing mother created a spectacle? Meet ‘The Milk Truck’!”
The idea is, to make it more painful for the offending establishment to harass the nursing mother than it is to let her offend a few patrons and possibly the owners and staff.
In a way, I kind of like the idea.
Of course the business owners ought to have the right to control what goes on inside of their establishment. If they don’t want a woman exposing her breast, even if it is to feed her off spring, it ought to be the business’s right to ban such a practice. On the other hand they need to be aware that such actions might expose them to public protests which could lead to even larger embarrassments, such as ‘The Milk Truck’ setting up camp in front of their business.
My real question here is concerning Ms. Miller. When I first started reading this I thought, hey this is kind of a novel approach to addressing such a problem. As I read further I’ve come to consider the possibility that Ms. Miller may be motivated by a little more self-serving interest.
While she recounts that the ‘Milk Truck’ will provide the mother with a supportive place to nurse her child, it will coincidentally be part of an art exhibit at the Andy Warhol Museum. Additionally, it will be available for appearances at events (Lilith Fairs and the like, no doubt).
The more cynical side of me keeps whispering “She’s a self-promoting publicity whore who’s found a way to get her name in front of her target audience without any real cost to herself!”
I don’t know a single thing about Ms. Miller other than she teaches at a university and her area is art. But I would be willing to bet you dollars to donuts that she is a strident feminist socialist.
She is currently in the process of raising money from OTHER people that she can use to further a feminist agenda while elevating her status as a champion of feminist/liberal causes AND getting a piece of her work and her name in the Andy Warhol Museum.
Had this idea come from someone who was not an “artist”, but rather a frustrated mother with no art background, someone who just wanted to do something. Had it not been scheduled to appear at an art museum, or available for public appearances, I would probably feel differently. But as it stands, I’m going to have to stand with my cynical side.
I could be wrong, at which point I would owe Ms. Miller an apology. But I seriously doubt that will be necessary.
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Last US Citzen
I saw where in a soccer match over the weekend, the USA lost to Mexico 4 to 2. No big surprise there.
In the stadium, there were reportedly about 20,000 USA fans and 80,000 Mexico fans. Again, no big surprise. The surprising part, according to the article I read, was that the event was at the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles, California, USA. The Mexican team, in essence, played in front of a home crowd in a foreign country. (That IS making the assumption that Southern California is still part of the US.)
I’m not sure which is the real story here? Is it that more fans showed up for a foreign team than for the home country, or is it that thanks to our lax, some might say non-existent, border enforcement, we have ceded control of portion of our country?
Various groups and persons in this country have been trying to make soccer a major sport for over 30 years. I remember when the New York Cosmos brought Pele to America (1975) in order to boost American soccer into the big time. This trend has continued right up to and through David Beckham coming to Los Angeles in 2007. And still, soccer in America is on par with the WNBA. Something of a curiosity for most of the country with a few diehard fans.
Those who are in favor of the gentrification of America have been pushing hard for 30 plus years to have soccer replace football as the preeminent sport in the country. They’ve sponsored youth soccer programs all over the country and ramped up the “football is dangerous” rhetoric in order to push moms to enroll their kids in soccer. And yet, after all this time, it’s still a backwater curiosity in this country. The majority of folks don’t give a damn about soccer. For most the surprise isn’t that ONLY 20,000 fans showed up to root for the US, the big surprise is that they found 20,000 folks who were interested enough to show up and root for them at all.
I’m firmly convinced that most folks who show up to soccer games and pay good money to walk through the gates are either relatives or they just want to go watch some sports outside and the soccer game is the cheapest option. I am willing to bet you dollars to donuts that if you charged the same price to go to a soccer game that you do to go to a football game, you’d see about one third as many native born Americans sitting in the stands. That coupled with the fact that there isn’t any REAL football to watch at this time explains most of the folks from the US who are there.
Which brings us to the other possible story here. I wonder just how many of those Mexican fans could have produced a Green card or legitimate citizenship documentation. If ICE had been at the gates to the Rose Bowl, those 20,000 US fans may have been an overwhelming majority of those present.
With the past several presidents being unwilling to defend our borders, the southwestern United States has become a no-mans-land. No real overarching authority attempting to maintain our national sovereignty. And when a state steps up to fill the void, our current occupant of the Oval Office sides with a foreign country in bringing suit against them. They have created an open door policy so every criminal, drug dealer, etc. etc. that would like to try their hand in this country can just walk right in. And while southern California is a beautiful place, I actually lived there for a short while in the early 70’s, the flight out of there is starting to reach epidemic proportions. It’s starting to remind me of a bumper sticker I once saw which read “Would the last US citizen out of Miami please bring the flag?”
In the stadium, there were reportedly about 20,000 USA fans and 80,000 Mexico fans. Again, no big surprise. The surprising part, according to the article I read, was that the event was at the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles, California, USA. The Mexican team, in essence, played in front of a home crowd in a foreign country. (That IS making the assumption that Southern California is still part of the US.)
I’m not sure which is the real story here? Is it that more fans showed up for a foreign team than for the home country, or is it that thanks to our lax, some might say non-existent, border enforcement, we have ceded control of portion of our country?
Various groups and persons in this country have been trying to make soccer a major sport for over 30 years. I remember when the New York Cosmos brought Pele to America (1975) in order to boost American soccer into the big time. This trend has continued right up to and through David Beckham coming to Los Angeles in 2007. And still, soccer in America is on par with the WNBA. Something of a curiosity for most of the country with a few diehard fans.
Those who are in favor of the gentrification of America have been pushing hard for 30 plus years to have soccer replace football as the preeminent sport in the country. They’ve sponsored youth soccer programs all over the country and ramped up the “football is dangerous” rhetoric in order to push moms to enroll their kids in soccer. And yet, after all this time, it’s still a backwater curiosity in this country. The majority of folks don’t give a damn about soccer. For most the surprise isn’t that ONLY 20,000 fans showed up to root for the US, the big surprise is that they found 20,000 folks who were interested enough to show up and root for them at all.
I’m firmly convinced that most folks who show up to soccer games and pay good money to walk through the gates are either relatives or they just want to go watch some sports outside and the soccer game is the cheapest option. I am willing to bet you dollars to donuts that if you charged the same price to go to a soccer game that you do to go to a football game, you’d see about one third as many native born Americans sitting in the stands. That coupled with the fact that there isn’t any REAL football to watch at this time explains most of the folks from the US who are there.
Which brings us to the other possible story here. I wonder just how many of those Mexican fans could have produced a Green card or legitimate citizenship documentation. If ICE had been at the gates to the Rose Bowl, those 20,000 US fans may have been an overwhelming majority of those present.
With the past several presidents being unwilling to defend our borders, the southwestern United States has become a no-mans-land. No real overarching authority attempting to maintain our national sovereignty. And when a state steps up to fill the void, our current occupant of the Oval Office sides with a foreign country in bringing suit against them. They have created an open door policy so every criminal, drug dealer, etc. etc. that would like to try their hand in this country can just walk right in. And while southern California is a beautiful place, I actually lived there for a short while in the early 70’s, the flight out of there is starting to reach epidemic proportions. It’s starting to remind me of a bumper sticker I once saw which read “Would the last US citizen out of Miami please bring the flag?”
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Barack Obama, Pesident of ????
One really has to ask the question, just what effin’ country does our current Oval Office resident think he’s the president of? I mean really! Does he realize that he is the President of the United States of America?
I say this after looking at several of his recent actions. He and his minions, in secret, designed a socialistic medical plan for US citizens, then forced it down the county’s throat despite overwhelming protests by the citizenry. He took over two thirds of America’s auto production and proceeded to close hundreds of factory dealerships, despite the fact that many of them were profitable. (I don’t suppose the fact that nearly all of the closed dealerships had supported McCain/Palin had anything to do with the decision.) He has “apologized” for our past actions to every country he has come in contact with, never mind the fact that virtually the entire world would be speaking either German or Japanese if it weren’t for us. Never mind that we have shed American blood all over the globe for the past 100 years to help oppressed peoples, without colonizing one of them.
Within the last month he has, in essence, called for Israel (a country that has been one of our staunchest allies ever) to commit suicide by calling for them to return to their boarders that existed prior to the 1967 war. This war gave control of the Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula to the Israelis. These are essential to Israel’s ability to protect itself and its citizens. Without these lands, Israel’s sworn enemies have a HUGE tactical advantage over them. An advantage they wouldn’t hesitate to use.
Now I read that he has sided with such notables as Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua against our other great ally, Great Britain. To put it simply, he’s telling Great Britain they need to give up the Falklands Islands. Islands that they re-captured in 1982 after Argentina invaded and occupied them. The residents of the Falklands are British citizens and want to remain so. But our President feels it’s necessary to join these anti-American luminaries against our true allies. He and his have gone so far as to even refer to the Falklands as the “Malvinas” as Argentina calls them. A clear sign that he feels the British should give the islands up to the Argentinians.
It makes one wonder what he would do if Angela Merkel demanded that we give back New Mexico and California, which we won from Mexico during the Mexican American War of 1846-48. Most Americans would tell her to go pound sand and mind her own business. President Obiewan, I’m not so sure. (Actually, the whole California thing might not be that bad a plan. Let them deal with all those liberal weenies and all the debt they’ve incurred. It would also solve a significant percentage of the illegal immigration problem. It would repatriate them without moving a soul. Of course then we’d have to fence off Cali so they wouldn’t run away from Mexico again.)
I say this after looking at several of his recent actions. He and his minions, in secret, designed a socialistic medical plan for US citizens, then forced it down the county’s throat despite overwhelming protests by the citizenry. He took over two thirds of America’s auto production and proceeded to close hundreds of factory dealerships, despite the fact that many of them were profitable. (I don’t suppose the fact that nearly all of the closed dealerships had supported McCain/Palin had anything to do with the decision.) He has “apologized” for our past actions to every country he has come in contact with, never mind the fact that virtually the entire world would be speaking either German or Japanese if it weren’t for us. Never mind that we have shed American blood all over the globe for the past 100 years to help oppressed peoples, without colonizing one of them.
Within the last month he has, in essence, called for Israel (a country that has been one of our staunchest allies ever) to commit suicide by calling for them to return to their boarders that existed prior to the 1967 war. This war gave control of the Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula to the Israelis. These are essential to Israel’s ability to protect itself and its citizens. Without these lands, Israel’s sworn enemies have a HUGE tactical advantage over them. An advantage they wouldn’t hesitate to use.
Now I read that he has sided with such notables as Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua against our other great ally, Great Britain. To put it simply, he’s telling Great Britain they need to give up the Falklands Islands. Islands that they re-captured in 1982 after Argentina invaded and occupied them. The residents of the Falklands are British citizens and want to remain so. But our President feels it’s necessary to join these anti-American luminaries against our true allies. He and his have gone so far as to even refer to the Falklands as the “Malvinas” as Argentina calls them. A clear sign that he feels the British should give the islands up to the Argentinians.
It makes one wonder what he would do if Angela Merkel demanded that we give back New Mexico and California, which we won from Mexico during the Mexican American War of 1846-48. Most Americans would tell her to go pound sand and mind her own business. President Obiewan, I’m not so sure. (Actually, the whole California thing might not be that bad a plan. Let them deal with all those liberal weenies and all the debt they’ve incurred. It would also solve a significant percentage of the illegal immigration problem. It would repatriate them without moving a soul. Of course then we’d have to fence off Cali so they wouldn’t run away from Mexico again.)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
How A Progressive Thinks
And you were just saying to yourself, “Jeez, that Obama Administration hasn’t given any thought to how much I’m going to have to pay for my mandated health insurance!”
Well you couldn’t be any further from the truth, you uncaring money grubber you.
Why just the other day, President Obama’s Solicitor General, Neal Kumar Katyal, while responding to a Fourth Circuit Court judge’s query about what people who were concerned about how much they were going to have to pay, said if they didn’t like what they had to pay they could “just earn less”.
This was his actual response! You can just earn less!
And people wonder why this crowd can’t get our economy back on track.
But Hey, according to Gallup, 71% of Democrats are in favor of redistributing wealth. And as we all know, wealth is a zero sum game. For one person to gain in wealth, another must lose it. So if you just earn less, somebody else will get more. Right?..... No, wait a minute. That doesn’t seem right.
Wealth is created. Just because I make a dollar more doesn’t mean 100 people must make a penny less. The whole concept of limited wealth and one person’s collection of wealth keeps another from acquiring wealth is fallacious. And yet those who manipulate the masses through pandering to wealth envy continually sell that soap to those who are unwilling to accept the consequences of their choices and actions.
Our current administration has operated from that position from day one. They have pandered to their 71% and have tried to put more people into a position where they will envy those who are not believers in wealth redistribution. That they will want to take from those who have made the right decisions, who have chosen the correct path, who have been willing to risk the wealth they have in an effort to create more.
So Neal Katyal’s suggestion of “just earn less” is completely consistent with the belief system of those who wish to “level” the playing field. Code language for stealing from those who produce in order to reward those who don’t. “Just earn less” and we will reward you by taking care of that pesky insurance for you. Thus making you even more dependent on Big Brother.
These are the same people who want to raise the taxes on the producers. Not because they think it will raise more money, during the Obama campaign he even admitted that he knew it wouldn’t raise more money, but because it would allow for the leveling of income.
The real trouble with that whole concept seems to be that when you take the incentive from the producers (by taxing them into submission), everyone is hurt. Why, because it’s the producers who create the jobs for others to fill, thus creating wealth for more people. When they don’t have the incentive to create more wealth because it’s just going to be taken from them anyway, they stop. Then all those down stream from them are negatively affected. Those who work for them no longer have jobs, those who supply them no longer have a customer, those who sell their product no longer have a product to sell, those who would like to buy what they sell have to go elsewhere. And in our global economy, that usually means going to an off shore supplier, which then takes even more money out of the system.
Well you couldn’t be any further from the truth, you uncaring money grubber you.
Why just the other day, President Obama’s Solicitor General, Neal Kumar Katyal, while responding to a Fourth Circuit Court judge’s query about what people who were concerned about how much they were going to have to pay, said if they didn’t like what they had to pay they could “just earn less”.
This was his actual response! You can just earn less!
And people wonder why this crowd can’t get our economy back on track.
But Hey, according to Gallup, 71% of Democrats are in favor of redistributing wealth. And as we all know, wealth is a zero sum game. For one person to gain in wealth, another must lose it. So if you just earn less, somebody else will get more. Right?..... No, wait a minute. That doesn’t seem right.
Wealth is created. Just because I make a dollar more doesn’t mean 100 people must make a penny less. The whole concept of limited wealth and one person’s collection of wealth keeps another from acquiring wealth is fallacious. And yet those who manipulate the masses through pandering to wealth envy continually sell that soap to those who are unwilling to accept the consequences of their choices and actions.
Our current administration has operated from that position from day one. They have pandered to their 71% and have tried to put more people into a position where they will envy those who are not believers in wealth redistribution. That they will want to take from those who have made the right decisions, who have chosen the correct path, who have been willing to risk the wealth they have in an effort to create more.
So Neal Katyal’s suggestion of “just earn less” is completely consistent with the belief system of those who wish to “level” the playing field. Code language for stealing from those who produce in order to reward those who don’t. “Just earn less” and we will reward you by taking care of that pesky insurance for you. Thus making you even more dependent on Big Brother.
These are the same people who want to raise the taxes on the producers. Not because they think it will raise more money, during the Obama campaign he even admitted that he knew it wouldn’t raise more money, but because it would allow for the leveling of income.
The real trouble with that whole concept seems to be that when you take the incentive from the producers (by taxing them into submission), everyone is hurt. Why, because it’s the producers who create the jobs for others to fill, thus creating wealth for more people. When they don’t have the incentive to create more wealth because it’s just going to be taken from them anyway, they stop. Then all those down stream from them are negatively affected. Those who work for them no longer have jobs, those who supply them no longer have a customer, those who sell their product no longer have a product to sell, those who would like to buy what they sell have to go elsewhere. And in our global economy, that usually means going to an off shore supplier, which then takes even more money out of the system.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Guilty Is Guilty
Jared Loughner, the man who shot and killed 6 people in Arizona, including a six year old girl, this past January, has been held incompetent to stand trial. The court held that he was incapable of understanding what the consequences of the trial were to him.
This ruling, at the very least, sets up his defense lawyers for an innocent by reason of insanity plea. A plea that I believe should be removed from our legal system. I believe it should be replaced with something like "Guilty But Insane".
Many of you may feel that I'm making a fine semantical point. "What difference will it make if you end up saying he's insane either way?"
Well, I think it will make a lot of difference on a couple of levels. The first would be for the victims and their relatives. Something is just wrong when you judge a person who is clearly responsible as "innocent". It's like you are saying to those who have been harmed, "Just pretend it didn't happen, 'cause you know, they didn't know what they were doing."
By using the word "Guilty" I think you give the victims and their relatives a feeling of justice being done. The person who has caused their loss and pain has been identified and publicly held accountable. That has to help the healing process.
Secondly, by using the word "guilty", it would seem to open up worlds of sentencing options that "not guilty" takes off the table. If John Hinckley had been judged "guilty and insane", even if he became "cured" he would not have to be released, but could just be moved into a regular prison instead of a psych institute. He would not be being let out on weekend passes. He wouldn't have the possibility of being a fee man without an attempted murder conviction tagging along after him. This would remove many shysters incentive for trying to get their clearly guilty clients classified insane.
This would also remove the possibility of yet again having some psychiatrist say some psycho is sane and turning them back out into society. Leaving society exposed to the possibility of having a relapse and a return to their evil ways. Or the alternate possibility that someone beat the shrinks and only played being crazy, and now get out to return to their ways.
So I say it's time for "innocent by reason of insanity" to be retired. Let's admit that it was put in play by a bunch of bleeding heart liberals who felt bad about holding somebody responsible for their acts if they were crazy. I say if you did it, you're guilty! Sane or insane, you're guilty. Being a whack job doesn't make your victim any less injured or dead!
This ruling, at the very least, sets up his defense lawyers for an innocent by reason of insanity plea. A plea that I believe should be removed from our legal system. I believe it should be replaced with something like "Guilty But Insane".
Many of you may feel that I'm making a fine semantical point. "What difference will it make if you end up saying he's insane either way?"
Well, I think it will make a lot of difference on a couple of levels. The first would be for the victims and their relatives. Something is just wrong when you judge a person who is clearly responsible as "innocent". It's like you are saying to those who have been harmed, "Just pretend it didn't happen, 'cause you know, they didn't know what they were doing."
By using the word "Guilty" I think you give the victims and their relatives a feeling of justice being done. The person who has caused their loss and pain has been identified and publicly held accountable. That has to help the healing process.
Secondly, by using the word "guilty", it would seem to open up worlds of sentencing options that "not guilty" takes off the table. If John Hinckley had been judged "guilty and insane", even if he became "cured" he would not have to be released, but could just be moved into a regular prison instead of a psych institute. He would not be being let out on weekend passes. He wouldn't have the possibility of being a fee man without an attempted murder conviction tagging along after him. This would remove many shysters incentive for trying to get their clearly guilty clients classified insane.
This would also remove the possibility of yet again having some psychiatrist say some psycho is sane and turning them back out into society. Leaving society exposed to the possibility of having a relapse and a return to their evil ways. Or the alternate possibility that someone beat the shrinks and only played being crazy, and now get out to return to their ways.
So I say it's time for "innocent by reason of insanity" to be retired. Let's admit that it was put in play by a bunch of bleeding heart liberals who felt bad about holding somebody responsible for their acts if they were crazy. I say if you did it, you're guilty! Sane or insane, you're guilty. Being a whack job doesn't make your victim any less injured or dead!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Kudos To You Hillary
As I’m sure those of you who have followed my musings could easily extrapolate, I’m not a big Hillary Clinton supporter. Unlike the far left, I don’t see her as the “smartest woman in the world”. I would venture to say that her boss, the Socialist In Chief, isn’t really a big fan of hers either. I say without much fear of contradiction, Mr. Obama gave her the position of Sec. State, to keep her from actively working to set herself up for another run. I believe this is born out in the number of special envoys that he appointed to deal with the various hot spots while Hillary was left to deal with the already stable situations.
Having said that, I want to give Hillary props for her snubbing of that ass hat, Jimmy Carter. What a TOOL!
It’s hard to believe that a Naval Academy trained man could have turned out to be such a simp. He was, without a doubt, the worst president of the 20th Century. He was ineffectual in nearly everything he was involved with. His botched attempt to rescue the Tehran hostages turned out to be the centerpiece of his buffet of ineptitude. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Barack was elected in the 21st Century, so Jimmy will have to live on in infamy as the singularly worst president of his century, instead of having Barack as company.
Since Jimmy left office, he has proceeded to insert himself in situations around the globe where America would rather he not. He has been involved with certifying elections as valid in places like Venezuela, where they were grossly tainted. He has spoken out against Israel, one of our strongest and most loyal allies in the entire world. He has suborned our government’s efforts to control North Korea’s desires to develop and expand their nuclear weapons program. In short, he has continued to be an embarrassment to this country and has thwarted our efforts at every opportunity. He couldn’t just let it go that he was a total bust as a president. He had to continue to reduce America in the eyes of the world after he left office.
So when he and a group of other jelly livered ex-officials from around the world went to North Korea last month, Hillary refused to meet with them when they returned. Who’d a ‘thunk it? After Jimmy et.al. said such nice things about the US’s policy toward North Korea.
At a Seoul press conference on April 28 he said "to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related is really indeed a human rights violation." (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/05/17/state_department_snubs_the_elders)
The nerve of her! Refusing to see an ex-President of the country after he had just publicly accused us of committing a Human Rights Violation, how dare she?!?
I don’t say it often, but “GOOD ON YA’ HILLARY!”
Reportedly, when asked if she wanted to meet with Jimmy, she said “No” then paused a moment and came back with “HELL No!!!”
Now I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been proud of Hillary over the years, and this is one of them. Contrary to the way I normally feel about her actions, I fully support her position. Again I say “Good on ya’!” And the sooner Jimmy Carter ceases to be an embarrassment to this country, the better off we will all be.
Having said that, I want to give Hillary props for her snubbing of that ass hat, Jimmy Carter. What a TOOL!
It’s hard to believe that a Naval Academy trained man could have turned out to be such a simp. He was, without a doubt, the worst president of the 20th Century. He was ineffectual in nearly everything he was involved with. His botched attempt to rescue the Tehran hostages turned out to be the centerpiece of his buffet of ineptitude. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Barack was elected in the 21st Century, so Jimmy will have to live on in infamy as the singularly worst president of his century, instead of having Barack as company.
Since Jimmy left office, he has proceeded to insert himself in situations around the globe where America would rather he not. He has been involved with certifying elections as valid in places like Venezuela, where they were grossly tainted. He has spoken out against Israel, one of our strongest and most loyal allies in the entire world. He has suborned our government’s efforts to control North Korea’s desires to develop and expand their nuclear weapons program. In short, he has continued to be an embarrassment to this country and has thwarted our efforts at every opportunity. He couldn’t just let it go that he was a total bust as a president. He had to continue to reduce America in the eyes of the world after he left office.
So when he and a group of other jelly livered ex-officials from around the world went to North Korea last month, Hillary refused to meet with them when they returned. Who’d a ‘thunk it? After Jimmy et.al. said such nice things about the US’s policy toward North Korea.
At a Seoul press conference on April 28 he said "to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related is really indeed a human rights violation." (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/05/17/state_department_snubs_the_elders)
The nerve of her! Refusing to see an ex-President of the country after he had just publicly accused us of committing a Human Rights Violation, how dare she?!?
I don’t say it often, but “GOOD ON YA’ HILLARY!”
Reportedly, when asked if she wanted to meet with Jimmy, she said “No” then paused a moment and came back with “HELL No!!!”
Now I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been proud of Hillary over the years, and this is one of them. Contrary to the way I normally feel about her actions, I fully support her position. Again I say “Good on ya’!” And the sooner Jimmy Carter ceases to be an embarrassment to this country, the better off we will all be.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Watch What You Wish For
I’ve recently been reading where Christians in Egypt have been having real problems with radical Muslims. Over 50 churches have been closed. Christian businesses have been targeted for attacks. Christian women and girls have been attacked and raped. Yesterday, a Christian protest was attacked by a Muslim mob.
This would appear to be another case of “Watch What You Wish For Because You Just Might Get It”. I remember during the uprising to overthrow Mubarak, that the Christians were out there side by side with the Muslims and I thought to myself that this could easily come back to bite them on the butt. Knowing that the Muslim Brotherhood was one of the driving forces behind the uprising and that Iran was helping fan the flames, it was clear that this could easily go sideways for the Christians. And sure enough it has.
This is yet another example of how the enemy of my enemy isn’t necessarily my friend. We have been taught this lesson many times. The Soviets in WWII and the mujahidin when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan are two examples that quickly pop to mind.
In Egypt the Christians were duped into believing that this was a general uprising without an islamic factor being involved. When in reality, it was a completely islamic uprising to remove a politically moderate leader. The Iranian backed Muslim Brotherhood wanted Mubarak gone for several reasons. First and foremost, he had suppressed them, knowing full well that they were. Next, he was somewhat friendly with the US, the “great satin”. And finally, he recognized Israel’s right to exist and had signed and kept a peace agreement with them. Each reason by itself sufficient to draw radical islam’s ire, but a trifecta of all three gave the islamists a massive case of reflux. So of course, when the opportunity to remove him presented itself, they were quick to take advantage.
Please don’t mistake my comments above as meaning I think Mubarak was a good guy. He wasn’t! He was a brutal dictator in many ways. But he kept a lid on Egypt. He kept the radical islamic faction in check and allowed his country to move forward in relative tranquility.
Now what do they have? They have a bunch of Iranian backed radical islamists running rampant in the country. They are targeting Christians for subjugation or termination, and if given a free hand, that’s exactly what they will do. And to think that our administration, a Democratic one, didn’t learn the lesson from Iran when we helped Khomeini over throw the Shah (Jimmie Carter, another Democratic administration). Good ol’ Barak Hussein Obama and his Keystone Kops administration helped replace an administration that was friendly towards the US with one that will soon be violently against anything western. (Am I seeing a pattern???)
Once again, if you don’t learn from history, it will be happy to teach you the lesson again!
This would appear to be another case of “Watch What You Wish For Because You Just Might Get It”. I remember during the uprising to overthrow Mubarak, that the Christians were out there side by side with the Muslims and I thought to myself that this could easily come back to bite them on the butt. Knowing that the Muslim Brotherhood was one of the driving forces behind the uprising and that Iran was helping fan the flames, it was clear that this could easily go sideways for the Christians. And sure enough it has.
This is yet another example of how the enemy of my enemy isn’t necessarily my friend. We have been taught this lesson many times. The Soviets in WWII and the mujahidin when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan are two examples that quickly pop to mind.
In Egypt the Christians were duped into believing that this was a general uprising without an islamic factor being involved. When in reality, it was a completely islamic uprising to remove a politically moderate leader. The Iranian backed Muslim Brotherhood wanted Mubarak gone for several reasons. First and foremost, he had suppressed them, knowing full well that they were. Next, he was somewhat friendly with the US, the “great satin”. And finally, he recognized Israel’s right to exist and had signed and kept a peace agreement with them. Each reason by itself sufficient to draw radical islam’s ire, but a trifecta of all three gave the islamists a massive case of reflux. So of course, when the opportunity to remove him presented itself, they were quick to take advantage.
Please don’t mistake my comments above as meaning I think Mubarak was a good guy. He wasn’t! He was a brutal dictator in many ways. But he kept a lid on Egypt. He kept the radical islamic faction in check and allowed his country to move forward in relative tranquility.
Now what do they have? They have a bunch of Iranian backed radical islamists running rampant in the country. They are targeting Christians for subjugation or termination, and if given a free hand, that’s exactly what they will do. And to think that our administration, a Democratic one, didn’t learn the lesson from Iran when we helped Khomeini over throw the Shah (Jimmie Carter, another Democratic administration). Good ol’ Barak Hussein Obama and his Keystone Kops administration helped replace an administration that was friendly towards the US with one that will soon be violently against anything western. (Am I seeing a pattern???)
Once again, if you don’t learn from history, it will be happy to teach you the lesson again!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Time To Put The Adults In Charge
Well, well, well…. The Community-Organizer-In-Chief is back at it again. Showing how he and his chosen staff really don’t have a clue as to what was a major trigger in our current financial meltdown. Just what it was that caused the banking and mortgage system to implode. Either that or they are more interested in “social justice” than in the health of the country.
They are back to pressuring banks to give “sub-prime” loans (http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_20/b4228031594062.htm). How crazy is that? This is the policy developed and pushed by the liberals to force lending institutions to give home loans in particular and loans in general to folks who didn’t really qualify. This is how come banks wound up with so much bad debt and why the whole banking industry has had to be put on life support. Liberals continue to try to socially engineer our great society. A society that became great because it was, for the most part, left to develop on its own without governmental interference. A society that rewarded hard work and innovation. A society that allowed anyone with the ability and the drive to raise their level within our society, and by the same token, allowed those who were unwilling to put forth the effort to maintain or increase their level to slide backwards. A truly just system.
Our economy is struggling to right itself. Fighting to overcome the massive debt that the liberals have saddled us with through such mind numbingly stupid programs: as private industry bailouts, socialized medicine, cash for clunkers, and on and on and on. And now they start right back in with more of the same.
Clearly they have never heard “a sign of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result”! By this definition, our liberal legislators are, without a doubt, INSANE!!!!! And this after the last election where America clearly told the liberals “Enough All Ready”!
Note here I do not say Democrat, but rather I specifically choose the word “liberal”, for there are non-conservative Republicans, just as there are Democrats. It’s about time the adults took over our legislative process and put this country back on a financially stable course. Adults who don’t spend what they don’t have. Adults who don’t see the people as a cash cow to fund every crazy boondoggle one of their members can dream up. Adults who are willing to ask themselves “is this really a better expenditure of these peoples’ money then they would spend it on themselves?”
When this country puts a majority of folks in government who are ready, willing and able to do these things, then and only then will we truly stop the current slide into the abyss. God Help Us All if the adults don’t take over soon.
They are back to pressuring banks to give “sub-prime” loans (http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_20/b4228031594062.htm). How crazy is that? This is the policy developed and pushed by the liberals to force lending institutions to give home loans in particular and loans in general to folks who didn’t really qualify. This is how come banks wound up with so much bad debt and why the whole banking industry has had to be put on life support. Liberals continue to try to socially engineer our great society. A society that became great because it was, for the most part, left to develop on its own without governmental interference. A society that rewarded hard work and innovation. A society that allowed anyone with the ability and the drive to raise their level within our society, and by the same token, allowed those who were unwilling to put forth the effort to maintain or increase their level to slide backwards. A truly just system.
Our economy is struggling to right itself. Fighting to overcome the massive debt that the liberals have saddled us with through such mind numbingly stupid programs: as private industry bailouts, socialized medicine, cash for clunkers, and on and on and on. And now they start right back in with more of the same.
Clearly they have never heard “a sign of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result”! By this definition, our liberal legislators are, without a doubt, INSANE!!!!! And this after the last election where America clearly told the liberals “Enough All Ready”!
Note here I do not say Democrat, but rather I specifically choose the word “liberal”, for there are non-conservative Republicans, just as there are Democrats. It’s about time the adults took over our legislative process and put this country back on a financially stable course. Adults who don’t spend what they don’t have. Adults who don’t see the people as a cash cow to fund every crazy boondoggle one of their members can dream up. Adults who are willing to ask themselves “is this really a better expenditure of these peoples’ money then they would spend it on themselves?”
When this country puts a majority of folks in government who are ready, willing and able to do these things, then and only then will we truly stop the current slide into the abyss. God Help Us All if the adults don’t take over soon.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Muslim Rosa Parks
I now have a new hero (dare I say heroine?)! Her name is Sila Sahin. Sila is a Muslim actress in Germany. She is a star in a German Soap Opera “Good Times – Bad Times”. She was raised in Germany by her conservative Turkish parents.
To me, and I say this knowing I will receive howls of outrage from some hyphenated Americans who see everything through racially colored glasses, Sila Sahin may be the Muslim Rosa Parks. Sila is on the cover of the latest addition of the German Playboy magazine and the focus of at 12 page spread inside the covers.( http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3548816/Muslim-actress-causes-storm-after-posing-naked-for-Playboy-mag.html ) I’m sure you are saying to yourself, “What is the farmboy smoking? An actress/playboy model and Rosa Parks can’t possibly have anything in common.”
Well I say they do. Rosa Parks, by refusing to sit at the back of the bus stood up against a society’s repressive expectations. She refused to be cowed by societal expectations for a person of her ethnicity. She, with her actions, said these segregationist policies and beliefs are wrong and I will not submit to them. Rosa Parks did this in the face of a nation where she stood to be severely sanctioned, to the point where she faced death threats and other possible violence’s being visited upon her.
Sila Sahin, by posing in Playboy, is making a stand against the repressive norms of the increasingly tyrannical Muslim religion. One where women may not be seen in public without a man who is either their husband or a relative. A religious society that says a woman must dress in a manner that would expose no more than possibly their hands and their eyes, and not even that in some circles. A society that approves of “honor” killings of women who do not toe the proverbial Islamic line. Such as dressing in a non-Islamic manner, or dating outside of their religion, or acting to western.
Sila Sahin has already received multiple death threats. Her mother, who has lived under these repressive codes her entire life, has cut Sila off from the family. Yet she maintains. As she says, she is saying to Muslim girls, “We don’t have to live according to the rules imposed upon us.”
If that isn’t Rosa Parker like, I don’t know what is. Women’s groups and Human Rights groups should be coming out to support Sila in droves. And yet, I’ll wager you dollars to donuts that few if any will. Why, because she’s in Playboy, and god forbid they should support any woman who would “prostitute” themselves and be “exploited” by showing their body. Never mind the fact that she has done this of her own free will. But let’s face it, in their own way, the Women’s and Human Rights groups can be every bit as judgmental as the Islamists.
Well, I for one salute you Sila Sahin. I believe you are a brave an honorable woman. I’m sure you will have to put up with people saying you are just doing this for publicity and other vile things, but I support you. As the old Brits would say, “Bully for you!”
To me, and I say this knowing I will receive howls of outrage from some hyphenated Americans who see everything through racially colored glasses, Sila Sahin may be the Muslim Rosa Parks. Sila is on the cover of the latest addition of the German Playboy magazine and the focus of at 12 page spread inside the covers.( http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3548816/Muslim-actress-causes-storm-after-posing-naked-for-Playboy-mag.html ) I’m sure you are saying to yourself, “What is the farmboy smoking? An actress/playboy model and Rosa Parks can’t possibly have anything in common.”
Well I say they do. Rosa Parks, by refusing to sit at the back of the bus stood up against a society’s repressive expectations. She refused to be cowed by societal expectations for a person of her ethnicity. She, with her actions, said these segregationist policies and beliefs are wrong and I will not submit to them. Rosa Parks did this in the face of a nation where she stood to be severely sanctioned, to the point where she faced death threats and other possible violence’s being visited upon her.
Sila Sahin, by posing in Playboy, is making a stand against the repressive norms of the increasingly tyrannical Muslim religion. One where women may not be seen in public without a man who is either their husband or a relative. A religious society that says a woman must dress in a manner that would expose no more than possibly their hands and their eyes, and not even that in some circles. A society that approves of “honor” killings of women who do not toe the proverbial Islamic line. Such as dressing in a non-Islamic manner, or dating outside of their religion, or acting to western.
Sila Sahin has already received multiple death threats. Her mother, who has lived under these repressive codes her entire life, has cut Sila off from the family. Yet she maintains. As she says, she is saying to Muslim girls, “We don’t have to live according to the rules imposed upon us.”
If that isn’t Rosa Parker like, I don’t know what is. Women’s groups and Human Rights groups should be coming out to support Sila in droves. And yet, I’ll wager you dollars to donuts that few if any will. Why, because she’s in Playboy, and god forbid they should support any woman who would “prostitute” themselves and be “exploited” by showing their body. Never mind the fact that she has done this of her own free will. But let’s face it, in their own way, the Women’s and Human Rights groups can be every bit as judgmental as the Islamists.
Well, I for one salute you Sila Sahin. I believe you are a brave an honorable woman. I’m sure you will have to put up with people saying you are just doing this for publicity and other vile things, but I support you. As the old Brits would say, “Bully for you!”
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The New Teflon President
And they used to call Ronald Regan the Teflon President because they said nothing would stick to him. WOW! He’s nothing compared to the current occupier of the Oval Office. He’s making Ronnie look like a cast iron skillet instead of a Teflon coated frying pan.
Just take a look around. Gas prices through the roof, but does Obiwan get any of the blame. Of course not! He’s even taken a page from a Todd Snider song where he insightfully quips, “cause if you’re the one pointing the finger, no one looks at you!” Our ‘Let’s Make Jimmy Carter Look Like Not Such A Bad President After All’ President has called for an investigation of the Oil Companies and the speculators. Thus hoping that no one will shine a light into the black hole that is our current administration.
His EPA will not issue air quality permits to Shell Oil so they can drill off shore in Alaska. He has issued a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (of course that hasn’t kept China or Cuba from drilling there). They throw up every roadblock they can think of to obstruct oil development in the oil sands and oil shale in the western US. All of which would increase the supply and reduce our dependence on foreign oil and thus reduce the speculators reasons for guessing the supply will be jeopardized and driving up the price.
And yet the compliant sycophantic mainstream media obligingly continues to focus the public’s attention on Big Bad Oil and the oil speculators. I sometimes wonder if he isn’t looking to have a government takeover of the oil industry like Hugo, Mao and Stalin before him.
Then there is the deafening silence from the Anti-War left. It seemed that we couldn’t turn on the TV when GW was president without having to listen to some screed about the terrible imperialistic Americans imposing their will on the world. Now we still are fighting in all the same places plus the non-stick one has inserted us into Libya (without congressional approval, which GW got), GITMO is alive and well, we are preparing to sanction Syria, and we don’t hear a peep nor a sound from the Anti-War leftists to say nothing of the MSM.
The country is teetering on the brink of financial ruin, thanks in large part to his disastrous fiscal policies to “stimulate” the economy (with money we have had to borrow from China). Couple this with the terrible negative effect of Obama Care, which is such a deleterious influence that they have already been forced to issue more than a thousand waivers to companies, most of which are run by Obama backers. The housing market is a mess, in large part because they won’t let the market correct itself. But do we hear anything about these, of course not, unless you look into alternate sources for your news.
This list could go on indefinitely. They seem to be working harder and faster to dismantle this once great nation than one can report on. But does the blame land anywhere near the epicenter of this $hit storm that is the Obama Presidency? Not unless you look at the real “independent” media, the internet or Fox News.
Thank heavens the public seems to be starting to realize that the media is anything BUT independent. They are merely the propaganda organ of the left. Willing accomplices in the attempt to pull the liberal wool over the predominantly conservative countries eyes.
The alarm clock is ringing, let’s see how many folks wake up and take responsibility for themselves and what happens with this country. Another chance to show you are awake and attentive is coming up in November, 2012.
Just take a look around. Gas prices through the roof, but does Obiwan get any of the blame. Of course not! He’s even taken a page from a Todd Snider song where he insightfully quips, “cause if you’re the one pointing the finger, no one looks at you!” Our ‘Let’s Make Jimmy Carter Look Like Not Such A Bad President After All’ President has called for an investigation of the Oil Companies and the speculators. Thus hoping that no one will shine a light into the black hole that is our current administration.
His EPA will not issue air quality permits to Shell Oil so they can drill off shore in Alaska. He has issued a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (of course that hasn’t kept China or Cuba from drilling there). They throw up every roadblock they can think of to obstruct oil development in the oil sands and oil shale in the western US. All of which would increase the supply and reduce our dependence on foreign oil and thus reduce the speculators reasons for guessing the supply will be jeopardized and driving up the price.
And yet the compliant sycophantic mainstream media obligingly continues to focus the public’s attention on Big Bad Oil and the oil speculators. I sometimes wonder if he isn’t looking to have a government takeover of the oil industry like Hugo, Mao and Stalin before him.
Then there is the deafening silence from the Anti-War left. It seemed that we couldn’t turn on the TV when GW was president without having to listen to some screed about the terrible imperialistic Americans imposing their will on the world. Now we still are fighting in all the same places plus the non-stick one has inserted us into Libya (without congressional approval, which GW got), GITMO is alive and well, we are preparing to sanction Syria, and we don’t hear a peep nor a sound from the Anti-War leftists to say nothing of the MSM.
The country is teetering on the brink of financial ruin, thanks in large part to his disastrous fiscal policies to “stimulate” the economy (with money we have had to borrow from China). Couple this with the terrible negative effect of Obama Care, which is such a deleterious influence that they have already been forced to issue more than a thousand waivers to companies, most of which are run by Obama backers. The housing market is a mess, in large part because they won’t let the market correct itself. But do we hear anything about these, of course not, unless you look into alternate sources for your news.
This list could go on indefinitely. They seem to be working harder and faster to dismantle this once great nation than one can report on. But does the blame land anywhere near the epicenter of this $hit storm that is the Obama Presidency? Not unless you look at the real “independent” media, the internet or Fox News.
Thank heavens the public seems to be starting to realize that the media is anything BUT independent. They are merely the propaganda organ of the left. Willing accomplices in the attempt to pull the liberal wool over the predominantly conservative countries eyes.
The alarm clock is ringing, let’s see how many folks wake up and take responsibility for themselves and what happens with this country. Another chance to show you are awake and attentive is coming up in November, 2012.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Peaceful Religion My A$$!!!!!
Well I'll be damned if the religion of peace isn't at it once again!
We've all read about the horrible school shooting in Rio. The reports vary from 11 to 13 school children killed, execution style. Stood against a wall and shot in the head! Another 20+ students injured.
I can't imagine the anguish and grief the parents must be going through. No parent should ever have to bury their child, but to have to do so under these circumstances is beyond my ability to comprehend.
Now while you have certainly heard about the shooting, have you heard about the shooter's "religious" connections? Unless you are a regular visitor to the "Drudge Report" or Fox News, probably not. I speak, of course about the "peaceful" religion of islam. I do not capitalize its name on purpose. I find it to be neither a religion nor peaceful. The majority of it's practitioners may claim to not agree with the vile acts that many of their fellow believers perpetrate, but only a precious few speak out against their acts.
If islam were truly the peaceful religion they claim it to be, millions upon millions would not only speak out against these vicious animals, but they would be taking steps to prevent them from further acts. They would not only report their plots, they would work to stop them. They would rail against such violent mid-evil teachers/religious leaders as the blind cleric Omar Abdel-Rahman and Anwar al-Awlaki. They would cast them out and shun them. They should loudly and forcefully preach against such behavior, if they were as they claim, a peaceful religion.
But do we hear such condemnation? NO! We hear nothing of the sort.
It is for this reason that I do not accept islam as a religion! Until it starts forcefully advocating humane behavior between all people, no matter what their religious bent may be, islam will remain a barbaric cult in my opinion! It's "holy" sits and artifacts equivalent to Auschwitz and Nazi artifacts. It's practitioners should be given the same reverence you would give any full blown Nazi.
As long as world "leaders" continue the fiction of it being a "religion of peace" they will be de facto supporters of these mid-evil thugs!
It's time to call a spade a spade and start acting accordingly.
We've all read about the horrible school shooting in Rio. The reports vary from 11 to 13 school children killed, execution style. Stood against a wall and shot in the head! Another 20+ students injured.
I can't imagine the anguish and grief the parents must be going through. No parent should ever have to bury their child, but to have to do so under these circumstances is beyond my ability to comprehend.
Now while you have certainly heard about the shooting, have you heard about the shooter's "religious" connections? Unless you are a regular visitor to the "Drudge Report" or Fox News, probably not. I speak, of course about the "peaceful" religion of islam. I do not capitalize its name on purpose. I find it to be neither a religion nor peaceful. The majority of it's practitioners may claim to not agree with the vile acts that many of their fellow believers perpetrate, but only a precious few speak out against their acts.
If islam were truly the peaceful religion they claim it to be, millions upon millions would not only speak out against these vicious animals, but they would be taking steps to prevent them from further acts. They would not only report their plots, they would work to stop them. They would rail against such violent mid-evil teachers/religious leaders as the blind cleric Omar Abdel-Rahman and Anwar al-Awlaki. They would cast them out and shun them. They should loudly and forcefully preach against such behavior, if they were as they claim, a peaceful religion.
But do we hear such condemnation? NO! We hear nothing of the sort.
It is for this reason that I do not accept islam as a religion! Until it starts forcefully advocating humane behavior between all people, no matter what their religious bent may be, islam will remain a barbaric cult in my opinion! It's "holy" sits and artifacts equivalent to Auschwitz and Nazi artifacts. It's practitioners should be given the same reverence you would give any full blown Nazi.
As long as world "leaders" continue the fiction of it being a "religion of peace" they will be de facto supporters of these mid-evil thugs!
It's time to call a spade a spade and start acting accordingly.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Is The United States Of America Still A Sovereign Nation?
Is the United States of America still a sovereign state? I know on the surface this seems to be a silly question. But let me ask you to take a minute to think about this question. Before you start though I’d like you to consider a couple of things:
First, here’s what Wikipedia has to say about “sovereign states”:
The United Nations currently only requires that a sovereign state has an effective and independent government within a defined territory. According to current international law norms, states are only required to have an effective and independent system of government pursuant to a community within a defined territory.
For centuries past, the idea that a state could be sovereign was always connected to its ability to guarantee the best interests of its own citizens. Thus, if a state could not act in the best interests of its own citizens, it could not be thought of as a “sovereign” state. [emphasis added]
Next, what then is providing for the best interests of its citizens? As a Libertarian, I’d have to say (and you’ve heard me say this before) the job of government is to protect its citizens’ life, property and fortune from seizure by force or fraud. If a government does this, they’ve done a good days work and can cease any further actions. This would then allow the citizens to develop their own methods for meeting any other perceived needs.
Having staked out these two points, I ask you again, is the United States of America still a sovereign state?
That’s enough time.
I would have to say that the answer is “NO”. Any sovereign nation, including the under developed ones, protects their citizens from extra-territorial incursions by non-citizens who would then take from the citizens. The Greeks defended their citizens from the Persians, the Romans protected their citizens from the Goths, the Brits defended their citizens from the Nazis, etc., etc. Yet our government, whether run by Democrats or Republicans, has refused to secure our borders and has allowed a full scale invasion by illegals. This invasion has cost many lives which have been taken through violent crimes and/or acts such as drunk driving. It has enabled these illegals to take our citizens property through criminal force. It has allowed our citizens fortunes to be taken due to the diminution of property values because of crime perpetrated by illegals.
By failing to secure our borders, the government is also putting the citizenry at risk from attack by the islamic radicals who wish to destroy us. They have left the door open for easy access by enemy combatants. They, like the drug cartels, have nearly unimpeded access to our country. All because our “government” will not secure the border.
Why neither side will secure the border is open to debate. Maybe it’s because some businesses want access to cheap labor. Maybe it’s because some political parties want to increase a base that will be beholding to them. Maybe it’s something else altogether. From where I stand, it doesn’t make any difference.
In my opinion, our government is failing the citizenry of this country in the most basic of ways. It’s failing to protect our lives, property and fortune. It’s time we as citizens stop being lazy and investigate those who seek to become part of our state and federal
governments and vote only for those who truly wish to make us a sovereign nation once again.
Don’t listen to what they say they will do, political advertisements are NOT your friend! Look at what they have done in the past. The best predictor of future behavior is past performance.
Take responsibility for yourself! Get educated! Vote!
First, here’s what Wikipedia has to say about “sovereign states”:
The United Nations currently only requires that a sovereign state has an effective and independent government within a defined territory. According to current international law norms, states are only required to have an effective and independent system of government pursuant to a community within a defined territory.
For centuries past, the idea that a state could be sovereign was always connected to its ability to guarantee the best interests of its own citizens. Thus, if a state could not act in the best interests of its own citizens, it could not be thought of as a “sovereign” state. [emphasis added]
Next, what then is providing for the best interests of its citizens? As a Libertarian, I’d have to say (and you’ve heard me say this before) the job of government is to protect its citizens’ life, property and fortune from seizure by force or fraud. If a government does this, they’ve done a good days work and can cease any further actions. This would then allow the citizens to develop their own methods for meeting any other perceived needs.
Having staked out these two points, I ask you again, is the United States of America still a sovereign state?
That’s enough time.
I would have to say that the answer is “NO”. Any sovereign nation, including the under developed ones, protects their citizens from extra-territorial incursions by non-citizens who would then take from the citizens. The Greeks defended their citizens from the Persians, the Romans protected their citizens from the Goths, the Brits defended their citizens from the Nazis, etc., etc. Yet our government, whether run by Democrats or Republicans, has refused to secure our borders and has allowed a full scale invasion by illegals. This invasion has cost many lives which have been taken through violent crimes and/or acts such as drunk driving. It has enabled these illegals to take our citizens property through criminal force. It has allowed our citizens fortunes to be taken due to the diminution of property values because of crime perpetrated by illegals.
By failing to secure our borders, the government is also putting the citizenry at risk from attack by the islamic radicals who wish to destroy us. They have left the door open for easy access by enemy combatants. They, like the drug cartels, have nearly unimpeded access to our country. All because our “government” will not secure the border.
Why neither side will secure the border is open to debate. Maybe it’s because some businesses want access to cheap labor. Maybe it’s because some political parties want to increase a base that will be beholding to them. Maybe it’s something else altogether. From where I stand, it doesn’t make any difference.
In my opinion, our government is failing the citizenry of this country in the most basic of ways. It’s failing to protect our lives, property and fortune. It’s time we as citizens stop being lazy and investigate those who seek to become part of our state and federal
governments and vote only for those who truly wish to make us a sovereign nation once again.
Don’t listen to what they say they will do, political advertisements are NOT your friend! Look at what they have done in the past. The best predictor of future behavior is past performance.
Take responsibility for yourself! Get educated! Vote!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Don't Blame The Snake
Well, it’s started. Radical Islamists are starting the inevitable creep many of us believed would happen in Egypt, and will surely follow in all of these other countries currently experiencing Islamic unrest. Just this week the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has advocated “modesty police” (www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=215050). You remember those humanitarian groups. I believe it was a Saudi Arabian variant of the modesty police that wouldn’t let the young girls flee a burning dorm building because they were not fully covered, and thus were forced to burn to death.
This is all taking place after we supported the protests calling for Mubarak to leave, when we had no idea who was behind the uprising. Just like we are now doing in Libya. We’re lending support to rebels who are thoroughly infected with, if not completely organized and directed by, Islamic radicals.
Yes I know Mubarak was as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, but we were able to work with him to thwart groups like al-qaeda and the muslim brotherhood. Plus he also signed and kept a peace treaty with our only true friends in the middle east, Israel. Moammar Gadhafi is an evil SOB who has been a thorn in our side for decades, but we had, prior to our current administration taking office, cowed him into giving up his nuclear ambitions and sort of minding his own business. Now we’ve got Anwar Al-Awlaki crowing about the upsurge in Islamic fighters in Egypt and Libya. (You all remember Al-Awlaki, he’s the guy who had 9-11 guys in his mosque in the DC area. He had a relationship with the Ft. Hood shooter. He had some relationship to the Christmas Day bvd bomber.) You know that if Al-Awlaki is happy about what’s going on, it’s not in our best interest.
And yet, there we are, continuing to insert ourselves on the wrong side of these uprisings. (The truth be told, in many of these situations, there is NO right side to be on. We should just sit on our hands until things are sorted out, then go in and deal with the victor in whatever way is appropriate.)
But no, we get involved without knowing what is really involved and we get situations like what is going on in Egypt. Where one muslim brotherhood weird beard told the concerned Christian community “If the Christians want safety they should submit to the rule of God and be confident that the Islamic sharia will protect them.” Now if I was a Christian in Egypt I’d be shaking in my sandals at the thought of counting on sharia to protect me. I believe we all remember how some Islamic radicals interpreted sharia when it came to how Daniel Pearl should be treated. Why should they expect any better treatment?
As a matter of fact, Nagib Gibrail, a Coptic Christian attorney says “There are areas in Egypt where Christian girls can’t walk outside after 8:00 in the evening for fear of being kidnapped.”
WE, and by we I mean our current ill prepared and incompetent president and his far left administration, are partially to blame for this happening.
Remember folks, actions have consequences. When you vote for an inexperienced leader who showed he had radical leftist ties and NO experience in anything other than corrupt Chicago and Illinois politics, don’t blame him for what he does. It’s YOUR fault! To blame our current president for doing what he’s done is like taking a snake to bed with you and then blaming him for biting you. He’s just doing what he does. The signs were there. You should have paid better attention.
The only possible saving grace is there’s another election in 1 ½ years. You can take steps to correct your, or your neighbor’s error. As the Democrats say, “Vote early and vote often!”
This is all taking place after we supported the protests calling for Mubarak to leave, when we had no idea who was behind the uprising. Just like we are now doing in Libya. We’re lending support to rebels who are thoroughly infected with, if not completely organized and directed by, Islamic radicals.
Yes I know Mubarak was as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, but we were able to work with him to thwart groups like al-qaeda and the muslim brotherhood. Plus he also signed and kept a peace treaty with our only true friends in the middle east, Israel. Moammar Gadhafi is an evil SOB who has been a thorn in our side for decades, but we had, prior to our current administration taking office, cowed him into giving up his nuclear ambitions and sort of minding his own business. Now we’ve got Anwar Al-Awlaki crowing about the upsurge in Islamic fighters in Egypt and Libya. (You all remember Al-Awlaki, he’s the guy who had 9-11 guys in his mosque in the DC area. He had a relationship with the Ft. Hood shooter. He had some relationship to the Christmas Day bvd bomber.) You know that if Al-Awlaki is happy about what’s going on, it’s not in our best interest.
And yet, there we are, continuing to insert ourselves on the wrong side of these uprisings. (The truth be told, in many of these situations, there is NO right side to be on. We should just sit on our hands until things are sorted out, then go in and deal with the victor in whatever way is appropriate.)
But no, we get involved without knowing what is really involved and we get situations like what is going on in Egypt. Where one muslim brotherhood weird beard told the concerned Christian community “If the Christians want safety they should submit to the rule of God and be confident that the Islamic sharia will protect them.” Now if I was a Christian in Egypt I’d be shaking in my sandals at the thought of counting on sharia to protect me. I believe we all remember how some Islamic radicals interpreted sharia when it came to how Daniel Pearl should be treated. Why should they expect any better treatment?
As a matter of fact, Nagib Gibrail, a Coptic Christian attorney says “There are areas in Egypt where Christian girls can’t walk outside after 8:00 in the evening for fear of being kidnapped.”
WE, and by we I mean our current ill prepared and incompetent president and his far left administration, are partially to blame for this happening.
Remember folks, actions have consequences. When you vote for an inexperienced leader who showed he had radical leftist ties and NO experience in anything other than corrupt Chicago and Illinois politics, don’t blame him for what he does. It’s YOUR fault! To blame our current president for doing what he’s done is like taking a snake to bed with you and then blaming him for biting you. He’s just doing what he does. The signs were there. You should have paid better attention.
The only possible saving grace is there’s another election in 1 ½ years. You can take steps to correct your, or your neighbor’s error. As the Democrats say, “Vote early and vote often!”
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Intrusive Feds Are Increasing Consumer Food Costs ..... Again
The Feds are at it again. New regulations will require chain fast food restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, coffee shops, etc. to list the calories in their offerings. The Nanny State is “looking out for” us. I guess they feel that we are not capable of making any decisions without their help.
They seem to feel that if we just knew how many calories were in that cheeseburger we would choose to eat a salad instead. So they will force all of these various retailers to list the calories of their various offerings. Of course these listings don’t just happen. Someone has to calculate the calories of all these various things then signs have to be designed and printed and put up. None of these things happen for free. Each and every one of them costs money. And guess what. These companies will pass the cost on to you. So when you have to pay that extra nickel for your french fries, you can thank your Obama led pack of do-gooders. Ninety percent of which have never had anything to do with actually running a business, and thus don’t understand that when they make their various intrusive rulings that they are impacting the end users as much as the “evil” companies they are trying to punish.
They also seem to think that giving us this knowledge will change our behavior, as if we didn’t realize that a salad was less likely to make us fat than a cheeseburger and fries. How effing STUPID can these meddling government a$$holes be? Of course we knew the cheeseburger was less healthy than the salad! WE DIDN’T CARE! Your forcing the stores to put signs on them is going to do nothing but increase the cost to us and create more useless government jobs for more people to go out and check to make sure that companies are following these overbearing and intrusive rules.
Attention Big Government: Get Out Of My Personal LIfe, Get Out Of My Wallet, And Do What A Government Should Be Doing!
Protect My Life, My Property And My Wealth From Being Taken From Me
By Force Or Fraud!
That’s pretty much it for what the government should be doing. It is not their place to socially engineer what happens in the society.
As adults we should make our own decisions and live with the consequences of our actions. If I make a stupid decision, eat to much, get fat and die of a heart attack, to bad, so sad for me. The government need not be involved. If I make good decisions and earn lots of money, good for me, I get to enjoy the fruits of my good decision making. The government need not be involved. PERIOD END!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Dateline Treynor, IA…..WTF????
Come on Treynor, you’re better than this. I grew up with Treynor residents as friends and I hate to see you drawing national attention for something soooo stupid. I mean really, in this day and age, white supremacists are the best you could do for a make believe terrorist group to role play against? When was the last time white supremacists were in the news for a violent crime?
Now are there any other groups that pop to mind before you think of white supremacists? Oh, yeah, there are those Islamic fellows aren’t there. They’ve been involved in a few things recently haven’t they? Let’s recount just a few:
- 9/11
- The DC sniper
- The Arkansas recruiting station shooting
- The Fort Hood shooting
- The attempted bombing of Times Square
- The attempted bombing of NY subways
These are just to name a few that come to the top of my head, and yet you choose to make white supremacists the centerpiece of your terror response exercise?
This is one more case of political correctness run amok. It’s like our government’s unwillingness to call our fight a war on Islamic radicalism, and calling it a war on “terror”. That makes as much sense as saying we are going to have a war on tanks, or a war on flanking actions.
Terrorism is a tactic. A way of fighting. It makes NO sense to have a war on a tactic. We are not at war against a tactic. We are at war with radical islam which employees this tactic, but our government has been so kowtowed by the liberals that they don’t have enough gumption to even properly name our enemy. Radical islam!
How in the hell can we expect to defeat our enemy if we can’t even bring ourselves to properly name them?
The Treynor planners were worried about offending the muslims when they chose to make white supremacists the bad guys, figuring that white guys are the one group that you can still go ahead and defame without fear of retribution. Well I say “Shame On You!” exercise planners. You and all the others like you are the reason that America has become a laughing stock around the world.
It’s time we stop pussyfooting around and start calling a spade a spade and acting accordingly. When the mafia was a big problem, we looked at the Italian community because that’s where they were. When we have problems with biker gangs we investigate biker gang gathering places. We don’t stop every person riding a motorcycle because we are worried about offending, or looking like we are “profiling”.
What a crock! Profiling is what you do when you are trying to catch bad guys. Hell, profiling is what you do when you are searching for any type of person. When you want to hire a truck driver you don’t advertise on Public Radio, you advertise on a Country radio station. Because that’s what a lot of truck drivers listen to.
So come on Treynor, quite trying to be politically correct and use a more believable group of bad guys for your scenario. Make it Islamic Terrorists. Make it South American Narco-Terrorists. Make it something believable.
The sooner we stop worrying about bruising some group’s delicate feelings and start correctly naming our problems, the sooner we will be able to solve them.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Jim Jones vs islam
They keep telling us islam is a religion of peace, and yet we keep reading headlines like the one I read this morning. Israeli family murdered in their sleep, mother, father and three children, one of which was a baby, stabbed to death. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/12/us-palestinians-israel-violence-idUSTRE72B0B920110312 Once the news was made public, thousands of palestinians poured into the streets to celebrate.
Thousands of people celebrating the murder of 5 people in their sleep! http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4041106,00.html
These are not the acts of civilized people. It’s bad enough that a so called religion could produce individuals who could, through it’s rhetoric, justify the murder of five people in their sleep. But it also produced thousands of people who saw such a cowardly and dastardly deed as worthy of public celebration!
In no other belief system calling itself a religion currently practiced in the world today could I find language justifying the wanton murder of others. Every other belief system calling itself a religion that has a million of more adherents, advocates for a morally higher standard of behavior from its followers. Peace, understanding, the betterment of the world and the condition of those living in it. Generally, these are the trademarks of a modern religion.
Islam does not meet this standard. A significant portion of its adherents advocate murder of those who do not believe as they do. Not only do they advocate murder for non believers, they also advocate it as a course of action for their own who do not strictly follow all of their tenants. Such as stoning a woman to death who has been brutally raped by one of their own “religious” faithful.
This is not a religion in my book. This is a system of subjugation. A means of allowing the males of a certain group to justify doing what ever they want to those who oppose them. A system for keeping their women as chattel. A system equivalent to medieval serfdom where the lord of the land could do what ever he choose to those under him and could kill any who opposed him without fear of retribution from the system itself. The difference being that it only seems to take a pair of testicles to be a lord in this system.
If islam wants to be considered a legitimate religion by the rest of the world, all these practitioners I keep hearing about who are supposedly peaceful will have to stand up and forcefully call “bullshit” on the radicals in their midst. They will have to ostracize them. They will have to point them out and help stamp them out.
Until that day happens, islam is worse than Jim Jones to me. At least he only killed his own followers.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Michael Moore And The Noodle Boy
Many people question President Obama’s birth country. Other folks believe they were born into the wrong time. Michael Moore has clearly been born into the wrong political environment. He should have been born in Cuba or Communist China or the old Soviet Republic. It’s evident that he was never properly educated about how the American system works.
I just read one of his rants about rich people and their money. He told GRITtv’s (I know, I never heard of it either) Laura Flanders: "They're sitting on the money, they're using it for their own -- they're putting it someplace else with no interest in helping you with your life, with that money. We've allowed them to take that. That's not theirs, that's a national resource, that's ours. We all have this -- we all benefit from this or we all suffer as a result of not having it."
This sounds like the Wisconsin protester I heard yesterday. He was talking about needing to revolt because he worked at a noodle shop where the owner had the gall to tell them how they had to cook the noodles and when they had to come to work. He seems to think that because he is doing a job, he can do it anyway he wants and the owner should have no control over him or how he does it. As if the job would not exist without him.
What is wrong with these people? They act as if they owned the job. Noodle boy doesn’t seem to recognize that people come to the noodle shop knowing what the noodles will be like. They don’t come hoping to be surprised by some alternately prepared noodles. If noodle boy wants to make noodles a different way every day, he should start his own random noodle store. If people do go there and take random chance on whether the noodles are going to be edible then he will have a successful business of his own.
The point that neither Michael Moore nor noodle boy seem to understand is that without the owner, the job would not exist for them to complain about. Michael Moore seems to resent the real owner of the job making money. He wants to lay claim to the money generated by the job he created. But Michael Moore and his ilk were not there risking their money in the startup of the business that created the job that created the money.
I would be bet you that if I took Michael Moore or noodle boy to Las Vegas and asked them to put their money in a slot machine and then told them they had to share their winnings with me, they would tell me to go eff off. I feel certain they would tell me it was their money and their risk putting the money in the slot machine and that I had no call on any monies they generated from that act. And yet they seem to think that the monies derived from a business should be shared equally by all.
Somehow I don’t think either of our hero’s would be jumping to the front of the line to give the business owner their money if the business he started failed. And yet there they are laying claim to monies and jobs they had no part in creating. If the business owner let noodle boy cook noodles however he wanted and the business lost money, do you suppose noodle boy would kick in money from his own pocket to keep the business operating? I think we both know the answer to that question.
Without the reward part of the risk/reward paradigm, there is no incentive for the risk. But these mental midgets don’t seem to be able to think any further than the next guys bank account.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Unions & The Media vs The Citizenry
Have unions and the main stream media finally jumped the shark?
Wisconsin has brought the issue front and center so all Americans can see where the lines of interest are drawn. We have a state that is in financial trouble. The residents of the state elect a governor who had a plan for addressing this issue, a plan that he had outlined during the election process. Not only did the citizenry of the state elect the governor, they also elected enough likeminded legislators to institute the plan. This plan, as I understand it removes state unions ability to negotiate for benefits other than pay. It will also require them to contribute to their health benefits and retirement plans. Oh The Horror!
My Gawd!!! How could they possibly ask these employees to help pay for their health care and their retirement like normal people do? The injustice of it all!
Oh! Wait! This is still a free country isn’t it?
If these folks think they are not getting a good deal, they are free to leave Wisconsin and go to someplace where they can get a better deal.
They seem to have gotten the mistaken idea that they have some “right” to health care. I’m sorry, but employer supplied health care came about as an incentive to draw employees to a company. The employer must evaluate how much they can afford, above what they will pay in salary, and then put together an incentive they hope will draw the employees they are seeking.
The job does not belong to the employee. The job belongs to the employer. The employer determines the value of that job to them and then determines what part of their available finances they can target to getting that job done. In this case, the job belongs to the citizens of the state of Wisconsin. They have determined that the job they have is not worth the amount they are currently paying to have the job done. That is why they fired (elected other representatives) the folks who had decided to pay these amounts for the job. The citizenry realized the relationship between the Democrats and the unions was an incestuous one. They saw how the unions supported the Democrats, who gave the unions sweetheart deals, who then increased the amount of dues the unions could collect from their members and then could support the Democrats in their election campaigns.
It was clear to the majority of the citizenry of Wisconsin that the Democrats were more interested in supporting the unions than in doing the right thing for the state of Wisconsin. This is why the Democrats were turned out in the last election. Even in a liberal state like Wisconsin.
And what do we find as we look at the majority of the coverage we see in the media? At least from what I’ve seen, the majority of it belittles the employer (elected officials of the state) for trying to be fiscally responsible and trying to do what is best for their stockholders (the citizens of the state).
I’m wondering if maybe the unions and the media have finally overstepped their bounds. They have finally shown their colors, in that they are more interested in their socialist agendas than they are about the citizens of this country.
Only time will tell.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Universities vs Free Speech
Yet again one of the nations “leading” universities (Columbia) has stepped forward and shown their commitment to fostering the open exchange of ideas in an accepting and safe environment. An environment where everyone can posit their ideas and have them accepted as valid points of view for civil discussion amongst all. That is, of course, so long as your thoughts and ideas don’t run contrary to those of the entrenched elitist left.
Currently there is an effort to bring ROTC back to Columbia’s campus. Open hearings are taking place where individuals are able to make their case either for or against its return. Of course, in an esteemed bastion of liberal thinking where all points are to receive their hearing in an open and unbiased atmosphere, you know you will be able to hear both the pro and the con in a civil setting. Right?
Yet again, the left is only interested in people being able to freely express their opinions in an unbiased setting so long as it is a liberal opinion. Case in point, I bring you Anthony Maschek, a 28 year old freshman who rose to speak. He was laughed at, jeered, heckled, and called a racist for supporting the return of ROTC to Columbia’s campus.
Now you really need to understand who Anthony Maschek is. He is an Iraq war veteran. He received the Purple Heart for wounds he received there. He spent two years in Walter Reed Army Hospital recovering from 11 gunshot wounds he received in a firefight. Both of his legs were broke as well as receiving injuries to his abdomen and chest. Anthony Maschek is a HERO, and these spineless little jellyfish have the temerity to heckle and jeer this man as he tries to make his point for the reintroduction of ROTC to Columbia’s campus.
He told the assembled audience "It doesn't matter how you feel about the war. It doesn't matter how you feel about fighting. There are bad men out there plotting to kill you."
In the city where 3000 of these whiney little ingrates fellow citizens were killed by just such bad men, they laughed at and jeered this man who risked his life and suffered bodily injury to protect them from just such men. And this is the way one of our exalted institutions of higher learning has taught them to value the exchange of ideas? Their parents should demand their money back and tell their little larvae to get their pampered butts out into the real world and see how life really is.
The professoriate should no longer be allowed to be an incestuous breeding ground for democratic hating 60’s hippie refugees and their intellectual offspring. I believe that we should institute a hiring rule that before someone can be hired into a college or university in a teaching position, they must first have spent a minimum of 10 years working in a nonacademic setting. I believe that if this were instituted there would be a drastic diminution of instructors advocating positions and ideas that run contrary to the American ethos.
No, I do not want their ideas banned from college campuses. I believe that all ideas deserve a free, fair and open hearing. I just hope for there to be a semi level playing field for this exchange to take place. Not the current climate where the left attempts to brow beat and intimidate the right into submission. One where a war hero who has risked his life and limb for the others freedom, has to put up with being called names and laughed at.
That would be my idea of a college or university that deserved to be called an “institution of higher learning”. One that truly encouraged the free exchange of thoughts and ideas, not the regimentation of thought down any one path.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A Curious Question Of Why?
OK, let me start off saying I’m not a middle east expert or even close, just an old midwestern farmboy, but I’ve been trying to keep an eye on what’s happening in the middle east and I must say, it doesn’t look good.
First Tunisia has a “popular” revolt and it’s government is overthrown. Next Egypt goes down like the Hindenburg. Now Libya is in revolt and the 30 year pretender Kadaffi is firing live rounds on his populace. This after he came to power through revolt. (I must admit there appears to be some symmetry in that.) Bahrain is dealing with uprisings as are Yemen and Jordan. And to add the cherry to the top this little crazy sunday, Iran is having riots as well.
The whole middle east seems to be preparing to explode. From the look of it, with the out layers being Iran and Libya, all of these countries are marginally friendly to the US and not overly aggressive to Israel. If I were to hazard a guess, I would guess that Iran was behind most of these uprisings. I believe they have seen some unrest within the people and have fomented these revolts through organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood. They just didn’t expect the worm to turn on them. The revolt fever has come back and struck at home. Aquavelvajad and the mullahs are now facing a real challenge from pro western forces. Forces who don’t care to be ruled by the weird beards any more.
So what has allowed this to take place? My guess is that our taking Saddam down in Iraq and allowing for a democratic government to take hold has removed a tether that had formerly been on Iran. Prior to the fall of Saddam, Iraq and Iran seemed to be waging a war on who was to become the nominal leader in the middle east. Both had visions of grander. Seeing themselves as the leader of all islam. As they were involved in a shooting war with Iraq, Iran could not turn it’s focus outward. When we removed Saddam from the equation, this allowed the weird beards of Iran to think they had a free hand to take over leadership of all the islamic lands and spread jihad throughout the world. You can see this by the role played by the Muslim Brotherhood and who is backing them. You can already here them calling for war against Israel. In another move to try and start this, Iran is increasing the level of provocation by sending war ships through the Suez Canal. This is a clear attempt to goad Israel into doing something they could use as justification for an attack as well as a rallying point for all the muslims.
Watching all of this take place I have to wonder why it is that our current president was so quick to jump in and tell the Egyptian leaders they need to go and that we are on the side of the protesters, while we are curiously silent on what is going on in Iran. In Egypt the Iranian backed Muslim Brotherhood is clearly pulling strings behind the scenes, while publicly calling for war against Israel.
On the other hand, in Iran we have a pro western uprising taking place, and for the second time in as many years we are about as outspoken as a mouse at a cat convention. I gotta as “Why”? Why is it that our administration is so quick to speak up for those who are clearly our enemies and so reticent to speak out and support those who would be our friends?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Mr President, Who's Your Number One? US or UN?
To those lonely few of you who read me on a regular basis, I apologize for the lag in posts this past week. It’s been a little hectic lately.
Looking over the headlines this morning I see where the President is starting on a campaign to strengthen the UN. Well isn’t that just like him.
The UN being one of the most Anti US organizations around and our President, who is sworn to protect the US, wants to strengthen it. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
Clearly another move toward weakening the US in order to move closer to a one world government. Why else would the sworn top defender of the US propose strengthening an organization that takes our money and supplies, repackages them to say it’s coming from the UN, then distributes it while belittling the US and working to undermine us at every turn? This is the same organization that puts countries like Iran and Libya on women’s and humans rights councils. This is the organization that sends “peace keeping” troupes into war torn countries and then turns a blind eye as they rape women and children. This is the organization that has been shown to have been in collusion with Saddam Hussain in defrauding and misappropriating the resources meant to assist the Iraqi people in the oil for food program.
What could possibly go wrong from the US perspective by strengthening such an organization?
And how does the top defender of the US plan to sell us this bill of goods? He’s going to say that we need to build up the UN because if we starve it out of existence, people will look to us to be the arbiter in all these world situations. Well the truth be told, folks who really are looking for a fair shake in these troubled areas will still look to the US, knowing full well that nothing good will come from the UN being involved.
Personally, I think we ought to kick the UN out of the US. Maybe take an old aircraft carrier, strip all the military stuff out of it and then give it to the UN for their new headquarters. From that point on we would withdraw from the organization and they can do what ever they want. They could float around where ever they want, the reps could fly out to it, and they could do and say what ever they want with all the funds (or lack there of) they get from their members.
If we felt the need for some organization that really operated for the good of the world, we could help sponsor a new organization that wasn’t out for our destruction or diminution. Then when folks were really in need you would see who they turned to, the UN with it’s socialistic leanings and anti democratic agenda, or to a real organization dedicated to the betterment of the world.
Just a thought.
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